Fan Faire: New UI Planned for Station Launcher

At Fan Faire we got a chance to chat with Dan Kinney about the Station Launcher.  Dan's team has made a lot of advancements on the beta Launcher, and they've been very responsive to player feedback.

Dan told us that the next major version will have an improved UI, with much nicer menus.  The menus shown below are from left to right: Station Menu, Games Menu, Friends Menu,  and Help Menu.  Also coming soon is a web update for all SOE games, in the manner of Free Realms.

One of the things Dan told me they do with the Launcher is they'll release a version quietly before rolling it out as a general release.  This gives them the chance to make adjustments before the whole SOE community leaps on it.  To pick a version, go to the Help menu then the Change Versions sub-menu.  It has entries for each of the available versions.  Currently there is a "Main" and a "Preview".  They are same right now, but they will be updating the Preview version soon with fixes/features.  Once the preview is stable, it's promoted to Main.

I asked Dan about the feature we saw at Fan Faire 2008, where a player called into Station Voice via cell phone.  He said this feature is still in progress with no ETA, but he'd very much like feedback on what players would use it for.  He would also like to hear from Teamspeak and Ventrillo players on what features could be added to make Station Voice a more attractive alternative. 

If you'd like to leave feedback on those or any Stataion Launcher issue, please join the discussion on the Station Launcher or Station Voice forums.


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