Resumption of Ads

I hope you enjoyed browsing the site ad-free this week. If you liked browsing the site free of ads, please consider signing up for our premium membership. While the ads provide some revenue, it is through our premium memberships that we are able to afford to continue to provide a top notch gaming community for everyone to enjoy. By signing up, not only do you show your support for our efforts, but you get quite a few nice features. In addition to ad-free browsing, here are just a few of the extra features you get for just a few dollars a month:
  • Forum posting extras such as an avatar, a posting title, smilies, polls, and the forum search.
  • A personal, private forum for you to use as you wish. Use it for yourself or invite your guild to post.
  • Many great game-specific advanced search features. Check our list to see which ones apply to your game.
  • 10% off all MMORPG purchases at EBGames.com
  • Plus you get a 12 month subscription to Computer Gaming World Magazine included at no extra cost with your subscription
  • Please show your support and sign up today.


    Post Comment
    this site has pop ups?
    # Aug 18 2005 at 7:54 PM Rating: Decent
    Wow, for as long as i've been coming to this website, i've never gotten a single pop up at all . . . normally when I get a pop up and it's blocked, my computer dings to alert me that there was a pop up blocked. Not once have I ever gotten a pop up or a ding stating there was a pop up blocked. Guess I'm just lucky that way. :)
    ads = money bad alla
    # Jul 26 2005 at 1:58 PM Rating: Default

    submitting the mail requested for the "Banned" links to those awful gilselling site were not suppose to see in these banners, just wondering how much gil alla makes from these sites to put the adds in front of you. IGE is popping up Alot along with other in the ads by google banners.
    Just a thought gilsellers need costomers so they spend cash to get ads, they need cash so they monopolize a desired hunting ground and over inflate costs of hard to acquire items and sell the gil/or items to some poor fool who is too lazy or impatient to wait for the rewards of work. We getting forked by the gilsellers in the game and forked by alla with ads to these sites which in turn makes alla money. Idiot$->Gilsellers->Alla Alla tries to justify behaviors by saying we are not aware of ads or if you were a member you dont see ads thereby taking out the middle man Your$->Alla
    It takes about 5-6 pages before you get the links to these @holes when you see them be sure to send screenshots of them to pikko cause she(possible He) is requesting them.
    Nothing is FREE
    I'll subscribe when you release Wowreader for Mac.
    # Jul 19 2005 at 1:32 AM Rating: Decent
    I'll subscribe when you release Wowreader for Mac. Seriously.

    I love the site, and consider it an absolutely invaluable reference. However, there is simply no way I could justify paying any money to an organization that for the longest time has promised a Mac version of a product yet never delivered one or even answered questions about when one would be available.

    Further compounding my frustration, my guild recently switched their website to use only the xml data from here for the roster on their website. Because you have not released a mac version of Wowreader, there is no way for me to upload my character information, and thus no way for me to appear on my guild's roster.

    I understand that porting a network application like Wowreader from .NET to the frameworks available under Mac OS X is not easy or straightforward. Thus, because of my need to upload my characters to this site, I'd like to volunteer my time to do the port. I would be perfectly willing to sign a non-disclosure agreement covering the updater/uploading functionality, if that would be required.

    Please contact me via email or private message if you are at all interested in my assistance with porting Wowreader to Mac OS X.
    I missed it!
    # Jul 18 2005 at 1:11 PM Rating: Default
    I missed ad-free week. But you know what? I don't care because none of that crap affects me AT ALL. I mean nothing at all does, or ever has gotten through since I got EZ Trust Armor from Computer Associates. Road Runner gave me a 1 year free trial with it. It gives me a
    super-sweet firewall that is probably the best I know of, gave me a super-sweet anti-virus program, and gave me a super-sweet spyware program. And, I know how to get it free for as long as I have Road Runner. The anti-virus thing kicks the hell outta Nortan anti-virus's *** (we have a subscription till like august this year), the spyware thing can either search popular spots spyware hides, or your entire computer just like an anti-virus thing, but for spyware. And the firewall is just kickassness all around. It has stopped intrusions on my computer literally tens of thousands of times. Right now, if you don't have a firewall, I could use a port scanner on alla's site, see your PC is online, put a trojan on it, or whatever I want, and **** the hell out of your computer, but I'm not like that. So go to computer associate's (I think it's www3.ca.com, yes the 3 needs to be there, that's what I remember most of the address).

    Note to Alla's staff:
    Your premium services only provide extras for EQ, DAoC, FFXI, SWG, and WoW. I just now realized, 'why am I saying only?', as in, the only 2 games that are still played by a lot of people that don't have something special for them is EQoA and EQ2. So posting the part about extras for our game was pointless. Now if you need help (idea's ect) with what you could add for EQoA, I'd be glad to help. I'd have premium services just to help the site, but, I don't have a job and such, so I can't afford it.
    # Jul 16 2005 at 12:36 PM Rating: Good
    I use Firefox, I don't get any pop ups, just banner adds, most of which don't bother me, except that damn Flyswatter one! Curse the annoying buzz!!

    It also loads alot faster than IE, and makes alot of websites look way better (especially all those webcomics).
    I stil wouldn't mind getting Premium though, having an avatar would be cool, and I could find a whole bunch of new ways to annoy those who read my posts.
    boo... >.<
    # Jul 16 2005 at 2:20 AM Rating: Decent
    268 posts
    T___T I missed the ad-free week...

    Hurricane Dennis took out my electricity and cable for a week. XD Ah well. Just glad to be back here...
    It WAS a week... >.>
    # Jul 16 2005 at 12:54 AM Rating: Decent
    It started on Monday and ended on Friday. A business week is 5 days... Monday through Friday is 5 days... You got your add free week, just not as much as you wanted. Just quit complaning... sheesh...
    RE: It WAS a week... >.>
    # Jul 16 2005 at 3:54 AM Rating: Decent
    no, it went down on monday, came back up friday morning. last i checked, that's still 4 days, 4 nights (monday down, tuesday down, weds down, thurs down, friday up). i'm just saying that if my store says a week (even buisness week) it ends on friday night when the store closes and starts again the next day....
    RE: It WAS a week... >.>
    # Jul 17 2005 at 5:09 PM Rating: Excellent
    6,318 posts
    You get something for free, and yet you stick complain.

    Alla didn't need to set up the ad-free week, since the stopping of ads killed their revenue for those days, but he decided to do it anyway. Now you fuc[b][/b]ktards are complaining because it wasn't long enough?

    If you wanted the ads to stay away, you should have signed up for premium. If you don't want to sign up and just want to whine, go somewhere else.
    # Jul 15 2005 at 9:56 PM Rating: Default
    Since when is a week 4 days?
    Didn't really notice...
    # Jul 15 2005 at 9:54 PM Rating: Decent
    61 posts
    Honestly I didn't really notice the lack of ads or popups. My blocker kills them anyway. I might get 1 popup slip threw in a week :) But i agree with a post from Mourdechai. The subsciption is better for those who play multiple MMO's. I only play FFXI and this site works fine for me FREE :)But I don't see how you can play more than one at a time....What do you people do for a living? LOL I wish i could play like that!! :)
    # Jul 15 2005 at 8:50 PM Rating: Good
    17 posts
    Fix stratholme and scholo drops.

    I regret I payed for this site.
    # Jul 15 2005 at 7:44 PM Rating: Decent
    well I dont know about anyone else, but for me, Allakhazam is horribly slow about 70% of the time I come here to look up stuff. I click on a link and wait a full minute sometimes for the page to come up, or it times out. No, its not my connection, as I can minimize Allakhazam and browse other sites fine, while waiting on Alla's page to come up. 1.5Mbit DSL line. Why is Allakhazam so slow? It almost feels like the servers are overloaded.
    RE: slowww
    # Aug 18 2005 at 7:50 PM Rating: Default
    a whole minute to wait for the page to open up fully? wow stop the press!
    ad free
    # Jul 15 2005 at 6:43 PM Rating: Decent
    sheesh; i got 2 popups when i ran IE (allahs is my home page) then two more when i clicked one link on the site. now i understand why people sign up for premium. glad i dont have to tho i just turned on my windows xp popup blocker muhahaha
    # Jul 15 2005 at 4:49 PM Rating: Decent
    i think an alla subscription is more worth it if you are the type of person who plays more than one MMO.
    As nice asthat was...
    # Jul 15 2005 at 4:37 PM Rating: Decent
    A week does not = 4 days.
    # Jul 15 2005 at 1:57 PM Rating: Excellent
    12,975 posts
    Yeah, that didn't quite feel like a week. o.O; But maybe it was and I just have a bad sense of time...
    # Jul 15 2005 at 1:43 PM Rating: Decent
    wouldn't a week imply that it stays longer than 4 days? or that it would last for 7?
    # Jul 15 2005 at 1:42 PM Rating: Decent
    On my computer the text block saying that it's ad-free week took up more space than if the ads were there, Firefox+Adblock ftw :P

    Now just to figure out out to block those lame "onclick" popups, for some reason those always get through...
    Or you could do what I do
    # Jul 15 2005 at 1:40 PM Rating: Decent
    Get Firefox and block ALL ads.
    Ad Free Week
    # Jul 15 2005 at 1:29 PM Rating: Good
    153 posts
    Well, it was fun while it lasted. Subscription just costs too much for me to justify.
    Nice combo
    # Jul 15 2005 at 1:09 PM Rating: Decent
    Ad Free week + Update Free week
    RE: Nice combo
    # Jul 15 2005 at 6:39 PM Rating: Default
    Update free week? What is that?
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