Welcome Bundle (CoS Item)  

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City of Steam

Welcome Bundle

This bundle contains everything a new resident of Nexus could ask for: 20 Strong Health Quaffs and 20 Strong Steam Quaffs to bolster you in battle, 5 Keys to unlock the mysteries of the Mechanism, 2 Broadcast Tickets to make yourself heard, and a 1-day Transmuted Marshhopper to keep you company and gather loot.

Level 1

Bound to Character
Undroppable, Untradeable

Right-click to open.
This item can be claimed from the Gift Bundle button with a Gift Code.

To get a Gift Code for this bundle, go to mmorpg.com, register or login, then go to Giveaways and find City of Steam. Click the button at the bottom to get a Gift Code! This promotion is to celebrate the opening of the 2nd server, Avenoss.

This page last modified 2013-06-03 01:06:33.