fr quest:Soccer Star: The Perfect Mascot  

Soccer Star
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To Start: Speak to Coach Golden Leg Eddie in Wilds North.
Coach Golden Leg Eddie says,"Speaking of fame, what our team needs is a mascot!

It should be a fun, lovable animal that will get everyone excited about our games. Want to help pick out the mascot? Check out the animal park. "

Coach "Golden Leg" Eddie thinks that a team mascot would surely draw more attention to the team. He wants you to help pick out the best mascot for the Sidekicks before the season starts
This is an Errand quest.  This quest will advance the Soccer Star job.

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The New Mascot
The New Mascot


You need to head west from the coach to the pet park. There you will find a dog, click on it for your update.

Note on Start Mob Name

The correct name is Coach "Golden Leg" Eddie. We removed the quotes so our media page will show the image.

Soccer Star: Meeting the Team Soccer Star
Quest Series
Soccer Star: Achieve Level 2
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Goal Time!
October 2, 2009
See full list

This page last modified 2013-02-20 01:07:43.