Trojan Virus Alert

This only applies to you if you are running an older version of Internet Explorer, have not updated windows with the latest security patches and do not have virus protection on your computer. Apparantly one of our ad providers was affected by a trojan and was serving it to our site for several days last weekend. This is a keylogger and could possibly compromise your game login and password. As soon as we discovered it, we pulled all of their ads. To see if you got the trojan, go to Program Files/Internet Explorer in your directory and look for a file named "syssmss.exe". If it is there, then open your task manager and delete the file. Also go to %WIN_DIR%\Downloaded Program Files and delete a file named either "fucksnow.exe" or "muma.exe". Then once you have done that, log into the game and change your password. In fact, change every password for every place you have typed since you got the trojan. There are also several online sites that scan your computer for free. http://www.windowsecurity.com/trojanscan/ http://housecall.trendmicro.com/ We apologize for this. In 6 years of running this site, nothing like this has ever happened. It kills me to think that we may have, even inadvertantly, caused anyone to have their account compromised. We're all about making the games better and more fun. Believe me, we will do everything in our power to make sure it does not happen again. Along with the advertiser who sent this, and in cooperation with the FBI, we are attempting to track down the people who sent this. I hope I get a few minutes in a back room with the bastards.


Post Comment
It's not just your WoW account!!
# Oct 09 2005 at 7:46 AM Rating: Decent
While you're sitting there worrying about your level 60 character being stripped, somebody might be transferring funds out of your checking account, or selling stock out of your brokerage account. ANY account you've accessed from your computer lately.

This is a keylogger.

If you have been a victim, or found this Trojan on your computer, EVERY LOGIN AND PASSWORD YOU'VE USED IS IN SOMEONE ELSE'S HANDS.

Allakhazam please point this out on your news page?

Edited, Sun Oct 9 09:16:40 2005
In percent usage...
# Oct 09 2005 at 7:40 AM Rating: Decent
firefox actually hurt none IE browsers more then it hurt IE. Firefox took up to 8% of the total browsers used by people. Firefox took more people from opera or netscape, but then those browsers had a smaller number of people anyway. IE still hold roughly 90% of hte browser market.

And itll only take time for spyware and virus writers to find the holes in firefox. Yes firefox is a more "secure" browser then IE. But firefox is getting its lil holes found too now.
RE: In percent usage...
# Oct 09 2005 at 4:02 PM Rating: Decent
I thought firefox was more "secure" because, like you said, it has way less people using it, and with IE having 90% it is a bigger target for viruses/trojans since it will get more people than a browser that 8% use.

But what do i know?
RE: In percent usage...
# Oct 10 2005 at 12:41 AM Rating: Decent
261 posts
Security through obscurity is no way to live. Firefox isn't particularly more secure than IE. It just doesn't command a dominant market share, and so is under less inspection.

There are arguments that OSS makes for a faster FIX to vulnerabilities, as opposed to waiting for Microsoft to fix it at their sweet time, but that's not the point.

Microsoft's only tripped over themselves making it easy to run Windows Updates, anyway. People are just lazy and, more sadly, rediculously easy to socially engineer into any trap you can think up on the Internet.
re: trogan virus alert
# Oct 09 2005 at 4:01 AM Rating: Decent
57 posts
Thank you to Allakhazam's Staff for being proactive in notifying everyone and working to take care of the problem. This is a great site for information on multiple games. At just over eight cents per day for a yearly membership, it is a great value. Looking for information on quest, items, and progression has saved time,leaving more play time and making game play much more enjoyable.

For those who complained that this happened: /RANT ON

Virus and worms happen. After working for a major Internet provider for many years, I can tell everyone they must be aware of security concerns. Virus and worms can get to your computer in so many ways: active X, Java, email, pictures, videos, and virtually ANY program you run that access information outside of your computer. There have also been cases where malcontent employees have loaded a virus into OEM software that people would install with no concern at all. Stealth virus and worms can attach code to existing files and not be activated for long periods. Some of these are so intelligent that they will rewrite your virus detection software enough to remain undetected. Too many computer users think “I don’t download any programs to my computer, so I’m safe. Just as an example, how many people ended up with the “Gator” program on their computer that they never authorized? Gator wasn’t a virus, but was sure annoying.

Virus protection is a must on every computer and scans ran on a regular basis. A firewall is also a good idea. Keep security patches up to date and upgrade any software used to connect to the Internet, especially when you can do so for free. Doing these things help protect your files and the personal information stored on your computer.

Apologies to anyone who feels insulted. /Rant off

Edited, Sun Oct 9 05:14:32 2005
Housecall only supports IE
# Oct 09 2005 at 2:45 AM Rating: Decent

I'm using Firefox, and attempting to run HouseCall from the TrendMicro site yields the message that it only supports Internet Explorer.

It's ironic that this Trojan, along with thousands of others, targets IE, and yet HouseCall requires IE.
I guess it only makes sense...99.99999% of the people needing a free scan probably ARE using IE.
RE: Housecall only supports IE
# Oct 09 2005 at 2:49 AM Rating: Decent
Not trying to sound smug. GET FIREFOX. Sites that require IE are extremely uncommon now that Firefox has a decent percentage of people using it.
RE: Housecall only supports IE
# Oct 09 2005 at 9:59 AM Rating: Default
Firefox sucks, worst browser ever made, get Linux with Opera!
RE: Housecall only supports IE
# Oct 09 2005 at 3:06 AM Rating: Decent
842 posts
get anything that isnt IE
RE: Housecall only supports IE
# Oct 10 2005 at 5:41 PM Rating: Decent
ok this sounds stupid but....
I have firefox, I do not use IE, but I have never heard of Opera, can some1 tell me about it? Thanks ^^
firefox ftw
# Oct 08 2005 at 7:42 PM Rating: Decent
119 posts
did not even notice this since i have popup disabled firefox ftw!
RE: firefox ftw
# Oct 08 2005 at 9:10 PM Rating: Good
68 posts
And if you also read the start "old version of IE, NON-patched" Firefox, as things stand, isn't exploited because, like virii for Linux and MacOS, not enough people USE it. Once something becomes majority, all the flaws show up, because it becomes a target. So debating about which one is superior based on how it can be exploited, rather than it's features, is flawed, everything has some kind of exploit, IE is just a way to affect more people at once, currently.
RE: firefox ftw
# Oct 10 2005 at 1:27 AM Rating: Decent
The plural of "virus" is "viruses", FYI.
stupid nerds
# Oct 08 2005 at 12:12 PM Rating: Decent
We just want to play FFXI, is that so wrong? What did you guys do to become a target for these spinless nerds? I guess trying to help other gamers by providing online recources and guides make them feel as if their status as "master geek" has become threatened and they will no longer have an advantage over the average gamer. Whatever their motivation, they need a healthy dose of "hundred fists", i´d even throw in a couple of my own. Punch out a couple of their teeth for me if you get a chance to, chief. (Bring a roll of nickles and hold it in your fist while you punch, that one always works for me!)

Not to repeat what everybody else has already said, but seriously take care of your system. Get updates, firewalls, and blockers...whatever you need to keep your computer running safely. It will save you a load of headaches and money in the long run and will ensure enjoyable, uninterrupted gaming. So, take care of your system as if...it were...your...mother?
# Oct 08 2005 at 11:36 AM Rating: Good
I wonder who reported this first.

I sent in an e-mail last week or the week before about several pop ad's wanting to install a Spyware tool.

However it tried to auto-install and was very diffcult to close the install windows.
Computer Security
# Oct 08 2005 at 7:52 AM Rating: Excellent
Thanks for the warning and prompt action Allakhazam. Smiley: smile Hope they get them and I hope your reputation isn't tarnished over it Smiley: mad

As for the debate raging above. Smiley: disappointed

Your Computer is only as secure as you are willing to make it.

If you leave your front door open and go to work. Don't be surprised to find your house stripped when you get home.

While most hackers target MS because they are the largest and easiest sitting duck. MS products without careful management and supervision, stick signs up and mail the burglars that your door is unlocked, but all programmes have weaknesses and problems that hackers can and will in the end find and exploit.

So the debate should not only be over what is better, easier to use or more secure.

it's as much a debate over how much effort you are going to take to learn about what is on your computer and find the hidden tweaks and running weekly maintenance, keeping programmes updated and doing regular security checks.

All programmes can with continuous effort and learning be made reasonable secure, even MS ones.

I know you shouldn't have to become a 'Computer Geek' to stay secure. But until someone invents the perfect programme, hackers are going to be one step ahead Smiley: frown

Oh! and for the record I use Opera (Browser), Turnpike (News & Email), Sophos (Anti Virus), Hardware Firewall, Ad Aware & Spybot-search & destroy (Anti Spyware)
While IE, Outlook, Messenger, MSN and Remote Assist have all been physically removed
Scripted ads?
# Oct 08 2005 at 4:46 AM Rating: Decent
I guess it has to do with the virus stuff so I'll keep it in this thread. Today the site keeps sending me scripted ads while I'm really a premium member.

Now this isn't much a point for me since I'm using FF with Adblock and NoScript (that'll blocks nearly every ad) but I don't think every premium has that stuff, so there are reciving ad's silently.

Good luck with the virus issue, I hope you'll get those losers.

Edited, Sat Oct 8 06:48:18 2005
RE: Scripted ads?
# Oct 08 2005 at 7:55 AM Rating: Excellent
1,088 posts
Premium members do not get ads from us. I would suggest running a spyware removal program on your computer to eliminate the source.

Two of many options out there:

RE: Scripted ads?
# Oct 10 2005 at 12:37 AM Rating: Decent
there is one problem with firefox it does limit what you maydownload, i am currently downloading Rose onlinegame, i heard it is a point and fight game, like diablo and fallout but it has teh ute style like ffxi. If ffxi was like this i would be playing it nonstop. i had to quit Phantasy star due to no sleep. This trogin is pretty nasty. in 1998 half of america got blasted with a threat like this. and south america as well. thats when alot of softwire companys went nuts and made all these great anti-soft programs, god bless you guys for helping ^~^
Just a note..
# Oct 08 2005 at 1:52 AM Rating: Excellent
48 posts
I wouldn't use Trendmicro...
I know you all karma bombed the other guy for claiming that one of the links had adware, but he's right. Trendmicro is now associated with ISTBar among other things.
As for problems with Allakhazam, I have never had a single problem. Why? Because, as a computer security specialist, I know how to keep my PC safe, and, amazingly, it can be done for free. I personally use AVG, Ad-Aware, Spybot, and Spyware Blaster, and a pop-up blocker. Spyware blaster is the key. It blocks known "bad" Active X scripts from running.
If anyone has any trouble, you can message or email me for help, I'll be glad to help. For free of course.
If you need proof that I'm not going to harm your system, feel free to check out Techguy support forums. I'm a member there and you can see some of my work. My member name is Ketsueki13 there.
Good luck, everyone.
# Oct 07 2005 at 10:58 PM Rating: Decent
it's good that you hav e accepted there is a problem and have gone some way to doing something about it, however i must agree that pop ups are pretty much useless. They are, as a previous poster pointed out, generally closed immediatly except perhaps by the most inexperienced of users. Obviously this site has to be paid for but there are plenty of other less irritating and dangerous ways, such as banner ads. i'd rather have 2 or 3 more banner ads than a pop up, thats for sure. Of course i would adblock the iframes, images and scripts the very first time i saw them, but not everyone is wise enough to use firefox so some people would still see the adverts. It is my opinion that the one thing that lets this site down is that awfull tribalfusion pop up (which by the way i still get with firefox). See. Im not totally biased. Firefox isnt infallable but its a lot closer than IE is.
To the person who said there will always be people who bash IE and always people who defend it: yes this is true, but in my experience the only people who still defend it are those too stubborn to try firefox or opera.
RE: pop
# Oct 08 2005 at 12:40 AM Rating: Default
1,914 posts
this isnt about IE vs Firefox as much mas MS would like it to be. I dont say that becuase I hate MS,I say that becuase MS is a corporation that wants people to use their product. They are therefore biased tward their product. Microsoft would like this to be a debate,that would imply that there was a MS side to this. There isnt. Firefox is more secure. Some of that comes from the way firefox is desighned,most of it comes from the fact that most people use IE. I wouldnt say that everyone should use Firefox. If everyone did,it would have many of the same problems IE has. I recomend firefox to people now,becuase it is more secure. If everyone starts using it and exploits start popping up,I will recomend something else. What I tell people is that IE is not secure,and they need to change to something else and NEVER use IE unless its a trusted website AND its absolutely neccesary.(for instance,some banks,etc require it because becuase they built their site for it) Opera is just as good as Firefox as far as Im concerned. Any browser that isnt mainstream is usually pretty good. I dont really care what feature IE has that their competition doesnt. Its all about the security of the browse,all else is secondary in this world. In the next several years however I expect MS to get better about these things. If they dont,someone else will. Imagine if someone came to your buisness and suggested that you switch to their software,at a cost of half a million dollars to install it and retrain your employees. Most buisnesses tell them to take a hike. Imagine however if the salesman asked the question "how much money did you spend last year on security problems and lost productivity because of the software you use." If the answer to that is more than 500 dollars,he just made a sale. If microsoft doenst fix the problem ,someone sooner or later will. Its simple economics,and its alreaady happening with their browsers.
# Oct 07 2005 at 10:50 PM Rating: Decent
44 posts
Dont worry about it too much Allakhazam - we recognise your site for what it is - a great help to us players. I really do hope they track him down too though.

All I can say at this point is thank god for Firefox and premium account - because I use Allakhazam virtually every day.

firefox user
# Oct 07 2005 at 9:55 PM Rating: Decent
2,306 posts
i converted to firefox about 6 months ago and i'm glad i made that move. i'm trying to convert my folks to firefox as well but mom is more willing than dad right now.

internet exploiter isn't even installed on my computer anymore.
RE: firefox user
# Oct 10 2005 at 12:53 AM Rating: Decent
261 posts
Are you using Mac OS X 10.4? Or a Linux distro? If not, where the heck's your GUI? Got an Amiga there?
RE: firefox user
# Oct 08 2005 at 9:05 PM Rating: Decent
68 posts
doubled >.<

Edited, Sat Oct 8 22:12:55 2005
RE: firefox user
# Oct 08 2005 at 9:05 PM Rating: Decent
68 posts
internet exploiter isn't even installed on my computer anymore.

Then you don't use Windows, 98 or XP? You uninstalled IE completely, even to the point of disabling Windows Explorer? Sometimes what you think isn't always the case, ne?
# Oct 07 2005 at 7:55 PM Rating: Decent
1 word, Opera. Better than firefox, and NOW completely free, (the old ad banner on the shareware is no longer there as the new version is completly free).
IE or Firefox?
# Oct 07 2005 at 7:06 PM Rating: Good
154 posts
There will always be people that bash IE and always be people that defend it. You can't get around it because IE has been around forever. It is true, IE can perform as well and even better in some cases than Firefox and vice versa. The thing is, IE takes way more maintenance than Firefox does. They come out with patches and security fixes like twice a week for IE. If you don't get those updates right away, you may be at risk. Firefox just doesn't seem to have that issue. With IE you need to have a good anti-virus program along with a decent firewall program to keep your machine the safest. With Firefox, all you need is Firefox. I don't even run an anti-virus program on my pc any more, not even the free ones. I've been using Firefox since the beta versions and I haven't had a single issue with my machine acting funny or strange popups coming out of nowhere. Before Firefox I'd have to reinstall Windows on a regular basis because my machine would just get way too much spyware on it to funcion normally (I was using anti-virus software at the time too).

I use IE at work and we don't ever have any problems. But then again, we also have the most up-to-date software and patches for it to make it work properly and we have servers dedicated to blocking and stopping the spyware.

It's all a matter of personal preference. I use Firefox in conjunction with AdMuncher and I have yet to have an issue.
# Oct 07 2005 at 6:55 PM Rating: Decent
305 posts
Who needs a premium account when you have Adblock and Firefox? Not to make this a debate, it's just useful when you have ads like these roaming around

Edited, Fri Oct 7 20:11:09 2005
Suteru- Quetzalcoatl

RE: Phew
# Oct 08 2005 at 11:25 PM Rating: Good
6,357 posts
Who needs a premium account when you have Adblock and Firefox? Not to make this a debate, it's just useful when you have ads like these roaming around

Because some people feel like supporting the site.
# Oct 07 2005 at 4:24 PM Rating: Excellent
496 posts
All the more reason to start your premium account at alla. :)

Edited, Fri Oct 7 17:40:42 2005
#REDACTED, Posted: Oct 07 2005 at 3:15 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) only here could retarded fanboys turn this into an IE vs. FireFox debate. Do you work for Mozilla? Is that why you feel the need to advertise?
RE: lol
# Oct 07 2005 at 4:48 PM Rating: Decent
340 posts
the reason people like to spread the word about Firefox is because there is no advertisement for Firefox. Word of mouth (including IMs, LiveJournals, and email) is the only way to find out about it.

Personally, I use Firefox because of the tabbed browsing.
RE: lol
# Oct 07 2005 at 4:38 PM Rating: Excellent
if you had half a brain you would realize Mozilla is open-source...
Help... I think.
# Oct 07 2005 at 3:03 PM Rating: Decent
432 posts
I had that Syssmss file, cant be deleted but no virus scan has shown it as a trojan or a threat yet. I looked for those other two files in windows/downloaded program files but neither was there. So what's goin on? lol If I can't delete the file as Alla says can removing IE get rid of it?

Update: Wow, found ************* Wasn't where Alla said to look, I recommend using the search file function to find ******** and mumma.

Final update: Ok, I'm dumb but I finally figured it out. For those of you not savvy with computers, such as myself, "task manager" is ctrl/alt/del lol. I'm hopeless. Anyway I got it all cleaned up, now to go reactivate my virus scan... like ive been meaning to do for a few weeks.

Edited, Fri Oct 7 17:12:13 2005
Speaking of Firefox
# Oct 07 2005 at 1:44 PM Rating: Good
I would recommend getting firefox to replace IE. It avoids most of these... ahem "pesky" problems.

I hate virus/spyware with a passion, as I had to take my damned computer in to Best Buy and not only did they find nothing wrong (after being gone to "central" Geek Squad headquarters), they reformatted my hard drive.

Firefox has saved me from so much woe IE would have caused in the same situation. Its not perfect, but its 120% better than Explorer in every way.
RE: Speaking of Firefox
# Oct 07 2005 at 2:00 PM Rating: Decent
Internet Explorer??? what is that? people still use that?.. i've been using firefox since v0.9? 0.8? i forget.
RE: Speaking of Firefox
# Oct 07 2005 at 2:17 PM Rating: Good
I've used IE for many years, and have never had a problem with anything. Why? Cause I know how to take care of my PC. I've been a computer tech for more years than some of you have probably been alive, and I know how to keep my system clean. There is nothing wrong with IE. The problem lies in the people that have no idea how to take care of their systems.
RE: Speaking of Firefox
# Oct 07 2005 at 2:25 PM Rating: Decent
246 posts
If you are so sure of how you run your computer and have all the confidence in your secure setup, why don't you perform a search on asta? I can tell you that with firefox it will be as safe as it can be. Use IE under any configuration, even high security with XPSP2 and you will still get nailed. That site even brought down Windows VISTA, an OS advertised by MS as the securest OS to ever come out.

You cannot expect people to run their computer equal to that of a computer techy. So for those that can't, run firefox. Oh yeah. Techies use Firefox also, b/c they know better then to use IE (and is better/faster all around anyway).
# Oct 07 2005 at 2:38 PM Rating: Default
I certainly hope you IE bashers out there are using linux... I hear windows is a piece of $#!t

Honestly, didn't everyone know IE's security is pathetic? It's the risk you run...

but lighten up a little, end level users don't need to be made to feel stupid just because they fall for corporate america and advertising.(ok maybe a little bit)

Edited, Fri Oct 7 15:53:04 2005
# Oct 07 2005 at 3:07 PM Rating: Good
981 posts

I repeat, there is nothing wrong with IE, you just need to keep it (and ur OS) updated, and run antivirus & personal firewall; if your firewall/av suite doesn't have a spyware scanner, have that to. End of story.

Very simple, you don't need a special browser, you don't need to be a computer tech either.

And I don't care how much better you think linux is than MS, NO OS is 100% secure. So how about dropping the subject, and stop bashing someone's personal preferences of what they want to use?
RE: /sigh
# Oct 07 2005 at 8:18 PM Rating: Decent
I'm not bashing on windows or IE USERS here (I still use both)... Just stating a couple facts...

1)All the protective programs you need to run in the background to make IE safe to use cost money, take up proccessing power, and memory.
2) Linux last I checked still only had 1 registered virus... how many does windows have?

If more people turned their back on the allmighty microsoft, maybe we would see a safer internet... After all, how many nasties out there aren't aimed specifically at MS products?
RE: /sigh
# Oct 07 2005 at 4:13 PM Rating: Decent
448 posts
I tend to disagree. IE has it's problems. But download MS's Anti-Spyware, MSN Toolbar (tabs... alll most) and a good Anti-Virus, and you are 98% safe. Just don't click on that... d'oh >.<
RE: /sigh
# Oct 07 2005 at 4:03 PM Rating: Decent
143 posts
i run IE with norton firewall... i had no idea this site had popups until you guys just mentioned it... and i've been coming here every day for the last year
RE: /sigh
# Oct 07 2005 at 4:36 PM Rating: Decent
My biggest problem with IE and the toolbars and all that, is that they take up way too many system resources compared to Opera (which i use and am a huge fan of). IE takes about 30mb ram for each window you have open on my pc, and opera takes up about 20mb of ram for as many windows as you want and has built in popup blockers. Im not bashing IE users, i just think some people dont realize that IE takes a ton of ram compared to other browsers
Or, just use Firefox
# Oct 07 2005 at 1:43 PM Rating: Decent
Another solution to the problems with Internet Explorer (the n00b web browser that shouts for gilz in Lower Jeuno and has under-leveled sub job to its DRK main job) is to download Mozilla Firefox and run it instead.

As long as Internet Explorer is bound tightly to the operating system, using Internet Explorer exposes yo to the virus writers and spyware manufacturers. Even if you avoid the risky web sites and stick to known web like Allakhazam.com.

You can find Firefox at
RE: Or, just use Firefox
# Oct 07 2005 at 1:59 PM Rating: Good
981 posts
Don't bash MS IE so much, I have no problems with it. I keep my machine patched with windowsupdate.microsoft.com, I have a good AV and Firewall (Symantec AV 9.0 and Symantec Personal Firewall), and everythings good.

Just need to keep up on your OS.

Edited, Fri Oct 7 15:14:56 2005
# Oct 07 2005 at 1:36 PM Rating: Good
12,975 posts
Some things just aren't your fault. You can be assured that I won't be blaming this site. I'm blaming the people responsible for the trojan. No harm done here. Firefox takes care of those pesky popunders for me. Ad-Aware normally cleans up the rest.
# Oct 07 2005 at 1:39 PM Rating: Good
177 posts
There are still some popup things that manage to get through firefox and annoy the **** out of me. I hate those things with a passion.
# Oct 07 2005 at 4:03 PM Rating: Decent
155 posts
My popup blocker (yes, that's the name) hasn't failed me once. It will occasionally turn off (some sites have links that "pop up" so I have to turn it off), but it just takes two clicks to turn it back on. I have gotten one ad from here in the past week. Luckily I'm a PS2 player, so I hope it hasn't affected me.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I use IE.

Edited, Fri Oct 7 17:19:19 2005
That is why you DONT USE POP ADS!!
# Oct 07 2005 at 1:01 PM Rating: Decent
This is not nearly the first time that I have gotten a virus or virus notification warning from this site, hate to tell you. This is why no site should ever use pop up ads. Nobody ever pays attention to those things anyway, all they do is close them immediately and all those ever do is transmit viruses throughout the net. PLEASE STOP USING POP UP ADS... they don't help your advertising anyway, just **** people off.
RE: That is why you DONT USE POP ADS!!
# Oct 08 2005 at 12:43 AM Rating: Decent
1,914 posts
Its not the popup adds. It can be done in banner adds as well. Remember that really cool HP banner add that was a real interactive pong game,in the banner? If you can run an activex or java applet,you can run an exploit,simple as that.
RE: That is why you DONT USE POP ADS!!
# Oct 07 2005 at 2:14 PM Rating: Good
981 posts
Please don't bash Allakhazam, they do their best to provide good service. Why not say "Thank you for taking care of this?" Complaining, especially public complaining, serves no purpose.

Its posts like this that clog up the forums with useless trash.

Rate down, along with everyone that did the same thing. Rate up for everyone else.
RE: That is why you DONT USE POP ADS!!
# Oct 07 2005 at 11:07 PM Rating: Default
#REDACTED, Posted: Oct 07 2005 at 11:04 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) obviously you have never run a website & do not know what you are talking about... rate down
RE: That is why you DONT USE POP ADS!!
# Oct 07 2005 at 1:52 PM Rating: Decent
117 posts
I have gotten numerous Virus alerts from this site before too. Fortunately AVG kicks butt.

I have a work boot and home boot on my laptop. My work boot has symantec enterprise antivirus (the one that costs a fortune) and my home has AVG (free) and it ellimantes things that symantec never finds.
XI: Erdrick: Hume RDM, BLU, SMN, GEO - Shiva.
"Well, I make no claims to genius. I let those who see me in action do that."
RM from http://www.nuklearpower.com/2003/08/16/episode-320-extrications/
links have hidden spyware
# Oct 07 2005 at 12:49 PM Rating: Default
amazing that while I was running the aledged trojan scan I had 6 hits that causes Symantec's virus protection to pop up on.


I normally operate under a very secure system. I hate Adware and hate Spyware. Your Trojan Checker while working of the guise of helping me, in fact was plopping stuff on my computer itself. Might wanna be more careful in what you recommend to people Alla
RE: links have hidden spyware
# Oct 07 2005 at 1:50 PM Rating: Excellent
981 posts
I sincerely doubt that either microsoft or Trendmicro put adware on machines. I'm assuming you download free games and put them on your computer, thats where most of those listed come from.

IMHO, Allakhazam did a good thing by posting this. Thank you, admins.
RE: links have hidden spyware
# Oct 07 2005 at 4:43 PM Rating: Decent
You missed the point ShadowsFell. I don't download anything "Free" from the internet. As far as I can tell, nothing is free. Like the 2 links Alla posted. Ya it might find the virus, but those sights have to support themselves somehow, so they jam adware on your pc while you are scanning for viruses. Blindly believing Trendmicro or Microsoft doesn't put adware on peoples machines is naive.
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