Vana'diel Bestiary: Keeper of Halidom  

Found in:The Sanctuary of Zi'tah
  • Notorious Monster
  • Aggro
  • Linking
  • Based on Water
Involved in Quests:
Updated: Wed Mar 20 19:28:02 2013

Keeper of Halidom Picture

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General Information

    • This area is on an unmarked area of the map.

Keeper of Halidom's Spawn Location
Keeper of Halidom's Spawn Location

Keeper of Halidom Special Attacks

  • Blank Gaze: Frontal cone Gaze AoE Paralysis effect.

  • Antiphase: AoE Silence effect.

  • Uppercut: Strong single target physical damage with an additional knockback effect.

  • Blow: Single target physical damage with an additional Stun effect.

  • Beatdown: Single target physical damage with an additional Bind effect.

Historical Information

The term Halidom is an archaic and obsolete term for an area that is considered holy or a sanctuary. As such, his name suggests that he is the keeper or protector of a sanctuary, in this case the Sanctuary of Zi'tah.

Final Fantasy XI

Category: Final Fantasy XI
This page last modified 2013-03-20 14:06:02.

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# Feb 09 2006 at 1:33 AM Rating: Decent
166 posts
I was planning to exp in Boyahda tree when i used wide scan to see if there are any Gobbue Gardeners around. At the outpost, used wide scan, no gobbues. when i was near the zone to the Tree i used wide scan and saw 1 Gobbue Gardener in a hidden area around (K-8) or 9 so i went there to kill the gobbue. After i killed it i used WScan to see if there are some more in the area. i saw another gobbue a little bit to the NW where i killed the last 1. so i went there and killed it. used Wscan and saw "Keeper of Halidom". Tracked it and ran to him. i did /sea area to see how many people in Zitah, there were 7 including me so i was hoping that i'll get the claim.

When i reached its pop spot, I saw Keeper standing there unclaimed so i called my pet tiger and sent it to Keeper. i was thinking of joining the fight but my pet was taking around 100+ damage each blow while he only do 50-70 damage to the Keeper. So I tried to stay still and watch my tiger dies.

My first pet died. Keeper's HP around 80%. So I charm-fight every leeches and flies in that area until Keeper's HP is around 20-25%. At this point there were only 2 monsters there, Keeper and another Gobbue so I called CourrierCarrie and send her to Kepper. I joined the fight after CC hits Keeper 4 times and finished Keeper of with Rampage. Took me about 10 minutes lol

Water Crystal
Boyahda Moss
Tree Cuttings

no GK tho ; ;

but it was a fun fight XD

Tougher than the Gobbues XD
# Jan 20 2006 at 12:17 PM Rating: Decent
Farmed his placeholders yesterday (RDM65/BLM). After about 1,5 hours he suddenly pop'd. I went crazy cause i didnt expect the pop. So i claimed him without being fully ready. I had about 75% HP and was Paralyzed from a previous fight. This was a mistake :x
I could hold him for about 12-13 Minutes. He was at ~20% HP when he pwnt me.

I didnt nuke much, saved my MP for keeping Phalanx & Stoneskin up (and sleep the link XD).

A THF finished him but thank god he didnt get the Katana lol! (He said he's 0/21 on him)

I think i'll go there more often now cuz even when he doesnt Pop or drop, u can still make Money with the Tree Cuttings that the placeholders drop (atm 480k/stack on Kujata)
# Dec 15 2005 at 12:23 PM Rating: Excellent
I got the GK drop last night. moon 36% waxing, lightning day, water weather. Im 1/3 now. Also got 1 moss, 1 cutting, water crystal & 14 exp as 74thf/nin
RE: Drop
# Jan 07 2006 at 4:18 AM Rating: Decent
Congratulations. Were you fighting him at night time by chance?

Edited, Sat Jan 7 04:19:04 2006
# Nov 26 2005 at 10:36 PM Rating: Good
331 posts
killed today 71thf

no drop, gave 34exp. so that makes his lvl what?
Died to him ; ;
# Nov 18 2005 at 9:22 AM Rating: Decent
I died today to it last night; ;

I went into the fight as a 60 rdm/blm Totally unprepared and unaware of how the fight would go.

Right off the bat, a sleep II fails to land, and I hastily buff myself. I whittle his health to 50% and then he started to hit me well. I started to lose my concentration and started to panic. I had to bind, rebuff, refresh, etc, but after the 6th bind, my bind's didn't last too long.

I had him down to 5% and died. . .

I haven't soloed as a RDM in a while, and lost my rhythm. . .A prick *** Mithra THF Anastacia just claimed it after I died, said "That's too bad" and ran off when she killed in 6 hits and 1 DE.

Live and learn. . .

For a Taru RDM, he would hit for 60's on me. I could solo it better if I had a way to combat Paralysis. This owned me so many times when trying to rebuff myself.

I will try to casually camp him while collecting some more tree cuttings, but I will bring some echo's and some potions for paralysis to beat him
Keeper of Halidom Video
# Oct 29 2005 at 1:17 PM Rating: Decent
Video removed due to Admin duchebag.

Edited, Dec 16th 2006 6:36pm by LyleVertigo
RE: Keeper of Halidom Video
# Feb 03 2006 at 8:13 AM Rating: Decent
MY GOD! Your battle theme!

I love you.
# Oct 29 2005 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
37 posts
0/8 on him now =/ all times i was NIN63/THF31, one of these days...
this just wont drop @.@
# Oct 11 2005 at 4:47 AM Rating: Default
is easily to solo with any job with high eva past lv 60ish i killed it 20 times with my drk/thf lv 73no drop.if ur a melee w/o shadows dont try to kill it if ur half HP i seen it happend many times lv65-70 trying to claim it but becouse of the gobue farmin they arent full HP and died. if this rly drops dunno i doubt it or very very rare drop.

DRK73 cerberus
sub job anythin
-drk power^^-

Edited, Tue Oct 11 06:08:00 2005
# Oct 10 2005 at 12:14 AM Rating: Decent
i just soloed this mutha thf 65/nin
only hit me once and for 130
threw anywhere from 7-8 Danceing Edges at him
NO DROP >>.. figures if you know what yer doin i say a good thf can solo at 63 just bring bolts if he gets threw yer shaddows
# Oct 29 2005 at 10:30 AM Rating: Decent
omfgbbqsteakandcheese, loli killed him 5 times he is a subbern droper, seeing he is kinda a easy target compared to the super deadly acient gobbie, his droprate is cut in half
# Oct 07 2005 at 11:47 PM Rating: Decent
550 posts
Keeper of Halidom has 2 placeholders, they respawn every 2 hours 15 minutes game time. Keeper of Halidom has a chance to pop in place of one.
# Oct 02 2005 at 9:59 AM Rating: Decent
263 posts
i just got the drop last night. It still drops just probably less often.
# Sep 30 2005 at 1:53 AM Rating: Decent
49 posts
No ones posted they got the drop since after the last update >.> so has any one im thinking of camping this for a friend and dont wanna waste my time if it dont drop any more.
> >
# Sep 17 2005 at 11:14 PM Rating: Decent
I've killed it SO many times, even with TH + 2, lucky egg, firesday AND fullmoon, no drop. I doubt it drops off this anymore..
Bard Eater
# Sep 08 2005 at 4:13 PM Rating: Good
2,180 posts
As a 65 bard, I can solo a lot of things, given time. However, this piece of crap is extremely resistant to lullaby. He hit me way too damn hard for my HP/MP to get back, and I had to warp out of the fight.

Maybe sleep works, but from my experience, on lightsday, even, lullaby is completely ineffective.
# Aug 26 2005 at 1:59 AM Rating: Decent
Soloed him as 60 Ninja / 30 Warrior. 72 experience. I lost 0 HP and only used four shihei. No other tools used. Tree cuttings, moss, and crystal. Oh well.

GKT drop
# Aug 21 2005 at 6:34 AM Rating: Default
Dont feel bad. 0/111 on the GKT drop now. I give up if you cant get it with +2 to treasure hunter more then likely it doesnt drop.
# Aug 20 2005 at 10:15 PM Rating: Decent
899 posts
i was short in cash so i was thinking .... this GKT will helps alot =P
i was just camping it , killing the goobs here and there and i ended up with this :

6 stacks of cuttings ( 110-120k/stack in bismark )
25 stacks of moss ( 8-10k)
no GKT (1.3 mil )

from this you can see that i made
690k+ 225k = 915k simple farming ^^;

easily soloed by THF69 , 31 exp btw , DRK64 was killed by it ( used 2h , drain and bloody bolts )

sometimes he is blind and sometimes... not

GL ^^ ( and sorry for bad english ^^; )
Pop Time
# Aug 19 2005 at 2:56 AM Rating: Good
3,883 posts
I haven't seen any post giving a pop window, so here goes.

I killed it twice in about a 1 hour time span.
20 and 23 exp at 75.
# Aug 15 2005 at 11:36 AM Rating: Good
130 posts
I think this guy may be more suited for shadow tankers and mages to handle. I saw him up the other day while farming cuttings and didn't think he'd be too big a deal for a 70 SAM. I had about 900 HP at the time and my newb NPC was out too.

Went into the battle and he was hitting really hard, roughly 60-80 per hit. I knew I'd be done if I didn't 2 hour, so I popped that off and got 4 WSes on him, with over 600 damage in just skillchain effect. 2 more WSes later, (so this fool ended up taking 6!) he died and I had about 200 HP left. If his acc. wasn't crap and I didn't have my 2 hour up, I woulda been dead. So a word to the wise for melee jobs like SAM, DRK, and maybe MNK, be careful!

Got 19xp, 2 mosses and a tree cutting. My NPC did a total of about 20 damage. Haha.
smn and ninja claim
# Aug 07 2005 at 4:59 PM Rating: Decent
83 posts
just killed this as a 60 smn on caitsith. got there and waited only 10-20 mins, drg already there told me it had spawned 2 hrs ago. claimed it up, sent carby after it, started to melee along with the ninja camping it with me, we took hate and almost died. so i suggest letting your avatar solo him, fight will take a little while, took me about 10 mins or so, mp was at 248/788 at the end. no g. katana drop, got 2 moss, 1 cutting, and 2 water crystals. but he is soloable at 60 :) killed by Zilos and Tritona

Edited, Sun Aug 7 17:59:58 2005
#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 06 2005 at 11:11 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Keeper can be solo'ed @ Lvl60. It'll be a dangerous fight though. It barely hit me because my EVA was capped and I was wearing +20 EVA (Emp Pin and Scorp Harness) Utsusemi was there too. ;) When it did hit me though it took off around 80-100 a shot ><;
1/59 on him
# Aug 01 2005 at 1:17 PM Rating: Decent
41 posts
i farm cuttings alot in that area and i have killed him many many times, sometimes he is 1 hour between spawns and sometimes more than 3 hours. the only time i had every gotten drop from him is when i was early for my ZM5 and waiting for rest of party to show up and he was there. got drop was worth 1.6 mil in seraph.i noticed he stopped agroing me at lv 72 but he still gives me about 20 xp
# Jul 27 2005 at 9:15 PM Rating: Decent
559 posts
I soloed this last night as a 64rdm/32thf. This was one tough fight. I had to use my two hour at one point to catch up and convert as well. I ended up with less than 30mp and 400hp, although I was wearing farming gear at the time. He did give me 50 exp though, which should give some indication as to his level.

P.S. Dropped 2 boyadha moss, 1 tree cutting, and water crystal.
# Jul 25 2005 at 6:25 AM Rating: Decent
46 posts
did they move the mob or something? i've been camping it for about 6 hours and no pop. well farming cuttings/camping it
KoH - <too weak>
# Jul 21 2005 at 11:18 PM Rating: Decent
solo'd at lv 56BST/lv57BST/lv 58BST
haha, no joke, key to fight: all pet, don't melee that sh*t or you'll get messed up tough, no drop >_< 0/4

Mishra - Odin: 70RDM (retired)
60BST (current)

Burglar - Ifrit: 60THF (current)
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