price of mythril ingot:7k price of dec. dagger :4k price of bastokan dagger:7-9k .... maybe i'll try it when i find cheaper materials >.< republic dagger 45-50k on asura
This Item and the Bastokian Sword and shield (targe) are all smithing recepies. I tried as a 54 goldsmith and failed 4 out of 4 times 3 times even with advanced synth support and shades. then I realized my smithing was level 34 so I went and got smithing support.
I failed but my smithing rose .02
I made war picks until 38 and tried again 3 of 4 successes and 2 of 4 successes with the Bastokian sword.
u can get this dagger by using conqest points rank 2 i think it cost me 2000 point to get it now on getting Bastokan Dagger i think the only way is to use the goldsmith guild but the real brain buster is can u make this weopon at lv 0 goldsmithing because if u can then just use your conqest point to get the dagger and then make it with the Recipe that reads above
had one of these at earlier level went for 20k at AH on Quetzacoatl. Fairly rare on our server. Not too many of them at the time I had it about 3 months ago.