WAR Career:Zealot  

Alliance Destruction / Chaos / The Raven Host
Race Barbarian
Gender Either
Archetype Support/caster hybrid
Specialties Tzeentchian shamanism
  • Essentially unarmored, in heavy robes and other ritual vestments and regalia
  • Wields sacrificial daggers and other wicked instruments of pain.
  • Carries many talismans, fetishes, and other occult paraphernalia about his person

Lore and Description
Many are the followers of Chaos: Warriors, Sorcerers, Shamans and Cultists are only a few of those who dedicate themselves to the Dark Gods. Another follower of these foul gods is the Zealot. The Zealot is similar in appearance to a cultist yet much more powerful. While a cultist worships Chaos in the hopes of being gifted with a sliver of power or a slight mutation, the Zealot wields the powers of Tzeentch in a unique way unattainable even by the great Magi.

The Zealot's power comes from a more primal source. Tzeentchian totems, rituals and shamanistic practices are all used to sustain the loyal followers of Chaos while slaying the weak southerners and their worthless allies.

Actions Morale Tactics
For the Tome of Knowledge Bestiary entry for this career, see Chaos, Zealot.


The Zealot is a fanatical orator, intent on spreading the glory of the Raven God throughout the land and serving the will of the Great Changer. Draped with ritual vestments and tools of sacrifice, the Zealot can imbue various talismans and potions with the primordial power of Chaos. These items become potent magical conduits through which he can mend wounds, enhance his allies, and plague his enemies with unholy scourges.


Zealots are some of the few mortals ho can call forth a Mark of Tzeentch upon living flesh, branding their allies as sanctified soldiers of the Change of Ways. These Marks will not only bolster their holders far beyond normal human limitations, but also serve as direct conduits to the powers of Tzeentch himself, allowing their bearers to gain entirely new abilities. A Zealot can also desecrate a patch of land with a Dark Rituals & Rites, marking that spot as claimed by Tzeentch and crippling any unbelievers who dare tread upon it.


Path of Alchemy

    The Path of Alchemy is the Zealot's primary healing mastery. A specialist in Alchemy will become a mighty healer, capable of mending the most grievous wounds and ensuring that Tzeentch's armies live to see their enemies fall before them. While a player who selects this Mastery may not necessarily gain the most powerful offensive capabilities, they will have absolutely no problems finding allies to protect them and do their bidding.

Path of Ritual

    The Path of Rituals is focused on warping the entire balance of power across a battlefield, skewing the fight to bring about the inevitable triumph of Tzeentch's followers. They are just as proficient at enhancing their allies as they are at stunting their enemies - and, in fact, can do both at the same time.

Path of Witchcraft

    The Path of Witchcraft is for a Zealot who chooses to make himself into a talon of Tzeentch, reaching out to slaughter his enemies through magical attacks. These manifest themselves as deadly portents of chaos. Flocks of shrieking ravens may fall upon a Zealot's foe to consume their flesh, or strange demonic manifestations may appear out of thin air to lash at his foes.

This page last modified 2008-11-18 12:17:45.