FINALLY! Persistence pays off. 1/8 ^^ Thanks to Katsudon and Kanani of Mavericks LS, Stalkermonkey, and Gangsterish of Domain LS, and everyone who came out the seemingly countless times before Aa Xalmo finally coughed it up!
OK so as Flinx, Chops, and I are about to leave, I make one more invis run around the courtyard, and there he is: Aa Xalmo the Savage. You MUST stun or Shadowbind Run Away! his two hour, Hundred Fists. He wiped us the first time, and ran back out to the courtyard. I recruited some good friends from my LS Domain, Danallen, Kanani, Gib, Pocoloco, and Cailleb to come out, and we took him down. This time, he didn't 2hour, although he did use an ability called "Dark Invocation", but it was relatively weak and only did around 140 damage. His normal attacks do about 100-200 a hit, and he has very high evasion. No drop though. ><; We needed TH badly, lol. Happy hunting.
Been camping for quite some time... hard to tell who the placeholders are at this point, although a nice fellow said it may be a MNK type, so Sentinels. No sign of him yet. We've been camping the bottom of the area, not the top tier with the Nokizaru Yag.
Has anyone camped/killed this NM yet? I was wondering what type a spawn it is (Timed, Lottery, Forced, ect.) If anyone from Alexander is gonna camp this please /tell Mathayus I really want one for my Whm. And, any info would be great also.
Edited, Mar 16th 2008 11:21pm by mathayusofalexander
This weapon is dropped from a new NM in Castle Oztroja (S) called Aa Xalmo the Savage. He spawns at (H-8) in the same place as Quu Domi the Gallant does in present times.