fr quest:Certified Treasure Hunter  

Free Realms

To Start: Speak to Robbie in Greenwood Forest.
Robbie says,"If you want to officially be my minion--err, I mean a certified treasure hunter of this camp, I have a challenge for you.

Either win at the scavenger hunt, or dig up a precious artifact. Then, come back and show me what you find. "

Robbie challenges your treasure hunting skills. If you prove yourself worthy, he'll make you a certified minion--err, treasure hunter.
This is an Errand quest.  Membership is required to begin this quest.

  1. Complete the Artifacts Schmartifacts! or Jenny's Scavenger Hunt minigame
  2. Return to Robbie
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Closing Remarks

Robbie says, "Let's see what you've found...yes, yes this is gonna look great in my collection. You don't mind donating that to your camp leader, right? Hehe..."

Timesaver! This quest has steps, hunting areas, or mob targets in common with the following quest(s).

Rags to Riches Summer Camp
Quest Series
Bigfooted Friend
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This article refers to items, events, personae and activities only available in-game during the Summer Camp event.
In 2010, Summer Camp is scheduled to run from June 3rd through July 7th. (Introduced in 2010)

This page last modified 2010-06-04 20:47:24.