Mobs By Area: Castle Oztroja (S)

75 creature(s) found in Castle Oztroja (S)
Name Level Range Location Family
Picture Attached Aa Xalmo the Savage 80 - 84 Castle Oztroja (S) @ I 7 Yagudo
Picture Attached Allied Mantelet N/A Sauromugue Champaign (S), 22 more areas Mantelets
No Picture Antlion Fly 65 - 68 Castle Oztroja (S) Fly
No Picture Asterion N/A Castle Oztroja (S) Taurus
Picture Attached Bastion Bats 68 - 71 Castle Oztroja (S) Triple Bats
No Picture Blooming Rafflesia 68 - 72 Castle Oztroja (S) Rafflesia
Picture Attached Bulwark Bat 68 - 71 Castle Oztroja (S) Bats
Picture Attached Confederate Belfry N/A Sauromugue Champaign (S), 20 more areas Belfry
No Picture Confederate Mantelet N/A Sauromugue Champaign (S), 22 more areas Mantelets
Picture Attached Dee Xalmo the Grim N/A Sauromugue Champaign (S), 6 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Dee Zelko the Esoteric N/A Castle Oztroja (S) Yagudo
Picture Attached Divine Ascetic N/A Sauromugue Champaign (S), 6 more areas Yagudo
Picture Attached Divine Assassin N/A Sauromugue Champaign (S), 6 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Divine Disseminator N/A Sauromugue Champaign (S), 8 more areas Yagudo
Picture Attached Divine Inciter N/A Meriphataud Mountains (S), 1 more areas Yagudo
Picture Attached Divine Inspirer N/A Sauromugue Champaign (S), 6 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Divine Martyr N/A Garlaige Citadel (S), 1 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Divine Paradigm N/A Sauromugue Champaign (S), 1 more areas Yagudo
Picture Attached Divine Sentinel N/A Garlaige Citadel (S), 1 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Divine Templar N/A Fort Ghelsba, 8 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Duu Masa the Onecut 83 - 83 Castle Oztroja (S) Yagudo
Picture Attached Earth Elemental 78 - 81 Sauromugue Champaign (S), 4 more areas Elemental
No Picture Fenrir N/A Castle Oztroja (S) Avatar
Picture Attached Fiendish Leechkeeper N/A Sauromugue Champaign (S), 16 more areas Imp
No Picture Fleshgnasher N/A Castle Oztroja (S) Gnat
Picture Attached Gnat 79 - 82 Meriphataud Mountains (S), 1 more areas Gnat
No Picture Immolatory Pugil 65 - 68 Castle Oztroja (S) Pugil
No Picture Jii Xai the Rimebladed N/A Castle Oztroja (S) Yagudo
No Picture Karaha-Baruha N/A Castle Oztroja (S) Tarutaru
Picture Attached Kazan the Peerless N/A Sauromugue Champaign (S), 6 more areas Yagudo
Picture Attached Lerren N/A Sauromugue Champaign (S), 20 more areas Smilodon
No Picture Loo Kutto the Pensive N/A Castle Oztroja (S) Yagudo
No Picture Maa Illmu the Bestower N/A Castle Oztroja (S) Yagudo
Picture Attached Maat (Freelance) N/A Sauromugue Champaign (S), 20 more areas Hume
No Picture Marquis Forneus N/A Castle Oztroja (S) Demon
Picture Attached Moo Ouzi the Swiftblade N/A Sauromugue Champaign (S), 8 more areas Yagudo
Picture Attached Muu Buxu the Elusive N/A Sauromugue Champaign (S), 6 more areas Yagudo
Picture Attached Papako N/A Sauromugue Champaign (S), 18 more areas Manticore
No Picture Plenilune Ronin N/A Sauromugue Champaign (S), 6 more areas Yovra
No Picture Robel-Akbel N/A Castle Oztroja (S) Tarutaru
Picture Attached Rongo-Nango N/A Sauromugue Champaign (S), 20 more areas Tarutaru
No Picture Roo Beju the Eulogizer N/A Castle Oztroja (S) Yagudo
No Picture Seneschal Imp 77 - 79 Castle Oztroja (S), 2 more areas Imp
Picture Attached Shadowguard Demon N/A Castle Zvahl Baileys (S), 1 more areas Demon
No Picture Soo Luma the Ascended N/A Castle Oztroja (S) Yagudo
No Picture Suu Xicu the Cantabile N/A Castle Oztroja (S) Yagudo
Picture Attached Titania N/A Sauromugue Champaign (S), 20 more areas Pixie
No Picture Tzee Xicu the Manifest N/A Castle Oztroja (S) Yagudo
No Picture Tzee Xicu's Elemental N/A Castle Oztroja (S) Elemental
Picture Attached Vaa Oozu the Redolent N/A Meriphataud Mountains (S), 1 more areas Yagudo
Picture Attached Vaa Oozu's Scolopendrid N/A Meriphataud Mountains (S), 1 more areas Scorpion
No Picture Vee Ladu the Titterer N/A Castle Oztroja (S) Yagudo
Picture Attached Vee Qiqa the Decreer N/A Sauromugue Champaign (S), 8 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Vee Seju the Consumed N/A Garlaige Citadel (S), 1 more areas Yagudo
Picture Attached Vuu Puqu the Beguiler N/A Sauromugue Champaign (S), 6 more areas Yagudo
Picture Attached War Lynx 68 - 72 Meriphataud Mountains (S), 1 more areas Lynx
No Picture Yaa Haqa the Pious N/A Sauromugue Champaign (S), 1 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Abbot 79 - 82 Castle Oztroja (S) Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Chanter 77 - 79 Castle Zvahl Baileys (S), 1 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Conductor 79 - 82 Castle Zvahl Keep (S), 1 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Eradicator 76 - 79 Meriphataud Mountains (S), 2 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Flagellant 79 - 83 Castle Oztroja (S) Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Genja N/A Sauromugue Champaign (S), 6 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Hierogrammat 79 - 82 Castle Zvahl Keep (S), 1 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo High Priest 77 - 79 Castle Oztroja (S) Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Knight Templar 76 - 79 Meriphataud Mountains (S), 2 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Nokizaru 79 - 82 Castle Zvahl Keep (S), 1 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Prelate 77 - 79 Meriphataud Mountains (S), 2 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Prioress 76 - 79 Meriphataud Mountains (S), 1 more areas Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Sentinel 76 - 79 Meriphataud Mountains (S), 2 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Superior 79 - 82 Castle Zvahl Keep (S), 1 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Yojimbo 79 - 82 Castle Zvahl Keep (S), 1 more areas Yagudo
Picture Attached Yuu Mjuu the Awakened N/A Fort Karugo-Narugo (S), 1 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Zhuu Buxu the Silent N/A Castle Oztroja (S) Yagudo
No Picture Zjaa Bao the Wrathherald N/A Castle Oztroja (S) Yagudo