Mistress Theonehio wrote:
What's the point of this system again?
Probably the vast amount of R/Ex gear and items that people have gotten from random NMs; things that people probably don't use all that often, but don't want to toss in case the need to use them arises again. It's not feasible for SE to expand the Porter Moogle service to so many items.
Lets see, a quick look in my storage shows the following R/Ex items which are not on this no-no list:
Hornet Needle
Zoolater's Hat
Blue Ribbon
Nokizaru Gi
Sealion Crest Key
Unlit Lantern
Sylvan Stone
Gothic Gauntlets
Bastokan Ring
Shaman's Cloak
Star Necklace
Fullmetal Bullet
Minstrel's Coat
Melampus Staff
Pilgrim's Wand
Merrow 17's Locket
Bibiki Seashell
Gee, doesn't sound as useless as you were making it out to be.