Ungrim Ironfist (WAR Lore)  

Warhammer Online

Ungrim is a Dwarf and the last in the line of the "Slayer Kings of Karak Kadrin". The line of the Slayer Kings originated in the distant past when the ancestor of the present king, Baragor, suffered a great loss which drove him to take the oath of the Slayers.

This put him in the position of having two mutually exclusive responsibilities. On one hand that of a king to watch over and protect his people and on the other that of a Slayer to seek out death in combat. As a compromise he remained King but founded a haven for the Slayers in the form of a shrine to Grimnir in Karak Kadrin. This made Karak Kadrin the home of the Slayer Cult but King Baragor had still not fulfilled the Slayer oath when he died. This made his son heir to the Kingdom and the Slayer oath and Dargo become the second Slayer King. This has continued down to Baragor's five times great grandson Ungrim Ironfist.

Categories: WAR Lore | Warhammer Online
This page last modified 2009-09-28 12:09:10.