Took me 7 tries at it, i final got the pop at 20:00 on a Earthsday. So, well i dont think that it has anything to do with it. im off to enjoy my new rings >< gl hunting guys.
I traded the ??? three waters with no pop. I then read some of the posts further down one said to try after 22:00 and one said got it on Lightningday, so i waited for 22:00 on Lightningday and got pop and ring. So i dont know if the day and time have anything to do with the NM pop but it might help, seemed to for me. Ring helps us Elvaan with the lack of mp gonna use it now on all my mages. Good luck to all that try this.
At the moment i'm in the middle of the quest and just trading distilled water, the drop is 100% drop rate and the ammount of distiled waters is totaly random. This quest is anoying but im a smn taru and i just want a rare ex ring lol, only got 3. So yeah, the quest is still current and it is simple but anoying
The date is October 22 2006 , Tried this quest countless times considering im Galka and could use the Mp boost. Can you please tell me if quest is still current. and if so why can i not pop this nm.
Ok ive traded 13 distriled water's to this fool and he still hasnt poped... that adds up to like 9.5 hrs or sumthing... ive been here forever... any tips? i traded after 22 and it didnt help... idk what to do next.
this ring would be great for every job whith elvaan that uses mp ^^....cuz i would gladly have +10 Mp & +1 STR instead of 20 hp (i think that most of the low lvl elvaan mages agree whith me :P) just wanted to say that this is a great ring =D
Since tarus already have an MP bonus and an HP deficiency when compared to other races, taru would probably benefit more from a courage ring (+2 STR, level 14) over this.
Man if I had money for astrals... but I don't so I have to make due with what I can get.
Yesterday 2/16/06 tried to feed the ??? water but it says it didn't need it. Waited an hour and tried again, it took the water but nothing popped. Tried immediately after and it said it didn't need any more water again.
Today- traded a distilled water to it around 9:30 Vanadiel time on a Lightningsday and it popped.
was 29whm/rdm using protect 2 and shell it only hit me for 1-6 hp---this thing has a truck load of hit points it dropped the ring!
Posted:Aug 14 2005 at 12:11 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) im a galka and i cant say were bad as mages but i agree taru are best however the opposite goes for dammage jobs excluding blm... i really dont care as long as they do thier job i cud care less the race. ive had a galka whm heal in the party and we didnt get as many chains and if i saw a taru i wudda picked him over the galka however i wudda picked a galka over taru for dammage. bassicly do what job/race u want but if its not the best then u better be.
im a galka and i cant say were bad as mages but i agree taru are best however the opposite goes for dammage jobs excluding blm... i really dont care as long as they do thier job i cud care less the race. ive had a galka whm heal in the party and we didnt get as many chains and if i saw a taru i wudda picked him over the galka however i wudda picked a galka over taru for dammage. bassicly do what job/race u want but if its not the best then u better be.
Gear can make up stats a given race is lacking in. Its people like you who ruin the agme for people like me. If I had 1 gil for every time I got told I was sucky mage by people who never even partied with me just because I was not a taru, I'd have been rich the 1st year.
Rate it all you want asswipe, I'll state my opinion where I damn well please.
Well the sad part is i am a taru, and personally i would rather have a whm galka then taru. i don't discrimate against teh races, but galka whms seem better off then the taru whm, especially when yer tank sucks can you get the hate. i agree with tahtdamnelfsage, we both would be millioniars for everytime some damn noob said they pick a taru over galka.
you can suck some f-ing huge *** balls if you don't like the truth
Edited, Nov 18th 2006 at 2:43am PST by sephthetaru
gear helps but it will not help a taru = a galka or vise versa. You can put all the -hp/+mp gear you want on a galka, and still wont come no where near 1800mp a taru smn in the same gear will get. After you spent all your gear spaces on +MP, the rest of your stats and skills will lack a bit.
Any job at any race can be effective but you're trying to tell me a galka smn will last longer than a taru smn if the galka is a better player? That's like saying a taru will bloodtank better than a galka ... won't happen. Also have to realize a party survives as a whole, not because their mage was good. Get yourself a bad tank or melee that dont know hate control, you could have 3000mp and it will die or chains will end sooner or later.
From what I've seen, after lvl30 or so, max MP makes almost no difference in a good party. Why? Because the mages will cap out on "MP recovered while healing" food and gear (macro'd in). Who cares if you have 20% more MP than the other guy when you never get back up to full MP before the next mob.
As long as you have enough MP to last through a bad fight/link, and you can recover that much before called on again, everything will be fine. I will say that an Elvan BLM in the dunes needs some really good equipment and food to pull this off...
While I'm a taru RDM (and BLM, and PLD, and DRK, and THF, and ...), some of the worst mages I've seen have also been taru. Why? Because they don't know how to pace themselves to the party's capabilities. Not every party is a burn party, and a BLM or RDM that doesn't realize that is going to keep stealing hate, wasting the healer's MP, and make it take *longer* to finish the fight because none of the melees can hit the stupid mob because it keeps chasing the BLM. A good player will adjust their play style to the makeup of the PT.
Sorry for the rant, but I don't care what race someone is playing with what job as long as they know what they're doing or learn when given suggestions (i.e. a RDM standing on top of the NIN that the THF is about to SATA+Viper Bite behind can be forgiven once, but after that deserves to be smacked around until the tanks can provoke off 450+ DMG of hate)
This maybe true for none poped NMs but as I can tell and have seen most of the stuff that is a pop based on time, or things in the games like the airship seem to corolate from server to server at the same time. The reason of pop times being diffrent for none poped NM's is due to the TOD count down to next pop. What I mean by this is NM's that pop after a sertain time after there death will not pop on all servers at or around the same time. The server clocks seemd to be set all at the same time and what not. So if the NM as to be poped at a certain time of day on one server then stitics show that though not excatly always true that the pop time should be the same on all servers. The only true way to prove this would be to have sevral people on sevral servers post times of in game day they can get the NM to pop.
ive given up on Chariotbuster Byakzak's Rare/EX drop, the Akuzuma Xyphos, or whatever, this looks like a fairly good ring for my BRD, so might camp it once i got some time on my hands
but doesnt hurt to trade one now and then to it. i cant believe i stayed up that long. read harry potter for about 3 hrs and then set my alarm on clock ^^. Laters all
Posted:Aug 08 2005 at 2:33 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) 20HP is a great loss but think galka, its not nearly as good as astral, but if you can't afford 1 mil for each astral, camp this. I see more and more galka trying to be mages... Please stop!
All I can say is you obviously dont have any clue why you wear gear. Yes, tarus have a MP pool larger than any other race, but if you get the right gear, any race can be any job they want. As a lvl 60 GALKA SMN, I have 926 hp, and 819 mp, and yes, if I stripped my gear off, Id have alot less, but who in the heck is gonna be partying with no gear? Quit being so stupid and saying galkas shouldnt be mages, when was the last time you saw a taru get aggro and live through more than a couple hits? Every race has its positive and negative sides, but people with your attitude ingame make me sick. If you dont like the fact that people want a challenge, and are willing to try something out of the norm, then go play a single player game and get off FFXI. I salute all the races who try something different, like Galka mages, or a Taru PLD or DRK.
To say Galkas can't be mages is the sign of a player that can't do his ******* job and most rely on his stupid race. Welcome to the world of not being able to think on your own, and having other people tell you what you should be.
It's not that Galka have too little MP, it's that Taru have too much.
Let's be perfectly honest, SMN pre-70 is used 95% of the time as main healer. What use is all that MP if a Taru will be dead in 2 hits if he gets hate?
I want to see a Taru do a Divine Seal + Light Staff + Curaga 2 mid battle after a Bomb Toss in Bibiki Bay and live. I can do it all the time.
I am a Tarutaru Whm and I've done plenty in a party. Now I'll admit I might not be able to survive more than 4 attacks ( 364 Hp ) but in a good party I've never had too, with a good tank a mage shouldn't need to worry and to date I've only died about three times (Excluding Valk pts) due to the Gigas and that catapult attack. In my opinion yes Galka have more survivability and Tarus have more cures stored up, but if the other members of your pt are doing their job like you that shouldn't matter.
no i'm sorry but that's just wrong... the player is definitely the first priority ye but next has to come the race... if u have players of equal skill, a tarutaru smn is definitely gonna get picked over a galka and now before you say anything lets look at the stats
taru galka (at level 75) (no bonuses) hp 704 1202 mp 1028 609 int 85 68 mnd 73 76
now u may say well galka have more mind, so what, whats that gonna do ??? 3 more hp per cureIII when a taru can cast at least 8 more of the spell then galka. and u also may say "tarutaru get oneshotted while galka have more survivability" that statement is true but ppl are forgetting one key concept... when are galka gonna get hate if they cant cast spells as effectively as othe races. even with full zenith on galka would still come short on mp of tarutaru.
now if u could still honestly say to yourself that if a tarutaru mage wouldnt get picked over a galka mage (excluding friendships, pity etc.) you better just sit on the floor put ur hands on ur head and think a long time before u sit back up next to the computer.
it is easier for a taru to make up for the str it lacks in a melee job than a galka making up for mp, its def gonna cost the galka a lot more than the taru too.... im a taru melee, for my job, a taru does as good of a job as any other race, but for another job i don't know or would not know. but bashing people for their race is stupid. thats worse than valkurm dunes pts
NOTHING, i repeat NOTHING is worse than valkurm dunes pts. And oh boy do i have some stories to prove it (in fact i'm sure we all do). level 18 whm no sub wanted to PL my level 11 smn with some other level 11s while she was in the pt. i wanted to cry. mnks try to tank and blms take hate like no other. it's hell.
I'm sorry, but the WORST mages I've ever seen have been Tarus. That's not an insult to the race, just the people. The best I've seen have been Galka, but they were damned hard workers lol (have to be to make up for the setbacks).
Stats shouldn't matter if the person knows how to manage them effectively. Think of it like this; who's better, a Taru with a big MP pool that wastes a good portion of it, or a Galka with a smaller MP pool who knows exactly how to use it?
And skill equals equipment. Why? Put two galka summoners of equal skill next to one another. Now give one really nice gear, and the other one subpar gear. Who is going to perform better?
Any race can effectively play any job. Why give Galka the option to play mages if there wasn't a way to play it effectively? Why give Taru the option to become Monks if there wasn't a way to play it effectively?
Yes: SMN need all the MP they can muster, at the cost of HP even if you are a Tarutaru- you're not tanking, ina good party you should have sufficient hp to survive 2 hits from a mob- enough for a tank to grab ahte back- therefore you should max it all out on MP.
This ring looks excellent. DRKs who are lacking in mp would find it useful too. Good stuff SE (^^)b and nice to make it rare/ex.
This ring would be decent for a Dark Knight of a low-MP race, but I would think a Balance Ring (or a Courage Ring if you want the STR) would be better.
I would think the +10 MP would be more highly valued by mages and not DRK, as it's only level 15 and Rare/Ex.
Why why why would you use a balance ring? That would be +2 accuracy in 2 slots. A complete waste when +2 accuracy would do next to nothing. +4 Dex would give you another crit ever few fights...
+4 Str on the other hand boosts the damage you can deal to the mob, boost you WS damage, and also provides +2 attack which is also quite insignificant, but there is more +attack stuff to stack that with at these lvls...
I agree that this isnt for DRK though. The drk in my pt the other day was doing ston/water/aero or w/e they have around lvl 20 for a wooping 2 damage MAX, sometimes 0.
You would use DEX rings if you have a high DMG, low ACC weapon, a.k.a. Scythe. STR means nothing at this lvl if you cannot hit (but in valk you should not have too big of ACC problems unless you are too low lvl or your skill it too low). STR should probably be used in Valk unless it has "High Evasion" or you are a THF.
The DRK in your party was being an idiot then. DRKs have a weak Enfeebling/Elemental Magic and it should not be used (certain conditions may apply). Instead the DRK should be using Dark Magic such as Drain, Aspir, and (when they get it) Absorb-XXX spells.
ok. this is sounds a funny name but I gotta say it. This ring droped from NM at Tahrongi Canyon named by Yara Ma Yha Who . Spawned by trading at Distilled Water to the ??? at J-10. The ??? will only take another Distilled Water every 50 minutes real time. When it has progressed from trading a Distilled Water, it will give the message The sprout is looking better. It can take many trades before the NM spawns (this generally seems to take at least 3 proper trades to spawn, sometimes many more.) When a trade is done and the message A repulsive creature emerges from the ground! appears, the NM will spawn, automatically aggro to whoever spawned it.
In Aboriginal cultures, the yara-ma-yha-who was a little red man, about 4 feet tall, with a large head and mouth. He had no teeth and swallowed his food whole. The tips of the fingers and toes were shaped like the suckers of an octopus.
These creatures lived at the tops of wild fig trees and would capture their prey by dropping on unsuspecting passers-by who sought shelter in the tree. When a person camped below a fig tree, a yara-ma-yha-who might jump on top of the person and drain their blood with their hands and feet. Their victims rarely died from the initial encounter, but because the person was left in a weak and helpless state, the yara-ma-yha-who would return later and swallow the victim. It then drank water and took a nap. When it awoke, it would regurgitate the undigested portion of its meal, which, if the meal was a person, that person would still be alive.
Children were told that if they were unfortunate enough to meet a yara-ma-yha-who, they should offer no resistance, as their chances of survival would be better if they let the creature swallow them. If a person was captured on several different occasions, they would grow shorter with each occasion until they were the same size as a yara-ma-yha-who and they would grow hair all over their body. Eventually they would become a yara-ma-yha-who themselves.
you are right... definently not everything on the internet is true ... but you obviously arent very culturally inclined. Try researching something on good sites before you assume its BS... your retarded karma fairy will have fun rating you down for such stuipidity too.
u forgot to tell them about how whenever kick a midget he turns into a bunch of butterflys and if u lose a fight to a midget, u turn into a midget.
see, there was originally only one midget, but he was really really pissed off that he was so short, so he beat everyone up, and now...theres midgets everywhere