fr quest:Boom Powder Preparation  

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To Start: Speak to Heddy Heathcliff in Seaside.
Heddy Heathcliff says,"I've got a deal for you.

You need Seaside Stickers, right? ...And I need tin.

Why don't you mine some more tin and I'll see what I can do to get you some extra stickers. "

Heddy Heathcliff in Seaside is thankful for your help, but he still needs more boom powder if he's going to make a fantastic fireworks show this year! He's promised to give you some extra Seaside Stickers if you help him out.
This is a Minigame quest. This quest is repeatable. Membership is required to begin this quest. This quest will advance the Miner job.

  • Mine some tin - (0/10)
  • Return the tin ore to Heddy Heathcliff
  • Talk to Heddy Heathcliff
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Your quest marker will lead you to a tin ore vein within Seaside.

You must be at least Miner level 5 to mine tin ore.

A Booming Problem Seaside Summer Splash
Quest Series
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This article refers to items, events, personae and activities only available in-game during the Seaside Summer Splash celebration, which ran from July 3 to July 15, 2009. (Introduced in 2009)

This page last modified 2009-07-02 19:52:55.