Vana'diel Bestiary: Skull of Envy  

Found in:The Eldieme Necropolis
  • Notorious Monster
  • Aggro
  • Linking
  • Based on Earth
  • Weak against Fire
  • Weak against Light
  • Strong against Darkness
  • Strong against Ice
Stolen Items:
Updated: Fri Dec 28 16:26:12 2007

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A Sin Run is a term for an organized "hunt" for the various sin weapons. Each weaopn drops from it's respective skeleton NM. It takes a minimum of 7 people, and each of those people needs to be able to kill a different skull, because ALL SEVEN are popped at the same time. You have to beware of blood agro, no matter what level. It is easiest to do this with level 75 jobs, or jobs that are paired off to duo-fight the skeletons.

All information provided is from FFXI-Atlas and Allakhazam.


The 7 deadly sins are: Envy, Gluttony, Greed, Lust, Pride, Sloth, and Wrath

The stats for each of the skeletons are as follows:

  • Level: 60
  • Aggro
  • Linking
  • Based on Earth
  • Weak against Fire
  • Weak against Light


Everyone enters The Eldieme Necropolis. There is a specific position for each person. More information about how to get to that position is below.

These are all the maps associated with the run. Click on a map to enlarge it.

Beaucedine Glacier
Beaucedine Glacier
The Eldieme Necropolis 1
The Eldieme Necropolis 1
The Eldieme Necropolis 2
The Eldieme Necropolis 2
The Eldieme Necropolis 3
The Eldieme Necropolis 3
Batallia Downs
Batallia Downs
East Ronfaure
East Ronfaure
Ranguemont Pass
Ranguemont Pass


Everyone must be at each spot at the same time, and everyone trades a flint stone to the tallow candle. The candles only stay lit a short time, and if you zone--they will go out. Once traded, the flame only lasts a short amount of time, so coordination is required. Once all 7 candles are lit; all NM Skeletons will pop. Drop rate is bad, but they do have good gems. You can do this as many times as you want, respawn is an hour from when the last skeleton dies.

Now, how to get to the appropriate position:

NM Drops Position in The Eldieme Necropolis Position from Batallia Downs How to get to that position
Skull of Envy Earth Crystal, Bone Chip, Jadeite, Envy Spear A-8 D-6 Enter Eldieme from Batallia Downs at 8th entrance, position D-6. Go north-west until you get to position A-8.
Skull of Gluttony Earth Crystal, Bone Chip, Chrysoberyl, Gluttony Sword J-6 G-7 Enter Eldieme from Batallia Downs at 5th entrance, position G-7. Go east, then north, until you get to position J-6.
Skull of Greed Earth Crystal, Bone Chip, Fluorite, Greed Scimitar K-7 I-10 Enter Eldieme from Batallia Downs at 1st entrance, position I-10. Once inside, get to position G-6 (may need help with doors), and drop through hole in the floor (Hole B). Once on ground floor, go north-west to position K-8 (almost K-7). Make a right (go east) and then go north to get to position K-7.
Skull of Lust Earth Crystal, Bone Chip, Painite, Lust Dagger K-12 I-10 Enter Eldieme from Batallia Downs at 1st entrance, position I-10. Once inside, get to position G-9 (may need help with doors), and drop through hole in the floor (Hole D). Once on ground floor, go south until you get to L-13, then go west to get to K-13.
Skull of Pride Earth Crystal, Bone Chip, Aquamarine, Pride Staff I-10 I-10 Enter Eldieme from Batallia Downs at 1st entrance, position I-10. Once inside, get to position G-9 (may need help with doors), and drop through hole in the floor (Hole D). Once on ground floor, go slightly east then south and you will be on another map. Keep going south-east to get to position I-10.
Skull of Sloth Earth Crystal, Bone Chip, Zircon, Sloth Wand G-10 G-8 Enter Eldieme from Batallia Downs at 4th entrance, position G-8. Go south-east until you get to position G-10.
Skull of Wrath Earth Crystal, Bone Chip, Sunstone, Wrath Tabar E-6 F-5 This one is slightly tricky. You need to enter Eldieme from Batallia Downs at the 7th entrance, F-5. To get to that position you need to enter from Beaucedine Glacier. You can get to Beaucedine Glacier one of 2 ways:
  1. Teleport-Vazhl, walk from Xarcabard to Beaucedine Glacier to Batallia Downs.
  2. Walk from East Ronfaure to Ranguemont Pass to Beaucedine Glacier to Batallia Downs.
Once inside, go south-east until you get to position E-6.


Weapon (Rare) Weapon Category Weapon Skill Specs Jobs
Envy Spear Polearm Polearm
  • Damage: 67
  • Delay: 435
  • Level: 59
  • STR: -1 DEX: -1 VIT: -1 AGI: -1 INT: -1 MND: -1 CHR: 7
Dragoon, Paladin, Samurai, Warrior
Gluttony Sword Sword Sword
  • Damage: 44
  • Delay: 295
  • Level: 57
  • STR: -1 DEX: -1 VIT: 7 AGI: -1 INT: -1 MND: -1 CHR: -1
Dark Knight, Paladin, Warrior
Greed Scimitar Sword Sword
  • Damage: 38
  • Delay: 260
  • Level: 60
  • STR: -1 DEX: 7 VIT: -1 AGI: -1 INT: -1 MND: -1 CHR: -1
Beastmaster, Blue Mage, Dark Knight, Ranger, Samurai, Thief, Warrior
Lust Dagger Dagger Dagger
  • Damage: 20
  • Delay: 201
  • Level: 51
  • STR: -1 DEX: -1 VIT: -1 AGI: 7 INT: -1 MND: -1 CHR: -1
Bard, Beastmaster, Black Mage, Dark Knight, Dragoon, Ninja, Paladin, Ranger, Red Mage, Samurai, Summoner, Thief, Warrior
Pride Staff Staff Staff
  • Damage: 30
  • Delay: 402
  • Level: 53
  • STR: -1 DEX: -1 VIT: -1 AGI: -1 INT: -1 MND: 7 CHR: -1
Bard, Black Mage, Monk, Red Mage, Warrior, White Mage
Sloth Wand Wand Club
  • Damage: 17
  • Delay: 237
  • Level: 52
  • STR: -1 DEX: -1 VIT: -1 AGI: -1 INT: 7 MND: -1 CHR: -1
Black Mage, Red Mage, Scholar, White Mage
Wrath Tabar Axe Axe
  • Damage: 45
  • Delay: 316
  • Level: 56
  • STR: 7 DEX: -1 VIT: -1 AGI: -1 INT: -1 MND: -1 CHR: -1

This page last modified 2009-03-24 03:34:16.

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Solo ^^
# Jul 21 2005 at 1:07 AM Rating: Excellent
Was down by where he spawns killing time till i loged off when i saw "Skull of Envy" behind me... no one came in or out, idk how it spawned... but i didnt want to leave a perfectly good NM go to waste. Engaged and in 32 hits, and 1 raging fists he was killed ^^only hit me 5 times all around 100 dmg each

Skull Walkthrough
# Jan 13 2005 at 11:52 PM Rating: Excellent
Ok, since I just did this with friends and there was horrible information on these NM's available, I'm posting a mini-walkthrough for them.

A) Necessities:
1 flint stone per person or group of people lighting each candle.

A group, or person, capable of killing a lvl 60 NM skeleton per candle.

Maps for all regions involved (this should be common sense, but you never know.)

Silent Oils / sneak casters (for those groups /
people who would get aggro from lost souls, shadows, and the utukku near pride candle which hates lvl 75's.)

B) Locations of Eldieme Entrances Involved
D-6 (anemone room #1) Envy
G-8 (anemone room #2) Sloth
I-10 (need 2 people for this, to activate
levers) Pride
G-7 Gluttony
F-5 (beaucedine glacier entrance) Wrath
H-7 Lust
H-6 Greed

Look at map above for exact location of each candle (excepting pride; that one has info on how to get to it under the link to that skull NM)

C) Rules on Skull Popping
1) Each individual candle takes an hour to become lightable again. As you get people to each candle, check to make sure they're all lightable. If not, then you'll fall prey to rule #2. Once a candle goes out, and if one wasn't lit, then you can't pop the NM's until they all become lightable again. That means, tell all the trigger happy people with you to not touch the controller / keyboard until the leader gives the signal.

2) ALL candles must be lit at the same time for the Skulls to pop. There's a timer of about 5 min for the candles to stay lit, so there's no possible way for less than 7 people to do this.

3) Once all the candles are lit at the same time, then all the skulls will pop directly in front of you, in the alcove with the candles. They will then proceed to flay you alive. Take precautions before spawning them, such as buffs, clearing possible undead aggro, etc.

4) The drops are not automatic just because the NM's are triggerable. TH1 or 2 is advisable.

5) The flint stones are not used up on trading them to the Tallow Candles. Most you need is 7.

RE: Skull Walkthrough
# Feb 12 2006 at 10:40 PM Rating: Decent
Just wandered into this room and he was popped, there may be exceptions to player action popping... cant say, killed him as 63nin/war, hit for around 60dmg when shadows were down, no drop >.<
Edit: Oh yea... he has triple atk!

Edited, Sun Feb 12 22:41:20 2006
RE: Skull Walkthrough
# Jun 04 2006 at 4:57 AM Rating: Decent
Someone lit the candle, then logged out or zoned. Then someone else completed the ring of torches to spawn them all; they're NM's, so they don't despawn just because they don't have a target. I've a sneaking suspicion that on my server ATM there's someone using mules to light the candles every hour, logging them out, and then claiming them all to make a LOT of money.
How to get to him?
# Feb 06 2004 at 4:34 PM Rating: Excellent
342 posts
I lit one candle with flint stone and it said 6 were remaining I checked around online and it talked about this NM and the candles.

Edited, Fri Feb 6 16:36:12 2004
# Jan 22 2004 at 2:43 PM Rating: Default
drop Envy spear
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