template:Aion Item Set  

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This template is for use on Aion Armor Set pages. Armor Set pages must be in the Template: namespace so that they can be transcluded onto the item pages in the set!

In order to define an Armor Set, the easiest way, do the Item pages first (making sure the type= and setname= fields are filled in), then follow the redlink to the Armor Set template page. There you will paste this template's skeleton, from below, and fill it in. That's all!

As of the time of Closed Beta #5, the Items in the sets, and the Item Set names, have yet to be translated, at least for those that have set bonuses.


{{Aion Item Set


item1 to item11 is supported.

bonus2 to bonus6 is supported.

settype= is one of: Armor, Accessory or Item

type= is only used for Armor, and should be one of: Cloth, Leather, Chain or Plate

bonusn where n is 2 to 6, holds multi-piece set bonuses. The most we have actually seen is 5 so 6 should keep us clean for some time.

Expanded Examples

Weapon Set

{{Aion Item Set
|item1=setname Dagger
|item2=setname Sword
|item3=setname Mace
|item4=setname Greatsword
|item5=setname Spear
|item6=setname Longbow
|item7=setname Jewel
|item8=setname Staff
|item9=setname Tome
|item10=setname Warhammer
|item11=setname Shield
|notes=For other sets with this appearance, see:
*[[Template:setname (Aion Accessory Set)]] - Accessories
*Armor Sets:
**[[Template:setname Cloth (Aion Armor Set)]]
**[[Template:setname Leather (Aion Armor Set)]]
**[[Template:setname Chain (Aion Armor Set)]]
**[[Template:setname Plate (Aion Armor Set)]]

Armor Set

{{Aion Item Set
|item1=setname Bandana
|item2=setname Pauldrons
|item3=setname Tunic
|item4=setname Gloves
|item5=setname Leggings
|item6=setname Shoes
|notes=For other sets with this appearance, see:
*[[Template:setname (Aion Weapon Set)]] - Weapons
*[[Template:setname (Aion Accessory Set)]] - Accessories
*Armor Sets:
**[[Template:setname Cloth (Aion Armor Set)]]
**[[Template:setname Leather (Aion Armor Set)]]
**[[Template:setname Chain (Aion Armor Set)]]
**[[Template:setname Plate (Aion Armor Set)]]

Aion: Core Templates Quest Mob / Mob2 Item Place / Place 2 Object/Object 2 Zone
The above navigation bar is not part of this template's output. It is for your assistance, only.

Need help understanding Bludwyng's documentation style? See Bludwyng's Guide to Using Templates!

Asmodian Warrior
This template was created or is maintained by
Blood for blood!

This page last modified 2010-01-20 14:14:02.