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Mhaura Ship Quest DialogFollow

#1 Apr 17 2006 at 7:06 PM Rating: Excellent
53 posts
New Lower Jeuno Dialog .... Note the bolded parts


Um... What was I saying, again?≺NewLine≻Oh, yeah...the Empire of Aht Urhgan. You want t' see the Near East, don't you? I can see it in your eyes.≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
How does Aht Urhgan sound to you?≺NewLine≻≺Selection Dialog≻I want to go!≺NewLine≻Psh, not interested.≺NewLine≻ ≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
Heheh, I appreciate your honesty.≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
Is 'at so? That's all I 'ave to say to you then, so get out o' here.≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
Well, aren't you clever? But once is enough. Seriously.≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
Anyway, that's enough batting aroun' the bush for now. Let's dig straight in t' the juicy details, shall we?≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
You know the ships at Mhaura used t' transport prospective mercenaries to the Near East? If you want t' climb aboard one o' those vessels, you 'ave got to go through none other than the Tenshodo here.≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻

We received a request from the Empire 'erself. Getting those ships t' port was a royal pain. We finally managed t' bargain a cheap price on some rickety old vessels, and...≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻

And you don't care. Sorry abou' that. A man's got to vent sometimes.≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
Anyway, you should know by now how things work around 'ere. If you want something, you 'ave to bring me something I want, first.≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻

If you aren't in the mood t' scavenge up what I want, you can always cough up gil instead. O' course, that would be quickest.≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻

Let's make this explanation brief, shall we?≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
You see, prices are a mite different in the Near East. Something that sells for a gil a dozen here might be a luxury item in Aht Urhgan.≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
Jumping straigh' to the point, now.≺NewLine≻I want you t' bring me some common items from this side o' Vana'diel, and I'll give you the ≺Marker: 1A00≻ in exchange.≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
The more you bring me, the better. I 'ave put together a few lists if you'd like to take a look. I will leave it t' you which to bring me.≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻

Ah yes, and there is gil, too. Righto.≺NewLine≻You can buy your way out if you choose.≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
If you decide t' go the gil route, I will need ≺Numeric Parameter 0≻ gil up front. That's nothing for adventurers nowadays, righ'? You can also consider it your price o' failure, heheh.≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻

So what'll it be?≺NewLine≻I'll read the list now, so decide which set is in your budget and make a note o' what you need.≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻

What'll it be?≺NewLine≻≺Selection Dialog≻Beginner list.≺NewLine≻Intermediate list.≺NewLine≻Advanced list.≺NewLine≻Pay the ≺Numeric Parameter 0≻ gil.≺NewLine≻Please explain again.≺NewLine≻Let me think about it.≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻

It's going t' take you some work if you want to go to Aht Urhgan, but you cannot get there through anyone but us.≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
Heh heh heh...≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
The advanced list, eh? A superb choice. The items on this list are few, so they should fit nicely in your bag, but they are quite difficult t' come by.≺NewLine≻You can choose from the following:≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻

One coffer key from a beastman stronghold--Davoi, Beadeaux, Castle Oztroja, the Temple of Uggalepih, the Den of Rancor, the Quicksand Caves, or the Sea Serpent Grotto.≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
A “testimony.” Those ancient scraps of papyrus seem t' be quite popular with collectors these days. I don't know all the details, but apparently there's a testimony for any o' the jobs an adventurer can be. Anyway, I just need one.≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
Your last option is t' bring me chips from Pso'Xja.≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻

I'll need a set o' those, though. You'll 'ave to bring me ≺Marker: 7F8201≻≺Marker: 7F8103≻≺Item Parameter 0≻, ≺Marker: 7F8201≻≺Marker: 7F8103≻≺Item Parameter 1≻, and ≺Marker: 7F8201≻≺Marker: 7F8103≻≺Item Parameter 2≻, all three.≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻

That's it for the advanced list.≺NewLine≻You can bring me any one o' the above requests, but if you decide t' bring Pso'Xja chips, I'll need 'em in a set o' three.≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
Intermediate, eh?≺NewLine≻This one is quite a bother.≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻

Beastmen 'ave been a real plague t' the Near East as of late. Not that we haven't been having problems here, too.≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
But anyway, the situation 'as driven up the demand for beastman spoils.≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
I want you t' bring me ≺Marker: 7F8201≻≺Marker: 7F8103≻≺Item Parameter 0≻, ≺Marker: 7F8201≻≺Marker: 7F8103≻≺Item Parameter 1≻, and ≺Marker: 7F8201≻≺Marker: 7F8103≻≺Item Parameter 2≻.≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
The beastmen have been using those t' relay orders. I require all three.≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
That's all for the intermediate list.≺NewLine≻It may sound simple, but those items are scattered all about the strongholds and are rather difficult t' get a hold of.≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
You say you want t' go to Aht Urhgan, but you're too big o' a coward to face a challenge, eh? That attitude will get you nowhere in the Empire, I tell you. Ah well, it's all the same t' me, as long as I make a profit.≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
This will be more like running errands, but there are a lot o' things for you to collect on this list.≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
There are a lot o' curious items here. I need you to bring me ≺Marker: 7F8201≻≺Marker: 7F8103≻≺Item Parameter 0≻, ≺Marker: 7F8201≻≺Marker: 7F8103≻≺Item Parameter 1≻, and ≺Marker: 7F8201≻≺Marker: 7F8103≻≺Item Parameter 2≻.≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
Wait, there's more. I also require ≺Marker: 7F8201≻≺Marker: 7F8103≻≺Item Parameter 3≻ and ≺Marker: 7F8201≻≺Marker: 7F8103≻≺Item Parameter 4≻.≺NewLine≻...Oh, and one last thing--≺Marker: 7F8201≻≺Marker: 7F8103≻≺Item Parameter 5≻. Hand me these six items at one time, and I will be satisfied.≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
Hoho!≺NewLine≻So this high and mighty adventurer refuses t' be reduced to running errands!≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
Ah, sorry abou' that.≺Marker: 7F3601≻≺NewLine≻I'm not picking on you, so don't get your feathers in a ruffle.≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
So you are going t' pay me ≺Numeric Parameter 0≻ gil. Is that correct?≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
You won't receive the permit immediately, you know. Are you okay with that?≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
Pay ≺Numeric Parameter 0≻ gil for the permit?≺NewLine≻≺Selection Dialog≻On second thought, no.≺NewLine≻Yes.≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
You're not going t' regret this later, are you?≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
Be honest.≺NewLine≻≺Selection Dialog≻Now that you mention it...≺NewLine≻Regret? I know the word not!≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
Blimey! You've only got ≺Numeric Parameter 6≻ gil?≺Marker: 7F3602≻≺NewLine≻Come back when your pockets are a little heavier!≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
Congratulations, ≺Marker: 7F855B≻sir/ma'am], we have a deal!≺NewLine≻Come back tomorrow and I will give you the ≺Marker: 1A00≻.≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
And don't you worry, because the Tenshodo is true t' its word!≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
該ou pay Faursel ≺Numeric Parameter 0≻ gil!≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
Exactly what I asked for!≺NewLine≻Congratulations, ≺Marker: 7F855B≻sir/ma'am], we have a deal!≺NewLine≻Come back tomorrow and I will give you the ≺Marker: 1A00≻.≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
And don't you worry, because the Tenshodo is true t' its word!≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
What's done is done. Sorry, but I'm not giving any refunds.≺NewLine≻Come back tomorrow and I will give you the ≺Marker: 1A00≻.≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
Good day t' you.≺NewLine≻You can 'ave your ≺Marker: 1A00≻ now!≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
With this, you can ride t' the Near East from the port at Mhaura.≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
I 'ave got t' tell you up front, though, that the high seas are a dangerous place. I can't guarantee your safety, so travel at your own risk.≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
If I were you, I'd be praying for the ship t' simply stay afloat.≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
Heh heh heh...≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
With ≺Marker: 7F8201≻≺Marker: 7F8103≻≺Marker: 1A00≻, you can ride t' the Near East from the port at Mhaura.≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
Good day t' you.≺NewLine≻I 'ave got your ≺Marker: 1A00≻ here. Unfortunately, I cannot hand it t' you just yet.≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
Righto. Here goes nothing.≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
Being o' the Tenshodo, I couldn't accept such an exorbitant price for a simple permit without including some type o' extra service.≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
Can you hear me, anyway...?≺NewLine≻Well, when you open your eyes, you're in for a surprise. Heheh.≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
Ah, it's you again.≺NewLine≻Did you make it t' Aht Urhgan in one piece? Sorry for catching you by surprise earlier.≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
I'm not sure if you know this or not, but Aht Urhgan has a pact forbidding airships from flying over their nation.≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
O' course, we found a way around that, and dropped you into that ginormous forest from the sky. The Tenshodo'll always give you your money's worth.≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
We didn't want anyone else t' know about that route, so we had t' bail you out from midair and keep the operation secret. Sorry, but it was the only way.≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻


Ok, heres the lowdown, theres obviously a selection menu with a beginner, intermediate, advanced list of items .... or the gil way out (much like airships and Khazam)

Advanced List: (choose any one item)

- Beastman Stronghold Coffer Keys:
--- Davoi
--- Beadeaux
--- Castle Oztroja
--- Temple of Uggalepih
--- Den of Rancor
--- Quicksand Caves
--- Sea Serpent Grotto.

- A Testimony

- Pso'xja Chips

Intermediate List: (3 items needed)

But anyway, the situation 'as driven up the demand for beastman spoils.

The beastmen have been using those t' relay orders. I require all three.

-Appears to be 3 Garrison Items. Probably the 3 Strongholds

Beginner List: (6 items needed)

Hand me these six items at one time, and I will be satisfied

- No way of knowing until its in game


- Unknown Amount

Well, there you have it folks, 4 ways to do this quest (technically more, the "advanced" route has some options) and a whole day to do it. I imagine the primary three strongholds are gonna be PACKED tomorrow. But I'm sure plenty will go the the outlands bases too. I expect Pso'xja to be ther least travelled road, but I'm sure some people will venture there to escape the severe lack of mobs that will be populating other places. I think I'm gonna go to the Grotto myself. I've barely fought any Sahagin ever so I need a change of scenery.

Edit: Modified after considering BlainesTaru's and nosajx's posts below. Looks like all 4 routes make you wait a day, but since it says day in the dialog, that should mean a game day. So, looks like you can prepare the items tomorrow or wait to see how big of a hole SE just drilled into your wallet if you want to be on the boat ~1 hour after ToAU is up.

Edited, Mon Apr 17 21:41:32 2006 by SkywalterDBZ
#2 Apr 17 2006 at 7:08 PM Rating: Decent
53 posts
Edit: Content added to post above

Edited, Mon Apr 17 20:39:23 2006 by SkywalterDBZ
#3 Apr 17 2006 at 7:10 PM Rating: Decent
5,339 posts
Looks like I'll be waiting about three months for the people camping coffer keys, testimonies and chips to go away. This is going to also do GREAT THINGS for people doing AF and Maat fights -.-;
#4 Apr 17 2006 at 7:14 PM Rating: Decent
54 posts
The intermediate list looks like garrison trigger items, items the beastmen use to relay messages. Pretty hard to come by if he wants a whole set of them.
#5 Apr 17 2006 at 7:17 PM Rating: Decent
97 posts
I guess the price in Gil will depend on level / gil on hand, maybe? Or just simply a fixed amount.
#6 Apr 17 2006 at 7:18 PM Rating: Decent
39 posts
This text- 'The beastmen have been using those t' relay orders. I require all three.' supports Icebalm's theory.

I wouldn't mind but I keep throwing the bloody things away!
#7 Apr 17 2006 at 7:18 PM Rating: Decent
555 posts
So all I need is one of the coffer keys listed in order to ride the ship out of Mhaura? If so that makes me happy cause I have Quicksand Caves and Grotto just sitting in my mog safe.
#8 Apr 17 2006 at 7:18 PM Rating: Decent
00000091 jn_qs_e The Road to Aht Urhgan 7 Client: Faursel (Tenshodo, Lower Jeuno) Summary: If you want to ride the mercenary transport ship from Mhaura, you must bring the required items to the Tenshodo.
#9 Apr 17 2006 at 7:21 PM Rating: Decent
5,339 posts
The beastmen have been using those t' relay orders. I require all three.

I do actually have a bunch of these, and I was debating chucking them. Hopefully they will want the ones I have. I can't remember off-hand which I have, but I think I have one from Rolanberry, Xarcabard, Zi'Tah, and at least 3-4 others.

With any luck the gil cost won't be that high either. A coffer key isn't exactly worth millions of gil.
#10 Apr 17 2006 at 7:23 PM Rating: Good
692 posts
Err no, it looks like:

The Advanced list requires -

One Coffer Key from Beastman stronghold




set of chips*

The Intermediate List requires -

Three garrison items (technojunk obscures which ones they are)

The Beginner List requires -

6 random things (again, technojunk blocks it up), but from the dialogue they appear to be simple objects, one that a lower leveled player could get.

Good find though, nice work

Edited, Mon Apr 17 20:29:19 2006 by Rilly
#11 Apr 17 2006 at 7:24 PM Rating: Decent
1,300 posts
Rilly is probably right on the ball on this one.
That which exists in creation without my knowledge, exists without my consent.
#12 Apr 17 2006 at 7:24 PM Rating: Good
517 posts
Rilly wrote:
Err no, it looks like:

The Advanced list requires -

One Coffer Key from Beastman stronghold




set of keys

The Intermediate List requires -

Three garrison items (technojunk obscures which ones they are)

The Beginner List requires -

6 random things (again, technojunk blocks it up), but from the dialogue they appear to be simple objects, one that a lower leveled player could get.

Good citizen, I hope to dear God that you are correct XD.
#13 Apr 17 2006 at 7:25 PM Rating: Decent
like garrison trigger items

yes, and as luck can have a great sence of humor, i have 2/3 of the Giddeus/Gelshba ones, and im within walking distance to Palbourgh... Guess what im doing tommorow? unless the pansy level list (begginer) is nothing but stacks of flint stones
#14 Apr 17 2006 at 7:27 PM Rating: Decent
I hope the beginner items aren't coffer keys =/ me and my 2 RL friends are only lv 36 and we'd really like to explore the new areas too.
#15 Apr 17 2006 at 7:27 PM Rating: Decent
2,306 posts
quicksands coffer key looks like the easiest option of the set. level 70+ job can solo the mobs (helm beetle, sand lizard, antica), and most parties xp there from 44-52 off the key dropping mobs. sea serpent grotto is the second easiest, though most stick to sagahain and rock crabs.

garrison trigger items are rather easy to come by
ronfaure: yughott grotto
sarutabaruta: giddeus
gustaberg: paloborough mines
zulkhiem: ordelle caves (goblin smithy/pathfinder/furrier)
kolushu: maze of sharkami (east side goblins)
derfland: beadeaux (garnet/silver/zircon/bronze)
argnenou: castle o (herald/drummer)
norvallen: davoi (beastrider)
faruengandi: beaucedine glacier (gigas)
valdenunia: xarcabard/baileys: demon pawn
qufim: qufim island (giant ranger), delkfults tower (gigas)
vollbrow: cape terrigan (goblin), kuftal tunnel (goblin)
Kuzotz: quicksands caves (signifier/hastusus/princeps)
e. lowlands: sea serpent grotto (brook/rivulet/ripraign)
e. uplands: temple (tonberries)
lil'telor: zitah (goblin robber/trader)
#16 Apr 17 2006 at 7:27 PM Rating: Decent
I have my Blau fund at 13 million.
It's going to have to take a hit.
#17 Apr 17 2006 at 7:28 PM Rating: Decent
1,300 posts
So Maintenance is over 20:00 PDT? AKA 1:00 AM EST -_-?
That which exists in creation without my knowledge, exists without my consent.
#18 Apr 17 2006 at 7:30 PM Rating: Decent
92 posts
-.- I just tossed 2 WAR testimonies while farming Water IV yesterday.
#19 Apr 17 2006 at 7:31 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts
So you are going t' pay me ≺Numeric Parameter 0≻ gil. Is that correct?≺Marker: 7F3100≻≺NewLine≻
You won't receive the permit immediately, you know. Are you okay with that?≺Marker:

Looks lik the gil wont let u go straight away
#20 Apr 17 2006 at 7:31 PM Rating: Default
1,709 posts
I think I'll do the Gil way, Unless its some REALLY high ammount. I can always sit in Jeuno and spend an hour or two Tele-taxing all those ppl who are rushing around the world in an "OMGWTFBBQ1!!112THREE THE EXPANSION JUST CAME OUT" frenzy <.<
#21 Apr 17 2006 at 7:31 PM Rating: Decent
5,903 posts
The guy says "All Three" in relation to the Garrison Items, so I assume they mean 1 Windurstian, 1 San'drian, and 1 Bastokan Garrison Item.

For it to be "Intermediate" I assume this means the Sarutabaruta/Gustaberg/Ronfaure ones.

OR, it could mean

Meriphitaud/Pashhow/Jugner ones.

I can't see it being any higher than that, considering the level of mob that drops those items.

Mobs that drop the Newbie Zones' ones, you need to be Lv25-30ish to solo them, that makes sense.

#22 Apr 17 2006 at 7:34 PM Rating: Decent
97 posts
Also, the last part of the dialog may suggest a warping service from the Tenshodo to get you there instantly? Hmmm.
#23 Apr 17 2006 at 7:35 PM Rating: Decent
1,059 posts
Oh those poor hover tanks in temple of unpronouncable.... The RMT thieves camping that knife pop at the entrance to the east wing are going to wonder "WTF happend to our nice quiet area?"

Humm, wonder what other testies I can solo.....
#24 Apr 17 2006 at 7:42 PM Rating: Decent
63 posts
I knew having that Temple of Ugglipeh Coffer Key sitting in my MH for a year was a good idea.

Maybe I missed it, but do you only have to do this once, finish the quest, and get ship access? Or do you have to do this every time you want to use the boat? Seems to easy if its a one time shot, but to hard if ya gotta do it every time. Assuming it'll be a Mhura TAU Ship pass, much like the Kazham Airship pass.

Edited, Mon Apr 17 20:48:55 2006 by TwanimusPrime
#25 Apr 17 2006 at 7:47 PM Rating: Default
The fetch quest option is probably for the broke *** newbs, knowing SE the gill price will probably be under a mill, so meh.
#26 Apr 17 2006 at 7:50 PM Rating: Decent
992 posts
WAR Test ftw... won't be able to fight Maat like I wanna, but oh well XD
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