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FINAL FANTASY XI Update (May 1st) -- leaked!Follow

#1 Apr 20 2005 at 11:57 PM Rating: Excellent
369 posts
Was anybody looking at the POL website just a couple of minutes ago? SE had the contents of the next FFXI update out there, but the next time I checked, they were gone. This must have been a mistake .. somebody probably released the note before they were supposed to and then SE yanked it off as soon as they found out. Luckily, I was able to cut and paste the contents of the next update before they yanked it off the site. Looks like they have some interesting things planned, and almost all of it is due to reaction to the current update. Here it is:



- Bards now have the ability to equip Violins and play sad music for Level 75s who are complaining about "EXP loss." New recipes have been added for the Stradivarius (HQ: Stradivarius +1), a Level 65 Woodworking synth. A Bard's String skill will determine the effectiveness of these songs.


- A new shop is now open in Upper Jeuno next to M&P's Market. The "Vana'diel Psychotherapy Center" will offer counseling and therapy services to players who have been emotionally scarred by the changes to the 51-75 EXP curve. These services will be offered by Pogo-Togo, a bespectacled, goateed Taru who will munch mindlessly on ginger cookies and randomly interject phrases such as "I see. Please continue", "Fascinating! Do go on", and "What do you think that means?" These services will be billed at the rate of 10,000 gil per hour (5,000 per hour for outpatient care.)


- Despondent players will now have the ability to fling themselves to their watery deaths from the Market Bridge in Lower Jeuno. Previously, players depressed about the game who wished to die in Jeuno had to switch to a low-level job and use a Venom Potion. The Market Bridge Plummet will be available to all jobs and all levels, and will only cost 5,000 gil.


Again, SE is (apparently) working to change the game to adapt to the wishes and desires of players. Can we all please stop complaining about the latest update now? It seems that resolutions to your issues are already in the works.
#3 Apr 21 2005 at 12:05 AM Rating: Good
7,106 posts
Hehe. This is funny -- rate up.

That said, is it really so VERY difficult to understand why people might be upset about the EXP changes? It seems like a lot of people are determined to take the stance that it is simply alien and unnatural to be upset when something you worked hard for is made easier for others. I have trouble believing that the posters on this board are really so pure-of-heart that they absolutely cannot fathom how a level 75, especially a recent one, could be put off by these changes.
*edit* Damn, those were some fast rate-downs. I wonder which point-of-view I was being rated down for? Probably both. ^^

Edited, Thu Apr 21 01:16:31 2005 by Caesura
#4 Apr 21 2005 at 12:07 AM Rating: Good
1,188 posts
ROFLMAO - creative and witty, i like it.

**EDIT** LMAO 3.63 to 2.75... karma troll ahoy! :D

Edited, Thu Apr 21 01:10:42 2005 by Leondol
#5 Apr 21 2005 at 12:07 AM Rating: Excellent
89 posts
Uhmm... Very f'in funny .
good post if I could rate you up I would
#6 Apr 21 2005 at 12:07 AM Rating: Decent
4,475 posts
DiabolosBaile wrote:


- Bards now have the ability to equip Violins and play sad music for Level 75s who are complaining about "EXP loss." New recipes have been added for the Stradivarius (HQ: Stradivarius +1), a Level 65 Woodworking synth. A Bard's String skill will determine the effectiveness of these songs.

This was not necessary. The rest was funny though.
#7 Apr 21 2005 at 12:08 AM Rating: Good
67 posts
it's funny rate this man up lol

Edited, Thu Apr 21 01:11:22 2005 by Plora
#8 Apr 21 2005 at 12:09 AM Rating: Good
1,842 posts
Funny. I'm wondering if ppl whined this much when they changed the max XP gained from 200 to 300. Oh, strange now the lv. 75 aren't whining about that little change that help them make 75 easier and faster. Truth Hurts.
#9 Apr 21 2005 at 12:09 AM Rating: Good
LMAO {rate up} {you can have this}
#10 Apr 21 2005 at 12:09 AM Rating: Good
6,543 posts
Really, that was the part I thought was most funny.
Galkaman wrote:
Kuwoobie will die crushed under the burden of his mediocrity.

#11 Apr 21 2005 at 12:09 AM Rating: Good
529 posts
Zaleshea wrote:
This was not necessary. The rest was funny though.

I thought this was the funniest part. You know the whole "Let me play my tiny violin for you dealy"
#12 Apr 21 2005 at 12:13 AM Rating: Good
67 posts
hey who down rated the little taru (me) for thinking it was funny
#13 Apr 21 2005 at 12:13 AM Rating: Good
wow someone got supremely pissed and rated every single person who replied to this down. whoever it is really needs to see if they can find a place to maybe download a sense of humor.
#14 Apr 21 2005 at 12:14 AM Rating: Good
1,188 posts
rate up's if you got karma'd ^^
#15 Apr 21 2005 at 12:16 AM Rating: Good
425 posts
very funny. Don't think I can rate up, but I would if I could...
#16 Apr 21 2005 at 12:19 AM Rating: Decent
46 posts
This made my evening. Funniest thing I've seen all day. Thanks ^^
#17 Apr 21 2005 at 12:24 AM Rating: Good
7,106 posts
Funny. I'm wondering if ppl whined this much when they changed the max XP gained from 200 to 300. Oh, strange now the lv. 75 aren't whining about that little change that help them make 75 easier and faster. Truth Hurts.

Actually, some people did. Most were just pleased that the completely arbitrary 200 cap had been raised though. It's a little frustrating to finally kill a mob that would naturally give you 237 EXP, only to have it capped at 200 for no reason other than that it's always been that way.

Before the 200 cap was raised, players were penalized for fighting extremely tough mobs. By raising the EXP cap, SE was just giving players the full, normally-calculated reward for killing a mob of such high difficulty, thereby rewarding players for hard work. The new EXP system makes levelling... less hard. See the difference? With that change, almost everyone was happy. With this change, some people aren't. If anything, that should suggest that this change maybe isn't good for absolutely everyone?

Edited, Thu Apr 21 01:25:29 2005 by Caesura
#18 Apr 21 2005 at 12:24 AM Rating: Default
61 posts
Rate up.
#19 Apr 21 2005 at 12:25 AM Rating: Good
369 posts
That said, is it really so VERY difficult to understand why people might be upset about the EXP changes? It seems like a lot of people are determined to take the stance that it is simply alien and unnatural to be upset when something you worked hard for is made easier for others.

Well, first of all, I apologize for creating yet another top-level post on this subject. This is a joke that I had been discussing with some friends of mine, and I realize that some of it is not exactly in the best taste, but after reading through some of the animosity on many of these threads tonight, I couldn't resist posting it.

Here's the problem. You talk about something you worked hard for being made easier for others. Doesn't anybody remember the September 2004 update? Here's a direct cut-and-paste from the official POL announcement for that update (a real one, not a joke:)

The maximum amount of experience that can be earned from a single battle has been increased to 250 for players from level 51-60, and to 300 for players from level 61-75. In accordance with this change, the maximum amount of experience that can be earned during EXP chains has also been increased.

The question I have is this: How many of the people complaining about this latest update were helped out on their road to level 75 by this September 2004 update? Why isn't anybody talking about this? Where is the residual furor over this? If people who reach level 75 after this update aren't "real 75s", then certainly the people who reached level 75 after the September 2004 update aren't "real 75s" either, are they? After all, they didn't have to work as hard as the players who hit 75 before that update.

The bottom line is this: MMORPGs change over time. They change because they, unlike their static predecessors, have the ability to change. It's hypocritical for people who were helped out by past updates to complain about players being helped out by current updates. I know that it takes a lot of time and effort to max out a job in this game. It was true before this update, and it will still be true after this update. But is it really necessary for people to attack other players because SE made a design decision that those players had nothing to do with?

To the people who are getting all worked up over this: Relax, take a deep breath, and just play the game. In case you haven't noticed, Vana'diel is an awfully big place with a lot of things to see and do. Sometimes we get so caught up in trivial nonsense that we forget what this game is really supposed to be about.
#20 Apr 21 2005 at 12:26 AM Rating: Decent
89 posts
LOL hehe got rated down for my opinion ,sounds about right for this site.
Allakhazam.com check your sense of humor at the door .
#21 Apr 21 2005 at 12:43 AM Rating: Good
1,191 posts
Caesura wrote:
Before the 200 cap was raised, players were penalized for fighting extremely tough mobs. By raising the EXP cap, SE was just giving players the full, normally-calculated reward for killing a mob of such high difficulty, thereby rewarding players for hard work. The new EXP system makes levelling... less hard. See the difference? With that change, almost everyone was happy. With this change, some people aren't. If anything, that should suggest that this change maybe isn't good for absolutely everyone?

The glass is half full. The glass is half empty.

I honestly don't see any difference. Why is "giving more" considered a reward, but "charging less" isn't?

People liked the increased mob XP because it allowed them to get to 75 easier, but what about the people who levelled to 75 before they increased mob XP, hmm? I bet you didn't give a rat's *** about them at the time... Now the same people are probably angry about the lowered TNL because it allows others to get to 75 easier. Talk about selfish.

Edited, Thu Apr 21 01:51:08 2005 by ClimhazzardBAHAMUT
#22 Apr 21 2005 at 12:47 AM Rating: Default


- Bards now have the ability to equip Violins and play sad music for Level 75s who are complaining about "EXP loss." New recipes have been added for the Stradivarius (HQ: Stradivarius +1), a Level 65 Woodworking synth. A Bard's String skill will determine the effectiveness of these songs.

lmao that's funny I'd even rate you up if I could
#23 Apr 21 2005 at 1:00 AM Rating: Decent
40 posts
Rate me down, I don't care. Completely see where this is coming from and agree on many facts. However, those that were 75 before September still benefit the 300 cap even after the update (for merit points, etc) until now. As for this new update, every 52+ jobs (before today's update) have lost experience points earned. If the points were recalculated and added to the next level's tnl's, people would have been happier for the work they put into.

Rated up for original post.

Edited, Thu Apr 21 02:01:34 2005 by Shrekie
#24 Apr 21 2005 at 1:06 AM Rating: Decent
All i have to say is Diabolos I LOVE you, reading that made me smile. Now if Only Stupid FFxi still made me smile. :(

Edited, Thu Apr 21 02:07:54 2005 by peckpogydah
#25 Apr 21 2005 at 1:25 AM Rating: Good
1,191 posts
Shrekie wrote:
Rate me down, I don't care. Completely see where this is coming from and agree on many facts. However, those that were 75 before September still benefit the 300 cap even after the update (for merit points, etc) until now.


Anyone who was 75 before increased mob XP patch lost out on a potentially great deal of experience, which, using the most popular current argument, means they wasted a lot of their time.
#26 Apr 21 2005 at 1:43 AM Rating: Excellent
7,106 posts
I honestly don't see any difference. Why is "giving more" considered a reward, but "charging less" isn't?

Yeah, I can totally see how someone could see the previous EXP change and this one as exactly the same. To me, at least, the artiificial 200 cap was already inherently unfair -- if you manage to kill a mob that would reward you with 237 EXP, you should get 237 EXP. Reducing EXP earned to a max of 200 just took away EXP from people who earned it. A 300 EXP mob is a lot tougher than a 200 EXP mob, and it seems (to me, personally)intuitively unfair to give the same reward for both.

But there's nothing about needing 750k EXP from 50-75 that is unfair and in need of fixing. The only real "reward" for 75 is prestige, and prestige is only worth what people put in to get it. Mountain climbers get more prestige for conquering harder maountains, and SE just added a bunch of ladders. The people at the top of the mountain are still in the same place, sure, but it's not hard to see why they might be a little peeved at how much easier the ladders are making the climb for the new people.

But, that's off topic. The Op was funny. I like funny.

*edit* And it's now 14 hours after the maintenance started and I still cannot finish the update. Not impressed. I don't expect SE to give us real compensation for this, but it would be nice if they'd at least not charge us for the time we can't even play the game.

Edited, Thu Apr 21 02:46:06 2005 by Caesura
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