There's a simple solution that you can put into practice if you are bothered by gilsellers and feel that there is absolutely no way to enjoy the game while they (the gilsellers) are around.
Theres a simple solution that you can put into practice if you are bothered by threads tlaking about gilselling
QUIT READING THE THREADS the threads that have to do with gilselling, I don't agree with in-game marriages but I don't nuke someone's thread everytime its posted, no one is forcing any of you to read this thread, so why flame and rate down the op?
and yea its crap..because technically you can't get banend for gilselling, but you can get banned for harassing gilsellers >.>,
Nothing is stated about selling gil or bots int he TOS, but their is a section on harassing others players....
Ban this, ban that, what is it really going to do. THe same people keep saying SE should ban more gilsellers but unless you go after the business, its a waste of time. Be glad SE has that kind of thinking, rather than perpetually ban people and still have problems.
Thats just it SE CAN'T go after the business, Gilselling isn't even ILLEGAL theres nothing in the TOS that says you can't sell gil, theres nothing in the TOS about any of that, it was an unforseen outcome and now SE's hands are tied.
P.S. It's impossible for SE to ban gilsellers, or ban accounts connected with gil selling websites, don't believe me, click the link in my sig.
Edited, Thu Jan 20 01:07:06 2005 by PandemonaTheMagnificent Edited, Thu Jan 20 01:07:17 2005 by PandemonaTheMagnificent Edited, Thu Jan 20 01:25:03 2005 by PandemonaTheMagnificent