Film Friday: Ten New Trailers (Part Two)

The second half of Film Friday employs strategy, shooting, and RPG mayhem.

In the non-shocking conclusion to this week's Film Friday, we have some recent flicks from Blood Bowl 2, Civilization: Beyond Earth, Endless Legend, Sniper Ghost Warrior 3, and The Dwarves.

Civilization: Beyond Earth Featurette - “Colonizing the Seas”

Learn everything you need to know about successfully colonizing the seas on an alien world. Here we explore a new terrain, discover a variety of new resources, encounter different alien species, uncover artifacts and much more.

Endless Legend Major Factions - The Forgotten

Endless Legend Shadows is a nightmare out of history. The Forgotten are a faction that all others thought to be lost or dead. Against their will, they were forged into a tight society of violent and distrustful survivors, having spent the final years of the cataclysm alone on the surface of Auriga. Now, as rifts in their society have led a splinter faction to declare its independence, the Forgotten are risking everything in the hopes that the other factions will accept them – or kneel before them.

The Dwarves - Teaser Trailer

The game for everyone who needs more beer, beards and battle in their lives. The Dwarves is a tactical RPG with an innovative combat system, based on the bestselling fantasy novel of the same name. We're putting dwarves front and center in our new RPG with physics-based combat and an intriguing story.

Blood Bowl 2: Dark Elves' Tricks and Treats

After revealing more details with its Overview Trailer, Blood Bowl 2, the sequel to the video game adaptation of Games Workshop’s famous board game that combines American football with the fantasy world of Warhammer, today exposes the match philosophy of the Dark Elves!

Evil beyond belief, skilled without doubt, the Dark Elves take to the pitch to show the world their superiority. Dark Elf teams prefer a malevolent and spiteful running game over the passing of their goodly cousins. Backed up by the ruthless Witch Elves and dangerous assassins, a Dark Elf team has all the tools to power through rather than around any opposition line. Dark Elves are very agile, and each of their players is a potential thrower, catcher and more importantly, scorer. However, while they like to get up-close and personal on the pitch, they are definitely not the most resilient Blood Bowl players, and replacing a player who suffered an "accidental death" will cost you…

Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 Developer Commentary Gameplay

See the behind closed doors E3 demonstration of the first real next-gen sniper game, narrated by the game's developers.

Bonus: If you have a spare hour laying around, catch up on Kalypso's Grand Ages: Medieval gameplay stream recording.

We'll see you next week!

Missed Part One? Catch up here!


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