template:Aion Memopad  

Usage: {{Aion Memopad|label|zone_name or zoneid|x-coord|y-coord|z-coord|loc=|layer=|nocopy=|buttononly=}}

A BIG thanks to Zeddicus for figuring out the codes for Sanctum, Pandaemonium and Reshanta, and what that -1 at the end is for.

If loc= is used, x-coord, y-coord and z-coord are ignored. loc= is assumed to be a commalist of the x, y, and z values. All three (x, y and z) must be defiined. If only x and y are known, use 0 for z. The template will not do this for you.

I have been examining a post over on AionSource that has a bunch of text that, if you copy it and paste it into the in-game Memo Pad, becomes click-able for all the normal uses (X on the map, link in chat, etc).

I have added a copy-pasta line to the Aion Mob template that will become a link if pasted into the Memo Pad.

If buttononly= is non-blank the link text is not displayed but a copybutton is.

The format seems to be: text [pos:label text;zoneid x y z layer] text

Any text that is outside of the inner [pos:...] is just notes, including other square brackets.

zoneid is a static 9-digit number that appears to uniquely identify each zone, so that will make it kinda hard to build this for all zones unless I can get a full list.

  • Poeta=210010000
  • Ishalgen=220010000
  • Verteron=210030000
  • Altgard=220030000
  • Eltnen=210020000
  • Morheim=220020000
  • Theobomos=210060000
  • Brusthonin=220050000
  • Heiron=210040000
  • Beluslan=220040000
  • Reshanta=400010000 with the final -1 changed to 1 for Lower Layer, 2 for Core or 3 for Upper Layer (thanks to Zeddicus!)
  • Sanctum=110010000
  • Pandaemonium=120010000

For any zone not in this list, we will display (We do not know the zone code for "zone_name" and so cannot build a link for this. Sorry.)

This would appear to break down thus: for "ts00z0000" where:

  • t is Type. 1=City, 2=Faction Zone, 4=Abyss
  • s is Sphere. 1=Elysea, 2=Asmodae, 0=Abyss
  • z is zone.
    • z=1 is Poeta/Ishalgen/Sanctum/Reshanta
    • z=2=Eltnen/Morheim/Pandaemonium
    • z=3 is Altgard/Verteron
    • z=4=Heiron/Beluslan
    • z=5 is Brusthonin, but 6 is Theobomos (?huh?)
Pure speculation, but I suspect the actual layout is tszzzuuuu where u is unknown, possible having to do with channels

x, y and z can apparently be floating point with up to 12 digits to the right of the decimal, but some example are also rounded to the nearest whole number. For maps it does not seem to matter if z has a real value or not and is frequently 0.0

The -1 on the end is just a constant for all zones EXCEPT the Abyss! In Reshanta it indicates the layer. 1=Lower, 2=Core, 3=Upper. layer= is used ONLY for Reshanta and can be Lower or 1, Core or 2, Upper or 3. Default or unknown = 1 (Lower)

Contents [hide]


  • {{Aion Memopad|Poppy|Verteron|1|2|3}}
  • yields: [[pos:Poppy;210030000 1 2 3 -1]]

  • {{Aion Memopad|Poppy|Verteron|loc=1,2,3}}
  • yields: [[pos:Poppy;210030000 1 2 3 -1]]

Source Example

Here is the code I am looking at. This is from this page at AionSource.

Elyos Eltnen->Morheim Rifts
Eltnen [pos:Entrance A <12 entries lv<=28>;210020000 183.269086357947 2829.47434292866 0.0 -1] Morheim [pos:Exit A;220020000 745.420675537359 1872.32548618219 0.0 -1]
Eltnen [pos:Entrance B <20 entries lv<=32>;210020000 824.070087609512 2023.46683354193 0.0 -1] Morheim [pos:Exit B;220020000 1364.66325486182 1334.96622313204 0.0 -1]
Eltnen [pos:Entrance C <35 entries lv<=36>;210020000 1655.10888610763 1858.26032540676 0.0 -1] Morheim [pos:Exit C;220020000 617.477993858751 209.070624360287 0.0 -1]
Eltnen [pos:Entrance D <35 entries lv<=37>;210020000 1024.32040050063 61.0137672090112 0.0 -1] Morheim [pos:Exit D;220020000 1820.13920163767 1309.37768679632 0.0 -1]
Eltnen [pos:Entrance E <45 entries lv<=40>;210020000 1459.8648310388 581.664580725907 0.0 -1] Morheim [pos:Exit E;220020000 1559.13613101331 2757.68884339816 0.0 -1]
Eltnen [pos:Entrance F <50 entries lv<=45>;210020000 2210.80350438048 2644.24280350438 0.0 -1] Morheim [pos:Exit F;220020000 2613.38382804504 2235.68270214944 0.0 -1]
Eltnen [pos:Entrance G <50 entries lv<=45>;210020000 2180.76595744681 541.614518147685 0.0 -1] Morheim [pos:Exit G;220020000 2930.68167860798 879.490276356192 0.0 -1]

Elyos Heiron->Beluslan Rifts Heiron [pos:Entrance A <24 entries lv<=38>;210040000 2662.01160005043 434.266044634977 0.0 -1] Beluslan [pos:Exit A;220040000 126.507629704985 1061.38860630722 0.0 -1] Heiron [pos:Entrance B <36 entries lv<=42>;210040000 1300.266548985 1437.9225822721 0.0 -1] Beluslan [pos:Exit B;220040000 1067.50457782299 313.677517802645 0.0 -1] Heiron [pos:Entrance C <48 entries lv<=46>;210040000 1103.57004160888 656.180052956752 0.0 -1] Beluslan [pos:Exit C;220040000 1036.98575788403 2073.59613428281 0.0 -1] Heiron [pos:Entrance D <48 entries lv<=46>;210040000 649.655024587063 1821.22859664607 0.0 -1] Beluslan [pos:Exit D;220040000 2125.49033570702 456.098677517803 0.0 -1] Heiron [pos:Entrance E <60 entries lv<=50>;210040000 725.307527424032 2512.18812255705 0.0 -1] Beluslan [pos:Exit E;220040000 2863.02848423194 542.568667344863 0.0 -1] Heiron [pos:Entrance F <60 entries lv<=50>;210040000 503.393519102257 555.310049174127 0.0 -1] Beluslan [pos:Exit F;220040000 2725.69379450661 2343.17904374364 0.0 -1] Heiron [pos:Entrance G <72 entries lv<=50>;210040000 2742.70760307654 2078.44710629177 0.0 -1] Beluslan [pos:Exit G;220040000 1744.00508646999 1900.65615462869 0.0 -1]

Asmodian Morheim->Eltnen Rifts Morheim [pos:Entrance A <12 entries lv<=28>;220020000 450 2350 0.0 -1] Eltnen [pos:Exit A;210020000 718.938673341677 2779.41176470588 0.0 -1] Morheim [pos:Entrance B <20 entries lv<=32>;220020000 750 920 0.0 -1] Eltnen [pos:Exit B;210020000 383.519399249061 1277.53441802253 0.0 -1] Morheim [pos:Entrance C <35 entries lv<=36>;220020000 250 500 0.0 -1] Eltnen [pos:Exit C;210020000 1289.65206508135 2438.98623279099 0.0 -1] Morheim [pos:Entrance D <35 entries lv<=37>;220020000 1650 1400 0.0 -1] Eltnen [pos:Exit D;210020000 93.1564455569462 246.245306633292 0.0 -1] Morheim [pos:Entrance E <45 entries lv<=40>;220020000 1630.78403275333 1099.5516888434 0.0 -1] Eltnen [pos:Exit E;210020000 1329.70212765957 346.370463078848 0.0 -1] Morheim [pos:Entrance F <50 entries lv<=45>;220020000 2400 2300 0.0 -1] Eltnen [pos:Exit F;210020000 2295.9098873592 2278.7859824781 0.0 -1] Morheim [pos:Entrance G <50 entries lv<=45>;220020000 2450 600 0.0 -1] Eltnen [pos:Exit G;210020000 2586.27284105131 651.752190237797 0.0 -1]

Asmodian Beluslan->Heiron Rifts Beluslan [pos:Entrance A <24 entries lv<=38>;220040000 233.323499491353 150.910478128179 0.0 -1] Heiron [pos:Exit A;210040000 2132.44408019165 434.266044634977 0.0 -1] Beluslan [pos:Entrance B <36 entries lv<=42>;220040000 1301.48219735504 634.12512716175 0.0 -1] Heiron [pos:Exit B;210040000 1955.92157357206 1821.22859664607 0.0 -1] Beluslan [pos:Entrance C <48 entries lv<=46>;220040000 767.402848423194 2226.19023397762 0.0 -1] Heiron [pos:Exit C;210040000 871.569032908839 903.311562224183 0.0 -1] Beluslan [pos:Entrance D <48 entries lv<=46>;220040000 2069.53916581892 262.812817904374 0.0 -1] Heiron [pos:Exit D;210040000 861.482032530576 2194.44761064179 0.0 -1] Beluslan [pos:Entrance E <60 entries lv<=50>;220040000 2842.68260427263 618.865717192269 0.0 -1] Heiron [pos:Exit E;210040000 291.566511158744 2658.44962804186 0.0 -1] Beluslan [pos:Entrance F <60 entries lv<=50>;220040000 2812.16378433367 2561.89725330621 0.0 -1] Heiron [pos:Exit F;210040000 362.175513806582 514.962047661077 0.0 -1] Beluslan [pos:Entrance G <72 entries lv<=50>;220040000 1596.49745676501 2053.2502543235 0.0 -1] Heiron [pos:Exit G;210040000 1905.48657168075 2577.75362501576 0.0 -1]

Aion: Core Templates Quest Mob / Mob2 Item Place / Place 2 Object/Object 2 Zone
The above navigation bar is not part of this template's output. It is for your assistance, only.

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Asmodian Warrior
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Blood for blood!

This page last modified 2010-03-05 20:52:39.