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Daily NPC Diagnostics - Updated Everyday!Follow

#1 Jul 21 2005 at 1:44 AM Rating: Excellent
111 posts

I'm going to test and monitor my NPC daily and give the results to everyone, im sure this will help answer questions one day at a time. My little guy is a Taru-Taru will pulled back blue hair just like i wanted...

Sorry for the lack of updates as of the past few days i had to reformat my computer ><

View the current Vinja-Kanja with this link:
http://www.beyondorigins.com/ffxi/screenshots/Vinja-Kanja-Day5.jpg (CURRENT)
Name: Vinja-Kanja[/Chartreuse]
Race: TaruTaru[/Chartreuse]
Level: 30[/Chartreuse]
Job: Whitemage or Redmage
Tactic: Healer
Armor Set: Seer's Tunic (Day 5)

You can drop your Signal Perl and retrieve another one from your NPC at the rondevous point with the timer rest.

You may drop your perl once per real life day... however if you plan this correctly you can pull your NPC out 3 times in a row then 2 times a day ther-after.

The server restarts at 11:00AM EST, which is the japanese midnight.

You need to take your NPC out at about 9:00AM EST.. play with him until he leaves... drop perl.. go to rondevous point and ask for a perl, he will give you one. Take him out again... after he leaves drop perl... at precisely 11:00PM EST regarless of in-game time... request another perl.. he should grant your request. this will make it a third time you are able to bring your NPC pal out for this day.

But remember.. after that you are done for 20 hours... so about 7:00AM you need to wake up.. play with your NPC and drop perl.. at 10:00AM EST... get your new perl and have away at your second attept for the day.

I am truely sorry for the mispost about the in-game week drop, it had apparently worked for me due to the fact japanese midnight passed as i was trying it. (many sorrys)

Only the following weapons will be accepted after day 5, you may trade any of the following to luto. she will in return give your NPC this weapon.
(she says use a starter for now so later you can give your NPC better weapons)

Uchigatana (Great Katana) [Thanks to Maliea!]
Kunai (Katana)
Bronze Axe (Axe)
Cesti (Hand-to-Hand)
Butterfly Axe (Great-Axe)
Claymore (Great-Sword)
Bronze Knife (Dagger)
Bronze Zaghnal (Scythe)
Ash Staff (Staff)
Harpoon (Polearm)
Xiphos (Sword) [Thanks to Klokky!]

-----DAY 1----- (7/19/2005)
i unlocked the NPC on the first day everyone was able to get on.
at that point.. i changed back to level 16 Samauri and summoned my little buddy for the first time. We only killed about 5 orcs near ghelsba before he said, "That's enough for one day, see you around!" and disapeared... now i wasnt too happy that i had to wait 20 hours after such a short time with my NPC pal.

-----DAY 2----- (7/20/2005)
So i figure ill give my little buddy another try, might as well since im bored after leveling my BLM to 65 earlier in the day. THIS time i switched to my level 5 Dragoon, we had to have killed about 25 things together before he said yet again... "That's enough for one day, see you around!" and disapeared... at this point i was a bit angry.. but i checked him at the rondevou point yet again... and what do i see? hes wearing Black and silver armor(now been identified as: Eisenbrust series)head to toe... omgwtfbbq?... tommorow is a new day with the NPC... will he last longer? will he also hold a new weapon? will more features be unlocked? I personally think there is more than what meets the eye everyone... keep your eyes glued here if you want information on the day-to-day basis.

-----DAY 3----- (7/21/2005)
Well today was total disaster.. i took him out to rolanberry fields with my 65 BLM thinking everything would turn out great.

About 10 fights later we are fighting a Quadav and BOOM.. it does a special attack on my poor taru.. before i know it hes giving his low health warning... i jump for the Cure III spell and by the time i hit x and start casting hes killed.

I went back to Ru'Lude Gardens and checked him out... it appears he has lost his Hands, Boots, and Pants, but his Body armor still remains.. as well as i can select his job type so not all was a complete loss today. I guess i should have just let him attack and tank and me do nothing but cure him and keep an eye out on his health.

So at the end of today i unlocked a few of his job types, im also going to take the path of HEALER which is what i was hoping for because hes a taru.

-----DAY 4----- (7/22/2005)
Today went ALOT better, his first day as healer out in rolanberry, what turtlin said was much to be true.. first thing my NPC did was cast protect II and shell on me... at later points in the fight i watched in awe as he used blink and stoneskin as well as aquaveil. At another point i was paraylzed by the ochu and he casted paralyna on me to remove it as well as a few cure III's.

beautfil job square-enix.. beautiful.

i also just dropped my perl and recieved another through my taru with the timer rest. i will take him out again shortly as i have warped back to sandy.

OH and about his equipment.. hes wearing a doublet now... typical for a healer...

-----DAY 5----- (7/23/2005)
Today went well... i took him to Sanctuary of Zitah, no problems with him as healer, he did a great job.. paralyzed every mob, used dia and even slow. Used a couple Cure III's and always made sure i had protect II and shell.

this time he stayed about an hour.. we were randomly killing level 35-40 gobs with my 65 Blackmage in an attempt to actually LEVEL him to 31 but alas no level was gained STILL..

im still trying to understand why he hasnt leveled ive dont a majority of things people list.

At the Rondevous point... HES WEARING SEER's TUNIC OMFG YESSSSSSS see screenshot above of current/day 5, im getting ready to take him out again i already recieved my perl back after dropping it.. and its lightsday.. that means darks day will soon pass and i can drop my perl again.

-----DAY 6----- (7/23/2005)
Well i took my NPC back out again with my 27 Ninja and fought all Easy Preys and Decent Challenges, no level up... however he did a hell of a job healing and removing poison and paralyze from me... again after about another hour... he said he had to go and left...

checked the rondevous point and his beautiful seer's tunic has now been changed to the Baron outfit. /cry

-----DAY 7----- (7/24/2005)
Took my NPC to Altep with my blackmage today, no level up or anything.. he actually LEFT me in themiddle of battle this time... "it's getting late... i have to go" and leaves me after only 8 battles... i think theres a certain time limit.

oh well... ill get to use him 2 times tommorow again.. i sorta nerfed today since i droped my perl yesterday and i couldnt get it back... stupid rumors ><

-----DAY 8----- (7/26/2005)
Today we went to Rolanberry yet again and fought a bunch of malboro's... he finally dinged level 31 after about 5 fights.. other than that nothing really new. His equipment is STILL the baron's outfit.

-----DAY 9----- (7/26/2005)
Took Vinja out with me again after droping perl to Altep again.. and about 3 fights through he somehow gains gate and the essedarius ant knocks him down in 2 hits. >< so end of that one lol.. his equipment was changed back to Seer's tunic.

-----DAY 10----- (7/26/2005)
Me and vinja treked this time to xarcabard in attempt to get him to level 32 and his Baron outfit back... after about 12 fights he leaves me on his little exaustion note..

checked the roddenvous point and hes back to the Baron outfit again... still nothing from Luto, hes doing fairly good with his staff i gave him however.

Edited, Fri Jul 29 21:11:11 2005 by Xclint
#2 Jul 21 2005 at 1:58 AM Rating: Excellent
46 posts
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#3 Jul 21 2005 at 2:05 AM Rating: Good
1,798 posts
Ooh, very nice info. Most people only just managed to get their NPC today so everyone is up in arms about how that whole role switching thing works, and that really clears things up. I wonder what differences the NPC will make in its AI between tanking and attacking. Lowered defense but higher output/better weapons? Either way, I think this is great. There have been many times I have needed backup damage for my RDM soloing, and just the same there have been times when I just cannot find a half decent tank for a desert party. People badmouthing the NPC system are seriously underestimating SE.
#4 Jul 21 2005 at 2:07 AM Rating: Good
111 posts
Great job turtlelin your a day ahead.. i wasnt able to get on during 5am unfortunatly due to congestion!

come let us find out together what these NPC's can do.. while everyone else is impatient and screams bloody murder at the 20 hour recast timer and refuses to give it a try ;)
#5 Jul 21 2005 at 2:07 AM Rating: Good
1,798 posts
Ooh, very nice info. Most people only just managed to get their NPC today so everyone is up in arms about how that whole role switching thing works, and that really clears things up. I wonder what differences the NPC will make in its AI between tanking and attacking. Lowered defense but higher output/better weapons? Either way, I think this is great. There have been many times I have needed backup damage for my RDM soloing, and just the same there have been times when I just cannot find a half decent tank for a desert party. People badmouthing the NPC system are seriously underestimating SE.
#6 Jul 21 2005 at 2:08 AM Rating: Decent
1,039 posts
rate ups.
this is awesome, hopefully we will see the NPC last longer as they level up and get new options : )
#7 Jul 21 2005 at 2:25 AM Rating: Good
2,880 posts
I'm curious if you actually have to gain XP for your NPC to gain it. I know their gear changes even if you fight mobs that are TW...
#8 Jul 21 2005 at 2:27 AM Rating: Decent
67 posts
Orz I tele'd to dem & promptly summoned my npc all excited not knowing what to do I talked to her twice & boom she disapeared

#9 Jul 21 2005 at 2:38 AM Rating: Good
1,798 posts
aceofwilds wrote:
I'm curious if you actually have to gain XP for your NPC to gain it. I know their gear changes even if you fight mobs that are TW...

I can confirm that it does. I took my 58 SAM out with my NPC to Battalia and when I finished she had new pants.
#10 Jul 21 2005 at 2:43 AM Rating: Decent
694 posts
wow, turtlelin totally hijacked the thread.

rate up all the same ^^

It kind of looks like the NPC don't gain levels based on experience points (or at least they don't follow the same rules), because at level 30, Cupapa wouldn't be gaining any exp teamed up with a 52 nin fighting EPs.

I'm using my NPC along with my level 5 summoner, so In the next couple days, I'll see if I can level her up fighting things much below her actual level at the same rate as Turtlelin did fighting things really far above her actual level. Someone will probably post their results from similar tests before I get a chance to though.

Congrats Turtlelin

(By the way, it's a lot of fun "soloing" with an npc AND an avatar.)
#11 Jul 21 2005 at 2:46 AM Rating: Decent
271 posts
I can confirm the different styles.

I took her out to yuhtunga(sp?) with my 31 rng and we duoed mandys (She makes an excellent tanks, literally. ^^)

She stayed for 45 minutes 'fore leaving, when I got back to bastok, same options, but went from cotton doublet type gear to lizard armor, full set 'cept gloves no idea what they are.

Disappointed at no change, I leave. I happen to come back (I think next game day) and she now has option for "talk about jobs." and I can choose attacker and healer. Can't wait to see what they do.

However, she is still level 30.
#12 Jul 21 2005 at 2:51 AM Rating: Good
111 posts
wow, turtlelin totally hijacked the thread.

Not neccissarily true even though that kind of shocked me that hes a day ahead when all this congestion madness wouldnt let me on any sooner lol.

i more or less look at is as... what if his taru takes a different path? he chose to do healing... maybe ill chose a different path.. and what if each of those paths have even more abilitys depending on that of which was chosen?

point proven.. this isnt a race post.. its a discovery.

goodluck to all.. find what u can and post it here for the community.. everyone wants to know!
#13 Jul 21 2005 at 2:54 AM Rating: Good
46 posts
sorry didn't mean to hijack the thread...i just got excited cuz i literally got it like 10 minutes ago...at least from when i made the first post.

It's definately a good idea to keep documentation of what people are doing with NPCs ti learn more about them...i'm terrible at that hehe^^

#14 Jul 21 2005 at 2:58 AM Rating: Good
111 posts
we will take different paths... your a bit ahead.. but like i said.. lets see where this takes us.. i doubt we will both come out with the same results.
#15 Jul 21 2005 at 3:05 AM Rating: Decent
709 posts
Awesome news from the both of you. Rate ups!

I just finished the quest tonight and was killing random things with my Galka friend in Sauromugue Champaign. He stayed for about 20 minutes until I accidently clicked him and he decided to leave (SE has to tweak that).

So I went back to Jeuno to talk to him at the R. Point, turns out he already has some new peices of armor! I wonder what drunken Galka he stole it off of. :p

He's still level 30 and I wasn't able to change him from Sheild yet. Maybe tomorrow, I'll update you. ^^
#16 Jul 21 2005 at 3:11 AM Rating: Decent
So, is it's growth potential determined by Actual EXP Aquisition? Or, just out and about fighting foes with your partner? I assume you'll be able to switch styles of combat.. So, I'd probably switch as needed..
#17 Jul 21 2005 at 3:35 AM Rating: Decent
111 posts
I personally think its growth of ANY kind... is when your fighting with it until it goes away on its own free will... only then i believe u get new armor or abilitys.
#18 Jul 21 2005 at 3:48 AM Rating: Decent
57 posts
I went out into Saur~Champ with my NPC ...

I was a 59 BLM with a sub of THF. I'm interested in a farming buddy, since BLM has trouble farming without immense downtime.

With no way to heal him (and since I had not yet discovered that he can "tell" me when he's having trouble - this is now an option for me at the Rendevous Point), he was slain by a Tabar Beak when he managed to voke it off me.

That's right, first time out, I killed my NPC.

So I ran up to check on him, and he's wearing *Vagabond's Tunic,* with gloves I don't recognize and the same boots he came in.

Certainly this isn't a smart solution to him getting killed -- put him in weaker armour!?
#19 Jul 21 2005 at 3:51 AM Rating: Good
111 posts
LOL your kidding with me right?

you got him killed so when u checked the rondevou point he was wearing VAGABONDS TUNIC?!

ouch... thats a new one.
#20 Jul 21 2005 at 3:55 AM Rating: Decent
1,692 posts
lol you suck(j/k :P), if I was your NPC I would come out driving a sherman tank.
#21 Jul 21 2005 at 4:11 AM Rating: Decent
31 posts
Note to self : Dont take your npc buddy to Xarcabard to fight skeletons.

"The lost soul starts casting Thundaga
Romidiant hits the lost soul for 18 points of damage
The Lost Soul's spikes deal 6 points of damage to Romidiant
Romidiant : Ugh..
This could be bad...
Romidiant : Your fight is with me.
Romidiant uses provoke on the Lost Sould
The Lost Soul casts Thundaga
Romidiant takes 205 points of damage
The Lost Soul uses Blood Saber
64 Hp drained from Romidiant
The Lost Soul defeats Romidiant"

Ooops. Think he will still be my friend? Ill edit this next time i see him to see if he has taken a down grade.

Edited, Fri Jul 22 01:58:16 2005 by Leaudians
#22 Jul 21 2005 at 4:16 AM Rating: Excellent
1,692 posts
My NPC is a gimp, no full Eisen set for her :/

I just realised why you can't call your NPC for 20 hours, there out farming for new gear :O
#23 Jul 21 2005 at 4:21 AM Rating: Good
Bump, I'm really interested in this NPC thing now. I was kinda "meh" when it came to the 20 hour wait, and I just got her tonight, but now that I know you can switch combat styles... ^^

This is really great. Keep up the info here. I'll provide what I can, too, but we should really keep a thread like this going. By the way, congratulations all for waiting in line basically (NMs were so easy, I was very relieved). And Congratulations especially to Turtlelin. Way to go. ^^

I can't wait to get leveling with my NPC and testing things out. I may not join a real exp party now XD

It will be interesting to see if anyone tries to use his/her NPC in a place like Altepa for actual leveling. O.o

Also, so I can add something

If you "talk" to your NPC while he/she is out, he/she will talk about leaving for the day (and making you wait 20 hours to see him/her again). If you want your NPC to stay, quickly talk to him/her again and he/she will say something like "Okay, I'll stay". You have about 15 seconds to do so. My friend talked to his NPC who said "There's nothing to do here, I'm going" and he just let him go thinking that was it. I learned later on my NPC you have to just talk to them again.

Also, I've heard you can buff and cure your NPC, but using Cure II or III (possibly IV and V) may send your NPC back and make you wait that 20 hours. Dunno, I'll try it out and risk not seeing Evi for 20 more hours ;.;

Edited, Thu Jul 21 05:26:48 2005 by Caes
#24 Jul 21 2005 at 4:25 AM Rating: Good
302 posts
Haha, exactly Rune.
#25 Jul 21 2005 at 4:52 AM Rating: Decent
169 posts
I was thinking of taking my NPC to one of the Promyvions and just muck around near the entrance.
#26 Jul 21 2005 at 5:00 AM Rating: Good
111 posts
if i couldnt take my NPC pal into Ghelsba to showoff to people in line.. i doubt u can take him in Promys.. :( wishful thinking though that would be great

Edited, Thu Jul 21 06:04:34 2005 by Xclint
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