They're next to the Key droppers. there's a thing that's like.. 4 squares. and.. like a crevise inbetween. or something like that.. Anyways. Orcs, Yagudo, Goblins, and Quadav.. there's 4 seperate holes, each with the beastmen. MGS=Invisible,Sneak. Then drop all the way to the bottom, Chancellers Generals, and Magistrates :P That's what you kill, from the hole to the side.
67 War/Nin 67 Whm/Snm 66 Blm/Whm 67 Rdm/Blm 56 Thf/Nin and me 67 Brd/Whm
We dropped in to the first area and aggroed everything despite the total chaos we easily handled a Chancellor, Magistrate, General and Commander (? I think that was it) During the chaos and death we got a Sands of Silence drop and three Whine Cellar keys (For BLM AF2). Our BLM said "It took him 1,000,000 to get a key the first time and we get 3 in 12 sec"