Guild Wars introduces Elementalist skill changes

I'll be honest, I don't think I played enough of Guild Wars to really understand the details of these changes. All I really know is that Elementalists are getting some pretty significant revamps in Guild Wars, all in the name of improving their viability in PvE while providing new playstyle options for PvP.

Perhaps the most important change would be the addition of "Doublecast" skills. These skills are exactly as they sound, with the Elementalist being able to cast a spell on both himself and his target. To add these skills in, many old skills were reworked, including Double Dragon, Energy Boon, Gust, Mirror of Ice, and Stone Sheath. As to how top-tier Elementalists will utilize these skills in PvP remains to be seen.

All in all, it's great to see Guild Wars still getting major balance changes, even with GW2 gobbling up most of ArenaNet's attention and resources. Hopefully GW Elementalists will also be pleased by this update.


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