eq:Replenish Companion  

Quick Facts
Replenish Companion

Type: Active
Macro: /alt activate 418
Expansion: Omens of War
Total AA: 45
Cooldown: 00:36:00
Classes: Beastlord, Enchanter, Magician, Necromancer, Shadowknight, Shaman


Beastlord Enchanter Magician Necromancer Shadowknight Shaman

This ability grants you an enhanced version of the Mend Companion ability. Each additional rank increases the healing power of the ability further.

Rank Requirements

Rk AA Lvl ExpansionEffect Prerequisites
1 3 67 Omens of War 5845 Mend Companion 1

2 6 68 Omens of War 5846

3 9 69 Omens of War 5847

4 8 77 Secrets of Faydwer 12668

5 9 78 Secrets of Faydwer 12669

6 10 79 Secrets of Faydwer 12670

7 7 85 House of Thule 27630

8 7 87 House of Thule 27631

9 7 89 House of Thule 27632

10 11 91 Veil of Alaris 31594 Knowledge of Alaran Culture - Advanced 1

11 13 93 Veil of Alaris 31595

12 15 95 Veil of Alaris 31596

13 12 96 Ran of Fear 33915

14 14 98 Ran of Fear 33916

15 16 100 Ran of Fear 33917

This page last modified 2013-10-08 08:25:29.