Jumpgate Evolution Advancing

In the fabric of Space-Time, there are an almost infinite amount of variables that make one either have a good or bad time. Douglas Adams referred to this as the "Whole General Sort of Mish-Mash," because everyone's experience was completely and utterly unique to them. That has the potential to bring both good and bad things to the table, but in the case of Jumpgate Evolution, there almost certainly is the potential to make everyone ecstatic. Not only will CodemastersJanuary29th have a playable version of the game at the New York Comic Convention February 6th through the 8th, but they have also released new media detailing the pure artistry that has gone into this game.

Now that Jumpgate is moving closer toward its beta stages, there is an enormous amount of media and also players who want a piece of the action involved in this game. The detail involved in just these few screenshots can tell even the most casual gamer why so many people are interested. The graphics are crystal-clear, the scale is massive and the potential is extraordinary. There are numerous influences involved here, but Codemasters really looks like they have something special and completely unique brewing in their studio.

This game has no release date as of yet, and even the beta time frame has not been announced, but that doesn't change the fact that hundreds of thousands of people every week make it a point to check the site multiple times for any updates regarding this possible masterpiece. The forums are crawling with activity, hoping to just catch a glimpse of what is to come, but alas, we will not know the true capability of this title until it is installed to our "Program Files" directory.


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