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FFXI: A New Hope (editorial discussion thread)Follow

#1 Mar 16 2010 at 12:13 AM Rating: Excellent
New editorial, new discussion thread. You can read the editorial here.

I would have posted this sooner, but I was busy on the weekend of Vana'Fest getting married in Las Vegas! I know that was two weeks ago, but it took a bit to recover from the post-wedding/Vegas fallout. Now, all is well.

Anyway... the editorial. Do you agree that these add-ons are offering more to look forward to? Are you praising or cursing SE over the level cap changes?

Thayos Redblade
#2 Mar 16 2010 at 12:26 AM Rating: Decent
Funny thing, I just posted about the addons a few seconds ago...
#3 Mar 16 2010 at 12:47 AM Rating: Decent
@#%^ing DRK
13,143 posts
To elaborate on being excited about June from the other thread...

One thing I can say for sure is whether or not SE manages to implement this properly, it's going to be a blast running around in game at 99. Even if that excitement only lasts a month, it will be a fitting end to my time spent in the game, although I have a feeling the incarnation of Paskil in FFXI will b alive a while yet. I think that SE will pull this off though. Things may be horribly broken for a while (say hello to your new PUP overlords), but I think they'll get the game balanced out in at least a semi-satisfactory manner.

I am kind of happy that Unicorn is one of the servers not being affected by the mergers.

Edit: Interesting read by the way. I'm sure that many players feel the same way as you about the future of FFXI; cautiously optimistic.

Edit2.0: Holy crap, read the entire editorial but skimmed the OP. Grats on getting married man.

Edited, Mar 16th 2010 12:51am by Paskil
#4 Mar 16 2010 at 12:49 AM Rating: Excellent
795 posts
Congrats on getting married, Thayos!
75 Pld Nin Drk Thf


#5 Mar 16 2010 at 1:29 AM Rating: Excellent
Thank you! Working on Mrs. Thayos to play FFXIV with me.
Thayos Redblade
#6 Mar 16 2010 at 1:30 AM Rating: Good
Thayos wrote:
Thank you! Working on Mrs. Thayos to play FFXIV with me.

For now, it should be fine if you focus on working on Mrs. Thayos, after that you can slowly convince her to play FFXI, lol!
#7 Mar 16 2010 at 1:40 AM Rating: Excellent
For now, it should be fine if you focus on working on Mrs. Thayos, after that you can slowly convince her to play FFXI, lol!

I see what you did there!
Thayos Redblade
#8 Mar 16 2010 at 4:00 AM Rating: Excellent
794 posts
When SE stated that what they had to reveal to us at Vana'Fest would knock us off our seats, I will admit that I was hugely cynical.

I was expecting;

New avatars: Grats to the SMN's out there, but Meh for me, I don't play SMN
Mini-expansions: Along the lines of the three we have... So mediocre
Job updates: A few job updates of average impact
Token useless junk: Some pointless new item or event that appeals to nobody

Turns out, for once, that SE can deliver on what they says. I read a '99 Level Cap' thread on Alla the day of Vana'Fest, and thought someone was pulling a happy friday, or just trolling. Then I noticed there were more of these threads, all saying the same thing.

Personally, I'm very excited. Sure, there are bound to be problems, and maybe disapointments, but at this stage in FFXI's life, it needed something big to revitalise it.

In the same way as Thayos, I too am cautiously optimistic about the expansions. New areas are always good, and perhaps this is too optimistic, but I'm imagining Abyssea to become the new ToAU for 75-99. We shall see!

Finally, the Server merges. While the implementation and planning is sloppy, and the name situation entirely unfair, again I'm excited. Personally if I'd had to pick a server to merge with, it would have been Garuda, and look who we got teamed up with! As with the 99 cap, there will probably be issues, but I'm still excited about it.

TL;DR - SE delivers, I'm excited

Edited, Mar 16th 2010 5:01am by Pud
#9 Mar 16 2010 at 5:13 AM Rating: Decent
1,033 posts
I'll admit that I too am optimistic about Abyssea--new areas, new challenges, new systems of play, less reliance on the group, all these appeal to me. I don't see why they felt the need to divide what is essentially a unified story into three expansionettes, but whatever.

However, I still won't be pleased until I see my Far North/West/East/South areas. Don't think I've forgotten about that, S-E.

The level cap raise, makes me extremely suspicious.

First, what prompted a bump in cap that could not be done with a reorganization of traits, abilities, and spells? The expansion of subjob usage could have as easily been achieved by lowering the level requirement for current spells/abilities/traits, in addition to adding in new ones. Adding new HNMs and armor adjusted the current cap should have been no less difficult.

Am I missing something? Is programming around a raised cap easier than programming around the current one?

Second, for the better part of a decade, the number one inviolable rule of FFXI was a max level cap of 75... which they've up and decided to violate, almost out of nowhere.

The only reason I can see them abandoning their number one rule is the same reason all hands would abandon a ship--they may not give a damn about the product anymore.
#10 Mar 16 2010 at 6:39 AM Rating: Decent
1,145 posts
SunriderRagnarok wrote:

The only reason I can see them abandoning their number one rule is the same reason all hands would abandon a ship--they may not give a damn about the product anymore.
That's how I feel about it. I feel like they woke up one day and decided that FFXI was headed downhill and can't be stopped, so it was a good time to ***** around with it while they could and make what if's a reality. All the things they say they want to achieve could easily have been done with adjusting content with the 75 cap. But we get a level cap increase. And it's not limited. It's all the way to 99. I don't think it has hit many people just how much of a grind that really is in the current state of affairs in FFXI. It's a lot of work to be able to low man current high end content, and I suspect many players are going to give up before they make it unless exp per hour goes through the roof or exp requirements are nerfed.

Essentially, what SE did was create hype for something that isn't really all that great. All they're doing is making us grind even more and we're cheering, when we really need to be realizing that the same goal could be accomplished without making us grind another exp point beyond 75 aside from buffer. The only exciting aspect of this for me is being able to roam through current zones aggro free more or less, that could kill me on the spot if a sneak or invis dropped at the wrong time.

I fear the only reason we're cheering is because we don't have a choice. I totally look forward to what I'll be able to do in the future, but it's all meaningless if my time here comes to an end because there was nothing more to explore expansion wise. FFXI doesn't need to go the EQ route, but it can stand to see another 1-2 expansions. I really do feel FFXIV is part of the problem here, and I wish it would just come out already and be done with it so SE can see who sticks around and can start planning true new content via expansions for this game. It's the only logical reason why the last expansion we got was in 2007, an expansion that seemed tailor made to be the final expansion of the game to boot. It's like they are predicting FFXI's doom with FFXIV being released and they wanted to finish the main story lore before it happens. Shrug. An expansion is commitment. What they are doing is hardly what I would call commitment.
#11 Mar 16 2010 at 6:58 AM Rating: Good
@#%^ing DRK
13,143 posts
However, I still won't be pleased until I see my Far North/West/East/South areas. Don't think I've forgotten about that, S-E.

This is a **** poor point. These places are mentioned in barely the vaguest terms in game (if at all). None of those were ever promised to us, and I honestly have no real wish to visit either the south or far-east.

Voldermolt wrote:
SunriderRagnarok wrote:

The only reason I can see them abandoning their number one rule is the same reason all hands would abandon a ship--they may not give a damn about the product anymore.
That's how I feel about it. I feel like they woke up one day and decided that FFXI was headed downhill and can't be stopped, so it was a good time to ***** around with it while they could and make what if's a reality. All the things they say they want to achieve could easily have been done with adjusting content with the 75 cap. But we get a level cap increase. And it's not limited. It's all the way to 99. I don't think it has hit many people just how much of a grind that really is in the current state of affairs in FFXI. It's a lot of work to be able to low man current high end content, and I suspect many players are going to give up before they make it unless exp per hour goes through the roof or exp requirements are nerfed.

Essentially, what SE did was create hype for something that isn't really all that great. All they're doing is making us grind even more and we're cheering, when we really need to be realizing that the same goal could be accomplished without making us grind another exp point beyond 75 aside from buffer. The only exciting aspect of this for me is being able to roam through current zones aggro free more or less, that could kill me on the spot if a sneak or invis dropped at the wrong time.

I fear the only reason we're cheering is because we don't have a choice. I totally look forward to what I'll be able to do in the future, but it's all meaningless if my time here comes to an end because there was nothing more to explore expansion wise. FFXI doesn't need to go the EQ route, but it can stand to see another 1-2 expansions. I really do feel FFXIV is part of the problem here, and I wish it would just come out already and be done with it so SE can see who sticks around and can start planning true new content via expansions for this game. It's the only logical reason why the last expansion we got was in 2007, an expansion that seemed tailor made to be the final expansion of the game to boot. It's like they are predicting FFXI's doom with FFXIV being released and they wanted to finish the main story lore before it happens. Shrug. An expansion is commitment. What they are doing is hardly what I would call commitment.

This is also ridiculous. They're obviously not abandoning the project as you can see from the announcements, add-ons, and coming changes in the game. I see this argument frequently but have yet to see a competent response as to why SE would throw away what is largely a free several million a month. Their shareholders would rip their throats out.

Don't forget that this is a publicly traded company, it is the furthest thing in the world from their best interests to dump this game by the wayside.
#12 Mar 16 2010 at 7:34 AM Rating: Excellent
SunriderRagnarok wrote:
I'll admit that I too am optimistic about Abyssea--new areas, new challenges, new systems of play, less reliance on the group, all these appeal to me. I don't see why they felt the need to divide what is essentially a unified story into three expansionettes, but whatever.

I've always assumed the reason for going with downloadable content was so that they could keep supporting PS2 users without actually having to worry about the logistics of getting retailers to stock PS2 disks when it's essentially a dead format.

And of course, dividing it into 3 parts makes sense when you consider how painful it can be downloading large updates for this game.
#13 Mar 16 2010 at 7:36 AM Rating: Good
The full expansion should be about the Far East that we've heard for many years. A war with Aht Urhgan versus Far East country story. They should also expand the past quest to involve the present by time travel. The WoTG expansion was pretty bleh with no time travel stories.
#14 Mar 16 2010 at 7:47 AM Rating: Excellent
Hmmmx wrote:
The full expansion should be about the Far East that we've heard for many years. A war with Aht Urhgan versus Far East country story. They should also expand the past quest to involve the present by time travel. The WoTG expansion was pretty bleh with no time travel stories.
Dandruffshampoo plays Valor Minuet IV.
Audience : ...
Dandruffshampoo : I guess you guys aren't ready for that yet. But your kids are gonna love it.
Until we meet again... stay gold. *bang*
#15 Mar 16 2010 at 9:42 AM Rating: Excellent
917 posts
Like most i've talked to ingame, i'm waiting cautiously until the changes start rolling out. I'm looking forward though because immediately awesome or immediately bad, these chages are gonna give the game a shakeup it imo sorely needs. There is one community issue that i keep hearing that i just am not feeling personally; all the disparaging remarks about Abyssea.

I know its way early still and no one other than SE knows the specifics of it, but from their initial description it seems like Abyssea essentially IS an expansion.

*New areas - check. Shoot, WotG can't even really boast this as most of the "new" areas it added were just reskins of areas i been playing in since '04.

*New mobs - check

*New gear - check

*New storyline - check

*Pricetag of ~$30 US - pretty much what i've paid for every separately sold expansion since/including CoP.

Yeah sounds like an expansion to me, or more accurately, sounds like the stuff we've come to expect from expansions in the past. Minus one thing, the hassle of having to go out and find a copy. We can simply pay to have Abyssea content activated on our accounts as it becomes available and sorry, but i don't mind that at all.

I think most ppl i've talked to ingame are just too hung up on Abyssea's designation. They hear the term "add-on" and think ACP, MKD, or ASA; which is a bit unfair imo. Those three were clearly a test. Not so much in terms of quality, as i think that we can all agree that they were not the best quality work SE has ever released, but a test in terms of distribution.

Now that SE knows how to implement this kind of content, i'm pretty sure that with Abyssea they will be able to worry more about the quality of the content.

closing: Maybe my view is a bit skewed. I have three systems i rotate between playing FFXI on; my PC, my PS2, and my PS3. Abyssea content being offered as an "add-on" as opposed to a traditional expansion disk makes it very easy for me to purchase. I won't be frantically calling around town looking for 2 versions of the same game and shelling out 60 bucks in one go if i find some mom and pop game shop that has them. I will be able to simply buy activation codes one time and have the content unlocked on all my systems.

Seems like a perfectly reasonable new way to release content to me.
One of my server's brightest minds... wrote:
Not to make too extreme a comparison, but Rog is like Nelson Mandella...

Quite possibly the DUMBEST thing i've ever read.
#16 Mar 16 2010 at 10:16 AM Rating: Good
992 posts
*New storyline - check

Elmer wrote:
Instead of a quest lines, Abyssea will feature numerous "battle areas" aimed at high-level players, along the lines of Dynamis, where they can enjoy fighting epic battles and obtaining powerful equipment.

No quests. If there is a storyline, it will be like the Dynamis storyline: 5 second cutscenes before you enter a zone for the first time.
#17 Mar 16 2010 at 10:49 AM Rating: Decent
727 posts
spiritreaverdiablos wrote:

*New areas - check. Shoot, WotG can't even really boast this as most of the "new" areas it added were just reskins of areas i been playing in since '04.

Sorry, but you're not going to get this with Abbysea either.

POL wrote:
A parallel world existing beside Vana'diel,

Doesn't sound like "new" areas, sounds like a reskin to me.
#18 Mar 16 2010 at 11:02 AM Rating: Decent
181 posts
I agree the updates and changes are a step in the right direction. The biggest question mark will be how well FF14 is recieved and how much of the player base migrates to it. Make no mistake, the amount of fresh, new players coming to FFXI has slowed to a trickle so the playability of the game depends on just how many folks decide immigrate. A massive exodus would render the server mergers redundant.
#19 Mar 16 2010 at 11:43 AM Rating: Default
I think raising the level cap to 99 is a horrible decision for SE to make. All it works out too is another grind to squeeze another 30$+some monthly fees out of players. The trivialization of old content via level cap raises is also one of the worst mistakes Blizzard makes too. The big problem for SE mimicking this strategy is that Blizzard can put out a lot more content much faster then SE, so what's going to end up happening is everyone will hit 99, clear what little is there to do, then quit because everything else is a joke.

Because of this announcement I can't imagine myself playing FFXI after FFXIV comes out, and if that isn't good I may quit MMOs completely.

*two thumbs down*
#20 Mar 16 2010 at 11:55 AM Rating: Good
5,745 posts
Paskil wrote:
One thing I can say for sure is whether or not SE manages to implement this properly, it's going to be a blast running around in game at 99. Even if that excitement only lasts a month, it will be a fitting end to my time spent in the game...

"Too much grind, not enough gain." That was the criticism of a player who quit this game many years ago. Given that it will very likely take just as much work to go from 75 to 99 as it currently does to go from 1 to 75, the potential fun and reward at level 99 better be really high.

Just being able to low man existing HNM and other end game content isn't enough. For example, if you can solo Byakko as a level 99, that might mean you can finally get that elusive B. Haidate. However, if you can already pull that off solo, the importance of such previously highly sought after end game gear decreases.
#21 Mar 16 2010 at 12:00 PM Rating: Excellent
4,419 posts
I've got hope for this (as long as the grind to 99 isn't too bad), but if it falls on its face, I most likely won't play XIV. In fact, I will likely quit MMOs altogether.

I have a whole shelf of offline games to play, anyway.
Linkshell: CrimsonMercenaries Server: Carbamesh

Sandinmygum the Stupendous wrote:
Human (?) females look ugly.
Post in /K/ where the orbital laser system is now online.
#22 Mar 16 2010 at 12:00 PM Rating: Good
1,033 posts
Paskil wrote:
This is a **** poor point. These places are mentioned in barely the vaguest terms in game (if at all). None of those were ever promised to us, and I honestly have no real wish to visit either the south or far-east.
It wasn't a point to any end. It was an opinion.

Like your apathy towards seeing the other regions? Yeah, an opinion like that. Though I think a valid one, since I know plenty of others who'd like to see the other regions as well, and don't want S-E to delay in bringing them.
Paskil wrote:
This is also ridiculous. They're obviously not abandoning the project as you can see from the announcements, add-ons, and coming changes in the game. I see this argument frequently but have yet to see a competent response as to why SE would throw away what is largely a free several million a month. Their shareholders would rip their throats out.

Don't forget that this is a publicly traded company, it is the furthest thing in the world from their best interests to dump this game by the wayside.
Have they abandoned it? Maybe not, but they can still be disinterested in FFXI without ditching it.

Maybe it's a down-on-one-knee beg to keep people playing, maybe it's a "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain."

But in the end, I'm simply not seeing the sense behind it. They could have re-organized abilities and spells to fall below level 37 for a similar effect, introduced items and monsters built around the current cap. I'd really like to know which is developmentally easier--the way the devs have been talking for the last four years, introducing a new level cap was the bigger challenge...

... so why'd they commit to it? Why now, when they've preferred the path of least resistance all this time?

Whatever the motive, the cap raise feels like a loud, flashy act reeking of desperation.

Edited, Mar 16th 2010 2:57pm by SunriderRagnarok
#23 Mar 16 2010 at 12:06 PM Rating: Good
917 posts
Thanks for pointing out that clarification from Elmer Zaredx and IfritsFreylin, i'd missed that.

However even if any shared storyline between all 3 parts of Abyssea are only of a depth akin to Dynamis(which for the record even though i participate in that activity, i have hated since its addition), it will tie all 3 installments together. And imo that still elevates Abyssea content above that of last years stand alone test add-ons.

Doesn't sound like "new" areas, sounds like a reskin to me.

A reskin of what? I mean i doubt even SE would be dumb enough to try and herald reskinned zones as "new" ones yet again. They did it with dynamis and then again with WotG. At this point we've got the same structural zones reiterated as many as 3 times in some cases(EX-Southern San d' Oria. Original, Dynamis, and Shadow Reign Era versions). I pray that SE has at least this much sense and doesn't try to pull this again.

One of my server's brightest minds... wrote:
Not to make too extreme a comparison, but Rog is like Nelson Mandella...

Quite possibly the DUMBEST thing i've ever read.
#24 Mar 16 2010 at 1:02 PM Rating: Default
4,511 posts
Well, i'm not really sure how i should feel about this editorial.

Outside ofcourse how certainly not everyone thinks of this as something good because of forced merges and names being lost that people have been using for years and years, isn't it just "too little, too late"?

You really shouldnt be praising SE over something they should have done years ago, and you CERTAINLY shouldnt be praising SE over the way they've decided to do this. ******** over a ton of loyal old players and angering a lot of other long time players really shouldnt be on the front page exclaiming "Good job SE!".

It's not just disrespectful to a lot of us, but it will also give SE the wrong message, especially since you've taken it upon yourself to be our "spokesman".
#25 Mar 16 2010 at 2:13 PM Rating: Good
271 posts
Since when was an editorial the same as being a "spokesman"?

Editorial = opinion

Reading Thayos' editorial again, I see hopeful optimism, not any kind of congratulations to SE. Are we reading the same editorial?
#26 Mar 16 2010 at 3:46 PM Rating: Good
803 posts
"Hopeful optimism" sounds pretty good. I'm hopefully optimistic about the coming updates too, but I still think that SE needs to do something about the current HNMs. This will give them even more competition, if anything... and that's rough because they're already a smash-fest to get claims on.

Everything else, I'm fine with. With higher levels, I'll be able to participate in more low-manned missions and be able to see more of the game's story using my own play methods. God knows that the past three mini-spansions have been hell on quite a few of us.

On the downside, my best friend decided to quit the game after the announcement of the cap being gradually raised to level 99. He's a father with health problems who's also a full-time student, and he knew just hearing about it that the game would become too demanding. His reasoning is that it took him forever to get just two jobs to 75 and a third to 70 with his hectic soloing/duoing schedule, and that when it comes between providing for his family and playing FFXI, he wisely chose his family. Atleast, I think it's a wise decision on my end, considering the large amount of EXP it takes to get to 75. It's hard to say if SE will keep the same formula to reach 99 or do something new, but we don't really have any reason to think they'll perform differently.

I respect his decision to quit and agree with his choice considering how little time he's had to play lately. Me, I also have a hectic schedule and play very similarly to him, but I'm going to keep going because I refuse to quit this game until I've done every bit of story it has to offer. FFXI just keeps me coming back in that way. Here's hoping that Abyssea will bring us a lot more fun to come.
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