You must not understand what "enhances" means. You must have that job trait active for the "enhancement" to work. So {Enhances "Triple Attack" Effect} is only in effect for Thief main as they get it at level 55.
You cannot "enhance" something you dont already have.
I'll put it like this....all jobs have hidden traits of every other job (at 0% of course if not given explicitly by main/sub. This means at 0% it will never proc). When you equip an armor with the trait enhancement, it adds a +% to the 0% you have. In this case I believe someone said 2.5% triple attack. So you now have a hidden job trait of Triple Attack at 2.5% rate of proc'ing with this armor equipped. And also as someone said, Enhances Dual Wield is the only one that won't help you unless you are a NIN or /NIN. Hope this helps
I'm sorry, you're wrong. This has been proven so many times... I've seen a DRG/WHM with full Homam pull off several triple attacks. Sorry to burst your bubble~
dont post about what you dont know. your entire post is wrong. you CAN enhance what you don't have. "enhances triple attack" will GIVE you the ability. the ONLY exception to this is "enhances dual wield".
So {Enhances "Triple Attack" Effect} is only in effect for Thief main as they get it at level 55.
You cannot "enhance" something you dont already have.
Actually it does gives the person wearing it a 2.5% "triple attack" effect withought having to be a THF. So if u are a PLD or DRK with a GS you will notice in some turns you'll attack 3 times, though it activates faster on thfs main since it stacks "I think" ^^. It's a great pice for any job that can wear it just have to earn it imo.
i got an idea instead of everyone talking about why they desirve it why not just say its good for all the jobs, and who ever works for it desirves it instead of trying to prove why YOU! need it more.
I thought that when something said "enhances" you must have that ability first, so it wouldn't add triple attack to anyone. If it said "Triple Attack +1" then that would give a job without triple attack (every job that isn't Thief) the ability to triple attack. Am i wrong?
You're wrong -- it gives you triple attack. The only items that either "enhance" or "+1" an ability and don't give you the trait are Dual Wield items, and that's presumably because what they enhance is the delay reduction which the game apparently considers separate from the availability of a weapon in your off-hand.
The 2 jobs that are helped the most by this gear are definitly DRG and DRK. We can use this piece for serious TP gain. It' looks pretty damn nice for soling, and Galka I bet are especially stoked for this gear like myself. I got 139MP without gear at level 73.... Pretty damn pathetic. After equipping my Balin's, Crimson Boots and Gloves, I'm still less than 200MP, so I gotta bring my Vampire Cloak for every God run and hope we're fighting at night.
Hmmm. But Every stat helps DRG a lot (ok the triple atk prolly a little, but still it will help, and the tripple atk will probably add the same number of tripples no matter what job, so I wouldn't say it's best on thf just b/c of that. Thf would still tripple more, but not necicarily b/c of this particular piece alone).
Posted:Jul 17 2006 at 2:36 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) all my post are for usefullness in endgame for the jobs who can equip them, not for the "abilty to solo as DRG/WHM", thats why i leave those things out
Did you even read the poast? I admit it was skewed a little twards DRG but apparently you completely missed the point specifically countering your reason why it's best for thf.
all my post are for usefullness in endgame for the jobs who can equip them
Then try being more specific I didn't see you mention end game in any of your poasts. (See the head piece for something interesting reguarding this)
Also I didn't even mention DRG soloing in this post, and the only stat on this that would help exclusively for DRG/mage (drg/mage is a better way to refer to it since it is NOT just for soloing and it is NOT just /whm) is the mp which won't even help thf unless the thf is /mage, at which point it'd probably be better to have a drg/mage anyway.
I talked about narrowmindedness enough on the feet part so I'm not repoasting an alteration of that here.
I got this armor, ide say it adds around +5% Triple attack, i found this out from a DRG who had tested himself soloing and how often if goes off. MY personal experiance with it also leads me to beleive that its 5%, now granted 5% Triple attack isnt alot for any other Job other then THF (Brutal earring is the same way with Double attack) but its still an awsome armor. with merits and Ridill, youll be swiging alot.
This actually supports what I said (It adds the same ammount of tripples no matter what job and it helping thf more is false. I stated it as speculation in my post.), and shows your flawed logic.
Posted:Jul 18 2006 at 2:18 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) did you already forget that THF HAS triple attack to begin with, and that it stacks WITH this armor, this with thier trait and with merits would give THF +15% triple attack, its makes triple attack on Ridill about 40% with merits and this body on THF(roughly 25% triple attack normally on ridill from my experiance w/o mods), at best, DRG will only have 5% triple attack, compared to THF at 15%
For solo O hat is better, but for exp this is far better.
EvilTedy wrote:
and all your post were specifically for DRG/mage, yet my post were how useful in everything BUT soloing, since this game is 90% group events, i posted for the 90%
Which is the typo, "post" or "were"? if "post" was supposed to be "posts" then please stop lying, or did you forget that you said that. Eather way that makes this false. No all my posts were not specifically for DRG soloing. As I said, not once did I mention soloing on the post here. It could be implied since I said all stats, but I did not specifically mention DRG soloing, besides, the mp wouldn't help THF for pting but it could help DRG (key word could), DRK, and PLD for pting.
THF HAS triple attack to begin with, and that it stacks WITH this armor, this with thier trait and with merits would give THF +15% triple attack
/hurray for flawed logic. That's not how THIS SPECIFIC PIECE helps THF. That's how, as you said, the job trait plus merits plus ridill plus this piece helps. The point is that THIS SPECIFIC PIECE is NOT adding 15%, it's adding 5% (according to your previous post). To DRG it's adding 5%, to PLD 5%, and to DRK 5%. Does that clear up what I was saying?
in case you didn't get that like how you didn't in the last 2 posts here's what I was saying again:
This piece adds 5% to thf, 5% to DRG, 5% to DRK, 5% to PLD... 5%... THF will triple more but not because of this piece. THF will triple 5% because of this piece, as will all the other jobs.
Again 5% is 5% is 5%... 5% ≠15% ≠25% ≠40% 5% = 5%
If this allowed you to triple on your triples then it would help thf more... but it doesn't. Not even multihit wepons do that.
If you don't get it this time I honestly don't know how to explain it any simpler.
btw... "triples" is bad wording when you said DRG can have at most 5% triples (who do you think would have a higher increased % attacks, a DRG who somehow got to 80% doubles (oh and jumps add attacks too) or a THF with 25% triples?), you should say something more along the lines of % increase in attacks or % additional attacks.
This has got to be hands down the dumbest person on the planet.
Thief has tripple attack already, RIGHT? This armor ENHANCES tripple attack effect RIGHT? Now work with me here, since this ENHANCES an ability you already HAVE, would this not make THF tripple attack more often BECAUSE of the armor.
i never said it adds 15% i said it stacks to give you 15% in all (5% from thier trait, 5% from merits, 5% from this armor) so according to you
ok let me try to explin this to you... again -.-...
This specific piece adds the same percent of triple attacks to every job and that percent is not affected by having the trait already. Since it adds the same ammount to each job it helps each job the same ammount. All what you said is saying is a THF with this piece, merits, and the job trait will have a higher percent triple rate than a DRK, PLD, or DRG with only this piece. That makes a ton of sense... let's compare the dmg of a fully equiped THF to the dmg of a DRG or DRK with one piece of armor and a fairly gimped wepon. Yea I wonder who wins... >.> Something else to note would be the fact that from triples this piece would increase the DMG output and tp gain of a THF with merits by about 8.3% while it would increase the DMG/tp of a DRG or DRK (without multihit traits (jump is ok b/c triple can fire on it)) by about 10%.
Or maybe you wish for me to tell you your logical falacies from your posts (yes more than one)
Complex Cause: the cause identified is only a part of the entire cause of the effect (this piece doesn't give you +15% by itself; it, Natural Triple Attack and merits do; thus, THF will triple 5% because of this piece alone) (this is the one I was referring to in my posts on this piece)
Straw Man: the author attacks an argument different from (and weaker than) the opposition's best argument (DRG soloing, also the feet increase wyvern's breath DMG so their usefulness isn't limited to soloing)
Style Over Substance: the manner in which an argument (or arguer) is presented is felt to affect the truth of the conclusion (quotes O.o)
There might be more and more cases for each but I don't feel like going through them all.
I admit that my pointing out your inconsistancy between your earlier posts and your blanket posts (one you talked about soloing benefits but then you said all your posts were on end game usefulness effectively saying that since you weren't talking about soloing (which you included) I couldn't either) was close to Ad Hominem, but it was to void your argument making my soloing arguments valid again.
Posted:Jul 26 2006 at 2:30 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) i bet 95% of the people who read that had no idea what you were talking about so im just gonna go ahead and say what everyone is thinking and already knows.
Posted:Mar 21 2007 at 7:39 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) FYI *******, i outdamage every THIEF i've seen so far /sam on DRAGOON, and i do most of the melee dmg to omega. I am SO ******* TIRED of seeing "DRG'S SUCK" it's not the job, it's the player. Let me put it this way, i pull hate off 50 PEOPLE on beseiged mobs that're half dead, hell i'm tanking beseiged mobs 90% of the time.... ya Drg's suck... I've been in NM fights where someone goofed and i'm the only one left alive cept a mage and i finish it (when it's still got at least 1/4 HP).. ya Drg's suck.... go kiss my ***...
FYI @#%^, i outdamage every THIEF i've seen so far /sam on DRAGOON, and i do most of the melee dmg to omega. I am SO @#%^ING TIRED of seeing "DRG'S SUCK" it's not the job, it's the player. Let me put it this way, i pull hate off 50 PEOPLE on beseiged mobs that're half dead, hell i'm tanking beseiged mobs 90% of the time.... ya Drg's suck... I've been in NM fights where someone goofed and i'm the only one left alive cept a mage and i finish it (when it's still got at least 1/4 HP).. ya Drg's suck.... go kiss my ***...
You sound pretty amazing, i think you should help my linkshell and I kill every mob we attempt to even fight since our damage is going to be so small and minute as compared to your obvious godliness. I mean, it makes complete sense that the drg in dynamis tanks and just absorbs mp like a sponge right? i mean, its surely helping to further everyones progress. grow up, dont think youre better than everyone else because you can meditate and spam ws... gg
i bet 95% of the people who read that had no idea what you were talking about so im just gonna go ahead and say what everyone is thinking and already knows.
thx for turning a simple info post to a "DRG's rule" thread. cuz we all know how shells that are capable of killing Omega need DRGs
Edited, Jul 26th 2006 at 9:49pm EDT by EvilTedy
Really mature way to retaliate, how old are you, 8?
Posted:Jun 24 2006 at 10:40 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I got this armor, ide say it adds around +5% Triple attack, i found this out from a DRG who had tested himself soloing and how often if goes off. MY personal experiance with it also leads me to beleive that its 5%, now granted 5% Triple attack isnt alot for any other Job other then THF (Brutal earring is the same way with Double attack) but its still an awsome armor. with merits and Ridill, youll be swiging alot.
I got mine last night... 75DRG... A little disappointed, the Triple Attack doesnt go off as much as I hoped it would, but still nice.
NAME: Remus JOB: 75 Dragoon/37 Warrior RANK: 10 NATION: Bastok SKY: O SEA: O 4/5 AF2!
Ok just a little lost here I know how we have Double Attack with Warrior sub but you said here that Triple Attack does not go off as often as you hoped, if you dont have a weapon or ability to do so how does it go off at all? Sorry I really don't know the answer to this and curious that is it just because you have the Armor that you get Triple attack or? Thank you
The answer is simple. Anything that is along the lines of:
Enhances... .... +1
For example: Double attack +1 Enhances Beastkiller effect Enhances Fast Cast
They will, grant you the ability at the level it would increase.
For example, if Fast cast I on Redmage is numericaly 10% faster cast rate, and the increase from the item that increases fast cast is +1%, then someone who does not have Fast cast will be granted Fast Cast 1%.
this is best for all jobs that can use it cept for pld, unless they r tryin to be DD. thf-enhances their alrdy fast hittin triple attac
drg-good for the soloing and also for that acc and triple attack it gives for better tp gain.
drk-well...ima a drk and of course i want this, i find that the hp and mp will be great, plus triple attack only comes in 2.5% i hear so it will also help to gain a bit if it kicks in. acc+15 is always a plus, and i can macro in another body piece that has str in it for ws's
Hey guys, for all you who think DRGs are going too crazy over Homam set your wrong. This armor in my opinion is the best in the game for soloing as DRG, exspecially if you're subbing whm. This helps with the mp and is also crazy good for all your melee skills too. Get this piece of armor if you solo alot as DRG!!!!!
The only thing is, it's missing the Evasion which SH has. Which is really the stats that make it the piece of solo equip every thf should own.
This would be great for XP parties however. Mostly because it helps triple attack out even more. Of course anybody that is 75 already knows it's fairly easy to hit the mobs, as you fight a lot of VT's, so again the ACC isn't that great. So obviously if you have it, you'd macro in Heca for WS's.
The accuracy allows you to substitute haste gear in other slots to compensate for lost acc. You can also more safely go with meat dishes. So it is good.
I got mine last night... 75DRG... A little disappointed, the Triple Attack doesnt go off as much as I hoped it would, but still nice.
NAME: Remus JOB: 75 Dragoon/37 Warrior RANK: 10 NATION: Bastok SKY: O SEA: O 4/5 AF2!
Ok just a little lost here I know how we have Double Attack with Warrior sub but you said here that Triple Attack does not go off as often as you hoped, if you dont have a weapon or ability to do so how does it go off at all? Sorry I really don't know the answer to this and curious that is it just because you have the Armor that you get Triple attack or? Thank you
The Armor give enhance triple attack therefore gives him the triple attack job trait to some extent (its gonna be weaker than theif's but its still there)
You have to kill Proto-Omega in Limbus, which has a chance of dropping Omega's Heart. Then you trade in the heart to an NPC in selbina and he gives you this. You get the rest of the Homam peices the same way, but with different body parts.
Posted:Dec 06 2005 at 9:41 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) dude you make it seem so easy to get it go deafet such and such and he gives u a Omega's Heart and then trade it to a NPC in selbina... DUDE?? how hard where does it spawn when? Whos the NPC be more descriptive.
You just exchange the right .dat file in your FF XI folder on the computer to get any character to look exactly what you want it to, dunno if its possible on the PS2 version, might be if you use an OS on it