Bought one when my THF was 60, am now 65 and need another 3 lvls. Can't wait to use it. Not looking forward to camping SK at 69 though but I do look forward to DW this and SK :P.
I got this about 2 weeks ago. I have a friend who happens to be a 74bst and myself a 75thf. He had mentioned that he could solo this nm and I asked him for us to go. We camped him for about 30min and he popped. We killed with no probolem and got both drops; Harpe and mage pants... I was so happy and my friend and I were shocked that it dropped. I don't care; I'm happy I got my for free; saved 1.2m on Unicorn server.
i just have a comment for NOisea. what you said is true and untrue. this is a good dagger and a solid way to get you ws and dps up for sure. but if what you say about it is true then y is it that E.bow still outdamages other bows with +5 or more base dmg?
I have seen this in the AH for a year and I am finally lvl 67 and none for sell I must have one. I will try and camp it but being on fairy where the gill sellers reign supreme it will be tough. Wish me luck.
Posted:Oct 27 2005 at 1:22 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) this thing is junk... a waste of money... get a real dagger like a Blau Dolch. ) hidden effects on Harpe, just plain ol 29 dmg. Blau Dolch 28 dmg before 100% Tp and +16 attack
I've heard from various people that it does have a hidden effect. Few thfs I've asked say that it deals "true damage" when using a weaponskill, meaning that you would see a 30-50% more damage than a regular hoplites harpe. However, I havent tested, seeing that it goes for 6million on Ifrit, and seeing that no one else has posted this, I assume it's just a rumor.
I sold mine for 7mil on Diablos the other day. Wish I didnt do it, I got a Gully +1 since all the forums said I wouldnt need a harpe if I had that, the attack speed is barely noticable, like 1 extra swing every 27, but the WS damage is so much more with harpe (about 40 or so and same on light SC). I wish I could buy it back but none on AH in 3 weeks. As far as P. Harpe 0/9 on Xo kills, good luck, chances are you will NEVER get it.
An alliance of nine of my friends and have been camping Xotolo<sp>? for the last 4 days and each day we happen to catch this NM on widescan, he actually is really easy, I lvl 70 smn another smn and two bst actually have beaten him. Well out of the 4 kills we did get the harpe ^^. we couldnt decide on who was going to keep it so we decided to sell it, if you are interested send me a tell or a msg, Harpe = 10 mil obo ^.-An alliance of nine of my friends and have been camping Xotolo<sp>? for the last 4 days and each day we happen to catch this NM on widescan, he actually is really easy, I lvl 70 smn another smn and two bst actually have beaten him. Well out of the 4 kills we did get the harpe ^^. we couldnt decide on who was going to keep it so we decided to sell it, if you are interested send me a tell or a msg, Harpe = 10 mil obo ^.- <SIREN> <Midan>
Well;; <_< i have this sitting in my inventory for when i ding 68, 4 levels to go. But i have heard for as long as i can remember that the reason this is 5-10 million is the hidden effect of Hundredfists during Low Hitpoints. Maybe someone can confirm this before i can? Cleen ? If not ill try to remember to re-post after i get to play with it some XD
I cant see 5mil for 2 more dmg then Hopilites Harpe at 600k if its nothing but a normal dagger but with all the bots and gil sellers out there no telling... If it is ill be selling back when i hit 73 for Perseus's Harpe (EX) thats more dmg than this one.
the reason why it's so expensive is, it's a rare drop just like the icon says when you look at it. It really is rare. The NM only spawns at night. Perseus Harpe is even more rare as it's a lottery of the NM.
now the other reason it's expensive .. go to the jeuno AH, dagger section and sort by damage and there isn't nothing higher that you can purchase
hoplites is replaceable as you get closer to 75.
and there is no hidden effect. People use to say that it does more damage to undead. Their reason why it dropped from an undead mob.
but compared to the stun kruki+1 .. it does 25% more dmg for 1 lvl below stun. so basically it does more dmg since it has a higher base dmg.
I'm not sure why everyone finds this so hard to believe. Increasing the DMG rating on your weapon is the most efficient way to raise your damage output, not attack or anything else. Those other stats have an effect but aren't as potent. Furthermore supply and demand always determine prices in a free market so when you have a dagger with the highest DMG rating (among the daggers you can buy) and its extremely rare then it should be a no-brainer that it will cost a lot.
NM is one hard undead (so are its ph) >< it can actually charm people. the easiest way to kill it is to beg a bst to help. undead cannot charm a bst pet. also, Dagger is an extremely rare drop. So don't dare to kill this NM without TreasureHunter.
It is indeed dropped from Citipati, a NM Corse in Attohwa Chasm. Very strong monster, possibly 3x lvl 75s to defeat. I'll give more info to its spawn later when I have a map.
3x lvl 75s as in 3 people or 3 parties? (I assume the latter). The placeholders for this thing con very tough to a 75 person (or so I hear), so I can imagine the NM is pretty mean. I assume these corses are pretty badass (even the normal ones) if they can charm PCs.
The placeholder is Corse, Easy Prey high def to me. THF74. But yes u need a PT, prolly a full pt just cos the area is full of undeads, DC scorpions and so.
Info from http://ffxi.cannotlinkto
Lottery spawn from the Corse that spawn during the night at F-8 to F-9; the NM despawns at 6:00. Killable by: 6 characters level 65 Special Attacks: Silenga, Charm, Aspir, Bio III, Blizzaga II, Choke, Drown, Drain, Frost, Ice Spikes, Poisoga II, Sleepga, Thunder III, Water IV
This i by far the best main-hand dagger there is. excluding the Mandau and Mighty Knife (On Windsday) The only thing i belive has a higher damage would be the Perseus' Harpe...
Posted:Dec 02 2004 at 10:10 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) No, the fully upgraded relic knife is better, a LOT better. But then all the fully upgraded relic weapons are by far the best weapons of thier type.