WAR Career:White Lion  

Alliance Order / High Elves / Shining Guard
Race High Elf
Gender Either
Archetype DPS
Specialties War Lions
  • Light durable breastplate and mail armor, draped with hides
  • Graceful engraved High Elven woodsman axes

Lore and Description
The Elves of northern kingdoms are a hardy folk, self sufficient; they live in the wilds of the northernmost coast of Ulthuan. The land of Chrace is a bulwark against invasion and her hunters prowl the woodlands for Dark Elf raiding parties, spies and assassins. It was one such hunting party that saved Caledor the First from certain doom at the hand of an assassin's blade. These hunters became known as "White Lions". A name taken for their fierceness and courage in battle, and the pelts earned by slaying a great White Lion in single combat. Deeply attuned to the natural world the Chracian hunter do not kill the white lions out of hand, and the greatest of their order have been known to raise a cub into a powerful War Lion trained to savage their foes on the field of battle.

Actions Morale Tactics
For the Tome of Knowledge Bestiary entry for this career, see High Elf, White Lion.

"Do not be deceived by the rugged beauty of Chrace, for behind that serene mask lies a beast like none other. No, no I speak not of the War Lion but of its White Lion master whose will can bring such a beast to heel!"

- Kitharl Woodwalker, Huntsman of Chrace

Contents [hide]


Playing a White Lion is all about synergy between the hunter and his savage beast. Both the White lion and the War lion are strong individual fighters, however it is when they work together that they truly become a fearsome foe. Through careful training the White Lions of Chrace train a War Lion up from a cub, hunter and beast learning and growing together. How your charge is trained is up to the individual; some may train their lion to stand side by side with them on the field of battle taking down multiple foes in a flurry of axe and claw. Some War Lions are trained to be savage fighters, drawing attention away from the White Lion and his allies so they can strike an opponent's undefended flanks. Particularly courageous White Lions stride into battle, drawing attention to themselves while their feline partner lies in the shadows ready to leap from behind!

War Lions

While the vast majority of White Lions serve in the Phoenix King's honor guard, there is a smaller subset of hunters more in tune with nature who take onto themselves the responsibility of fostering the War Lions of Chrace. A lion cub would doubtless become a savage and deadly beast if left in the wild, but with expert care a young white lion can become as loyal as a Griffon. Reared with a firm hand and tenderness these "tame" white lions swiftly form a bond with the Chracian hunter that fosters them. Fiercely protective of their masters and their adopted pride, these lions are thereafter known as "War Lions" for they make formidable weapons on the battlefield.

Elder War Lions are a menace on the field of battle, pulling powerful chariots that carry the White Lions into battle. Younger, less experienced War Lions accompany their masters into battle where the hunter can keep a close eye on the beast, training it in the art of war. Woe to the foe who stumbles upon a stalking hunter and his lion! For them death is inevitable, the only question is will it be by axe or by claw?


Path Of the Hunter

White Lions who choose the path of the Hunter embrace the ways of the wild and fight shoulder to shoulder with their War Lion. The two stride into battle side by side in a balanced assault that is capable of spreading damage around to multiple targets with ease. This path requires the least amount of Master & Pet coordination so damage against a single foe is lessened.

Path of the Axeman

White Lions who choose this path focus on the Mastery of their fine woodsman axes, preferring instead to use their lions as distractions as they approach from the side or Rear. The path of the Axeman requires good coordination with your War Lion or your group members so you can be allowed to strike from an unguarded flank.

Path of the Guardian

White Lions who choose this path focus on diverting attention from their War Lion or Group members so that they can do maximum damage. The path of the guardian does not directly increase the White Lion's own defenses significantly but focuses more on reducing his opponents damage output and distracting them from the War Lion or individual group mates.

This page last modified 2008-08-22 17:54:47.