Warrior (Rift)  

Weapons, tactics, and combat are the mainstays of a Warrior's life. Both the barbarian raiding a village and the knight commanding a column of troops adhere to the tenets of discipline, personal combat, and martial training. Every Warrior knows how to fight in close quarters, to take a blow and deliver a mortal wound in return. As the elemental forces have closed around Telara, a growing number of Warriors have incorporated magical techniques into their martial styles.

Warriors excel as lone combatants or within a larger force, depending upon what fighting styles they have mastered or choose to employ. Warriors as a Calling have no shared ethos or background, but their training, mastery of weapons, and enduring nature unite them in spirit. The noble barbarian and corrupt knight meet as equals on the battlefield.


During Gameplay you have the opprotunity to aquire more souls to use in your Soul Attunment system. Some of them in detail are as follows

Ability Rank Chart - ZAM Rift Database List - Soul Calculator
Ability Rank Chart - ZAM Rift Database List - Soul Calculator
Ability Rank Chart - ZAM Rift Database List - Soul Calculator
Ability Rank Chart - ZAM Rift Database List - Soul Calculator
Ability Rank Chart - ZAM Rift Database List - Soul Calculator
Ability Rank Chart - ZAM Rift Database List - Soul Calculator
Ability Rank Chart - ZAM Rift Database List - Soul Calculator
Ability Rank Chart - ZAM Rift Database List - Soul Calculator
Ability Rank Chart - ZAM Rift Database List - Soul Calculator


Meridian - Tomas Urnhill Sanctum - Regina Penthe
Freemarch: Ark of the Ascended - Thera Cor Silverwood: Sanguine Shores - Lilith Shemerson
Freemarch: King's Retreat - Toria Stevens Silverwood: Argent Glade - Relin Fittle
Freemarch: Kelari Refuge - Deenak Burghon Gloamwood: Gloamwood Pines - Sergeant Hobbs
Freemarch: Denegar's Stand - Lise Stone

Scarwood Reach: Perspice - Dersun Bane
Iron Pine Peak: The Chancel of Labors - Spalamala
Shimmersand: Fortune's Shore - Kedarik


Front-line combatants without peer, Warriors reliably make up the core of any fighting force. These hardened and disciplined fighters seldom falter, and can be counted on to protect those weaker than themselves. But virtue is not a defining characteristic. Many Warriors conceal sinister motives, every battle a chance to slake their bloodlust.

A Warrior knows that the key to victory is to outlast one's foe, carefully waiting for the opportune moment to mount a devastating assault. To this end, Warriors will spend decades training their bodies, building up a reservoir of power to see them through any fight.

Calling Class DPS HEAL TANK ENHANCE PET Combat Type
Melee DPS
Melee Tanking
Melee Tanking
Melee DPS
Void Knight
Melee Tanking
Melee DPS
Melee DPS
Melee DPS
Ranged DPS
Vindicator PvP

Play Mechanics

The Warrior does not use mana. Instead he uses something called energy, which might remind you of stamina in other games. Energy replenishes much quicker than mana. Another interesting mechanic the warrior has are the action points. Action points are displayed as crossed swords under your health bar, the max amount of action points a warrior can have is 3. Certain abilities will give the warrior action points when used, and other abilities will consume action points. The efficiency of abilities that consume action points is based on how many action points a warrior has stacked. Using a finisher move when you have 3 points will be much more effective then using it when you have 1 point. Action points will remain unless the warrior chooses to use an ability that consumes them.


Warriors are melee fighters who rely on heavy plate armor for protection as they close with their opponents. Many augment their armor with large, sturdy shields built to deflect even the fiercest blow. Others forgo this extra protection, wielding massive axes, swords, and glaives to cut a swath through their enemies.

As your power grows, you will discover sets of equipment that go together. Some of these sets (Battlegear) have a synergy with other items of the same set which make the whole of the set greater than the sum of its parts.

Set NamePiecesCrafted BySet Bonuses
Greathelm of GrandeurArmorsmithnone
The WallArmorsmithnone
Weight of the WorldArmorsmithnone
Divine DefenderWeaponsmithnone
Blood-Forged Battlegear
(Raid T1 DPS)
Blood-Forged CuirassArmorsmith (2): Increases Endurance by 20.
(3): Increases Attack Power by 20.
(4): Grants a chance for your damaging Abilities to deal an additional 150 to 220 Air damage.
Blood-Forged PauldronsArmorsmith
Blood-Forged SignetArtificer
Blood-Forged ClaymoreWeaponsmith
Stalwart's Battlegear
(Raid T1 Tank)
Cuirass of the StalwartArmorsmith (2): Increases Endurance by 20.
(3): Increases Dodge by 20.
(4): Grants a chance for your damaging Abilities to deal an additional 100 to 130 Death damage and restoring that much health to you.
Pauldrons of the StalwartArmorsmith
Heavy Shield of the StalwartArmorsmith
Signet of the StalwartArtificer
Lotham's Savage
Blighted War Gear
(Raid T1 Tank)
Lotham's Savage Greathelm Purchased from a Major Relics vendor with Marks of Ascension

Set bonus requires a Blighted Plate Synergy Crystal
Lotham's Savage Shoulderplates
Lotham's Savage Breastplate
Lotham's Savage Gauntlets
Lotham's Savage Greaves
Lotham's Savage Sabatons
Dhel's Sinister
Blighted War Gear
(Raid T1 DPS)
Dhel's Sinister Greathelm Purchased from a Major Relics vendor with Marks of Ascension

Set bonus requires a Blighted Plate Synergy Crystal
Dhel's Sinister Shoulderplates
Dhel's Sinister Breastplate
Dhel's Sinister Gauntlets
Dhel's Sinister Greaves
Dhel's Sinister Sabatons


Information Sources

Category: RIFT
This page last modified 2013-02-19 13:44:23.