Mainly I personllay try tp part with MNK WAR or SAM, during my time partiying with these jobs, its quite rare for then to pull off hate with their WS Asural Fists Rampage and Tachi: Gekko/Kasha, basically if you've leved another job that you want to take to a higher lvl, merit them, or just merit Chivalry and emnity and VIT then there you have it! Rare to get hate stolen and a tanking god, the down side of this is if you're about to die >,< ._.; and MNK WAR or SAM trys to save you, its {Incredibly Tough} or near impossible....
bullsh*t....invincible does pull hate but against any pimped out DD or blm this won't out pull hate...sorry. 75pld btw so i'm not just talking sh*t. i duo with a mnk alot and i have invincibled and not pulled hate from him, but i was also pld/nin. anways invincible doesn't pull as much hate as you all think it does.
PLD75,WAR46,NIN41,THF17 all others 10+ dynamis xarcabard Zilart beaten, CoP in progress find a better tank than me let me know XD
This 2hr doesnt even deserve argument, its a godsend and defiently one of tghe best 2hrs out there. its like perfect dodge but pulls hate so its accually useful.
A monk can sometimes take off hate. An equal level monk can steal a paladin's hate on some mobs that are even matches or toughs (like what you might fight during a mission). Ussually they don't during experience point parties because the mobs won't take as much damage because they have a higher defense than the even matches you fight on missions and quest.
Yeah, I realized that Invincible has no effect on spells. I thought that was the distinction, between damage caused by spells and damage caused by physical attacks. Heh, thanks for the reply.
VERY true. Provoke or Benediction, whatever, NOTHING will take the monster off you once you've gone invincible, I noticed that today. I love being a paladin.
while testing invincible, i've had a similar lvl (48) galka monk hold hate off of invincible with hundred fists (did invincible about 10 seconds into hundred fists), monster didn't even look at me