+enmity and +MP aside....the accuracy,+HP and +haste alone make these a worthwhile piece for dragoon,and as a paladin,i wouldnt mind having a dragoon on the wait list right along side me for them :)
Edit: Forgot to add Swift belt since it helps this amor alot. if you add it heres the change.
Accuracy: +35 Haste: +16% Attack -5
The hands go on PLD best for the Enimity, MP also helps out for them, THF comes in second for hate control, the entire set is good for any job that can equip them but im just stating PLD makes the best use out of the gloves.
Hmmm. You missed the benefits for drg again. The enmity is nice to help keep hate off of your wyvern while soloing (your wyvern dieing while soloing can mean almost certain death), the Hp raises the Healing Breath trigger keeping you farther from death, the mp could give about 1000+ hp healed without Wyrm armet. The enmity could also help with hate control for drg (yes drg gets hate control too). It could help in turning the mob when opening a sc so that a thf could SATA ws off the tank to close.
all my post are for usefullness in endgame for the jobs who can equip them, not for the "abilty to solo as DRG/WHM", thats why i leave those things out.
cuz we all know how its a DRGs job to keep hate control, oh wait, its not, thats why SE added Assasin trait for THFs. you saying SE is wrong and that its DRGs job?
You mean kind of like how nin was a dd job and anyone who says nin should tank is saying SE was wrong for giving them dd capabilities. If DRG can do it why not do it. I ment more keeping enough hate to save the WHM or BLM if they pull hate or to turn the mob from a nin trying to reast shadows or... gasp!... helping a thf do their job better. Wow that's really stealing THF's job. >.>
Oh and btw... You're saying that it was wrong for SE to give DRGs jumps?
All that "no it's (insert cookiecutter job here)'s job not yours!" junk is stupid and yet again... narrow minded.
Or maybe if people wouldn't lable things as best/worst when they're really more equal that'd be even better.
I know this has nothing to do with the gear but notice how Limbus is out right before the new expansion and there are Proto-Omega/Ultima i have the feeling that Omega and Ultima are gonna be a big role in ToAU.
This is just a rematch with them, Omega/Ultima have already been fought before this in CoP mission 6.4.
I know this has nothing to do with the gear but notice how Limbus is out right before the new expansion and there are Proto-Omega/Ultima i have the feeling that Omega and Ultima are gonna be a big role in ToAU.
The bosses of the two limbus areas drop stuff for making them as far as i know. Proto-omega drops the stuff for the Homam set, whereas Proto-ultima drops the stuff for nashira set.
i can see where these would be an effective choice in the hand slot for all 4 jobs on these gloves,enmity for the THF and PLD(SATA and hate respectively) Haste and ACC for the THF and DRK and DRG...HP/MP for DRK and PLD(Dont forget DRG/WHM either^^)
I see this set as a different choice of gear for pld/nin. The acc would deffinently help with landing hits on gods/HNMs, would still hit for very little, but the TP gain would be very useful for Spirit Taker. The 4x 3% haste would take a nice amount of time off utsu retimers/casting, allowing for you to keep shadows up a while longer, replacing the vit/def of other gear. Can't forget all the HP/MP from it either \(^-^}/