I was planning to exp in Boyahda tree when i used wide scan to see if there are any Gobbue Gardeners around. At the outpost, used wide scan, no gobbues. when i was near the zone to the Tree i used wide scan and saw 1 Gobbue Gardener in a hidden area around (K-8) or 9 so i went there to kill the gobbue. After i killed it i used WScan to see if there are some more in the area. i saw another gobbue a little bit to the NW where i killed the last 1. so i went there and killed it. used Wscan and saw "Keeper of Halidom". Tracked it and ran to him. i did /sea area to see how many people in Zitah, there were 7 including me so i was hoping that i'll get the claim.
When i reached its pop spot, I saw Keeper standing there unclaimed so i called my pet tiger and sent it to Keeper. i was thinking of joining the fight but my pet was taking around 100+ damage each blow while he only do 50-70 damage to the Keeper. So I tried to stay still and watch my tiger dies.
My first pet died. Keeper's HP around 80%. So I charm-fight every leeches and flies in that area until Keeper's HP is around 20-25%. At this point there were only 2 monsters there, Keeper and another Gobbue so I called CourrierCarrie and send her to Kepper. I joined the fight after CC hits Keeper 4 times and finished Keeper of with Rampage. Took me about 10 minutes lol
Water Crystal
Boyahda Moss
Tree Cuttings
no GK tho ; ;
but it was a fun fight XD