fr quest:Demo Derby: Encore!  

Demo Derby Driver
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To Start: Speak to Sydney Spellmerg in Wildwood Speedway.
Sydney Spellmerg says,"Sir Horace is out of control! He just showed up and destroyed the set!

Then, he took our best derby kart and headed into the arena. He refuses to come out until he proves he's a better stunt driver than you.

We can't afford all this bad publicity! Please, you have to get him out of there. "

Sir Horace is guilty of bad behaviour! Jealous of all the attention you've been receiving, he drove his kart through the derby set and into the arena. He refuses to come out until he's proven that he's the best stunt driver in all of Sacred Grove!
This is a Minigame quest.  This quest will advance the Demo Derby Driver job.

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Closing Dialogue

Sydney Spellmerg says "You're the real deal, 'Your name here'! That was some excellent driving."

Demo Derby: Pixiewood Premiere Demo Derby Driver
Quest Series
Demo Derby: Copy Cat
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This page last modified 2011-10-28 12:32:20.