on alxender, silent oils go for $15k a stack, slim oil $15k stack, while beewax $28k a stack (remember you need 2 stack for silent oil receipt) . Even silent oil does sell fast, this still make me lose [($28k X 2)+$15k ]-$15k = -56k. What the hell.
That's what I did, but it isnt worth the time ... you spend 1-2 hours doing chips, then another hour doing slimes for 15k ( on his server ) or 12k on ragnarok, back when they were 20-25k a stack ... okay sure because if your alchemy is high enough and you are damn lucky you can make pull HQ+3's. I used to make GREAT money off these ... now it's all bolt heads, holy water and poison pots which out of the 3 the only one worth crafting really is holy water -_-
I am a lvl 20 alchemy, and i started making Silent oil, and found that it is quiet expensive to make it on Asura a stack of beeswax is 60k and slime oil is about 50k, but this sells qiuet fast and for about 40k a stack so i would suggest this for lvling alchemy, i did not want to farm the slime oil because i was to lazy lol, but i farm beehive chips so i did save some gil
Slimes are heavily camped everywhere and it costs 30k a stack for the Slime Oil. If you are 30+ levels over the synth, would it be more cost effective to do the Olive Oil synth?
silent oils are the way to go, if you have a thf at least lvl 15 and a uber high job head to the mines and farm jelly sure there are 10 others farming them but at least it's cheaper, and they drop more then once in a blue moon in an hour i got two stacks, made 3 altogether and 50k for a stack of beeswax spent 300k on them btw lol, but made 12 stacks of oils and they go for 40k on ragnarok atm, made 180k profit may not seem alot to some but at least it boosted me from 19 to 22 lol
p.s. i would have been happy to break even doig these
alchemy 22. i've been thinking about the most cost effective route to lvl alchemy and make money (tch*) i've tried making silent oils and i've noticed that gathering slime oils may render u more silent pots BUT<-<-< if u want skill ups over gil the take the olive oil. chips are a pain to gather and buy. slimes drop in a blue moon so ur gunna be spending some $$$ on slime. lol what ever works best just let me know your findings and total skill ups. ^^
happy alchemizing..... <.< err is that correct engerish... /stagger
Man getting started on making Silent oils as lvl 20 Alchemy......sucks cause slime oils run for like 60k a stack plus the other stuff you need = less than what you will sell the stack of Silent Oils for....Ive tryed to Farm Slime Oils in Korr.tunnel but its going to take 3 hours to get a stack.....it pays off later when you HQ ....correct?
<Donations Accepted for slime oils) send too: Ticen on the Titan server
I have my "me #2" at enough Norg Fame to do my scroll quests, but I am not levelling her up. My question, I know sneak wears like mad on a lv 2, but but will Oils and Powders be ok for a lv 2 to run to Norg and through the Grotto?
I went through all of the Norg Nin scroll quests (minus the one that requires a chocobo ride) on about a stack of silent oils. And I even had some trouble because some bone head in my previous LS told me to load up on prism powders as well, and that I didn't need the oils for the grotto. I had only been through there once with a whm escort so I didn't know better. I would say a stack for all of the quests, 4 for Utsusemi and Tonko.
I did the scroll quests as level 1 NIN and only used 2 or 3 silent oils on my Utsusemi run (the successful one, more like a stack and a half in total).
Supposedly silent oil lasts longer if you have no equipment on.
I haven't tested it myself, but I was able to do the Norg scroll quest with a lvl1 Job (naked), and used very little oil (4 total I think for both scrolls)
The slime oil recipe HQ max is not 8. HQ1 yields 8, and HQ2 yields 12. Not sure if there's an HQ3 for silent oils, as 12 is the highest i've synthed thus far.
What level is one able to HQ these a fair ammount? My friend says that he can HQ them 30% of the time at 56, but I am 55 and i havnt been able to HQ them.
So, basically, the best conditions to skillup during would be:
Full Moon Same Day as Crystal/Lightsday
Would that be right? In general, I have read that it's best to attempt HQs during a New Moon and on the day the crystal is weak to or Darksday. Do I have it right?
Have you tested that? I'm sure it's just an urban myth. I never noticed any difference whatsoever with sneak, the duration is pretty random regardless of how equipped you are.
Yeah thats a FF Myth (So many of those flying around).
I remember one day, using Silent Oils while naked (Mining in Ifrit's Couldren or however you spell it), used about 4 of them, Completly random times ranging from 10 seconds to 1 minute.
Thought to myself, Ah forget this, I feel safer running around in my armor, Wasted another 4 silent oils, Times ranging from 20 seconds to 2 minutes.
I seriously think this is all by luck, Who knows, maybe some people are more lucky naked. =P