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Hidden/Latent Effect

  • Latent effect is triggered when the wearer has Summoner as their subjob.

Final Fantasy XI

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Level 30 Subjob Items
# Jul 27 2006 at 3:06 PM Rating: Good
495 posts
Level 30 Subjob Items

There are level 30 Earrings, Shields, Belts and Mantles that all trigger on Latent Effects. These all correspond with a job.
All of them activate via Subjob. Nothing else will trigger these to activate, NOT main job, ONLY subjob.
The newest jobs (Blu, Cor, Pup) do not have these items (as of 7/27/06).
Subjob: Bard        - Singer's    (Earring, Mantle, Shield, Song Belt) 
Subjob: Beastmaster - Trimmer's   (Earring, Mantle,  Aspis, Pick Belt) 
Subjob: Black Mage  - Wizard's    (Earring, Mantle, Shield, Staff Belt) 
Subjob: Dark Knight - Killer      (Earring, Mantle,  Targe, Scythe Belt) 
Subjob: Dragoon     - Wyvern      (Earring, Mantle,  Targe, Lance Belt) 
Subjob: Monk        - Wrestler's  (Earring, Mantle,  Aspis, Cestus Belt) 
Subjob: Ninja       - Genin       (Earring, Mantle,  Aspis, Sarashi) 
Subjob: Paladin     - Esquire's   (Earring, Mantle,  Targe, Shield Belt) 
Subjob: Ranger      - Beater's    (Earring, Mantle,  Aspis, Gun Belt) 
Subjob: Red Mage    - Warlock's   (Earring, Mantle, Shield, Rapier Belt) 
Subjob: Samurai     - Ashigaru    (Earring, Mantle,  Targe, Katana Obi) 
Subjob: Summoner    - Magician's  (Earring, Mantle, Shield, Avatar Belt) 
Subjob: Thief       - Pilferer's  (Earring, Mantle,  Aspis, Dagger Belt) 
Subjob: Warrior     - Mercenary's (Earring, Mantle,  Targe, Axe Belt) 
Subjob: White Mage  - Healer's    (Earring, Mantle, Shield, Mace Belt)

There are other Latent effect items that trigger at different things such as Low HP, <100% tp, a bard song on you, This is NOT one of those items.
The only thing that activates these items is your subjob.

Edited, Aug 8th 2006 at 7:28pm EDT by FenrirValendros
# May 29 2006 at 8:31 PM Rating: Decent
132 posts
0/6 on this thing in Carapace Combatants, got about 1.5 mil worth of stuff though but I don't think that evens out too much, gonna have to try this again when i get some more seals. I must have this earring. Victory shall be mine!!!
# Mar 05 2006 at 10:19 PM Rating: Decent
# Nov 03 2005 at 12:26 PM Rating: Decent
i don't care
# Sep 14 2005 at 1:52 PM Rating: Decent
17 posts
i don't care what other ppl say about this earring. it's like a death earring times 3 and it's like 37 levels lower. Yes, i'm a taru whm and YES i sub smn to be an mp *****. i see whms of other races getting all kinds of +mp gear, but i don't have to. i can sub smn and wear a couple of nice pieces like this, then i have more mp than other whms so i can focus the rest of my equipment on keeping me alive, and increasing cure potency. with all the mp i'm getting from sub smn and my other gear, i don't have to wear electrums or astrals to sacrifice my precious HP, and i feel the zenith equipment is almost a waste of my time and HP. if you need a reason to warrant using aerial armor.. let's say you use about 100mp for aerial armor and avatar perpetuation, if you give blink to 3 party members who don't have their own blink. that aerial armor will prevent more damage than 100 mp will cure. (i won't bother figuring out the math needed to prove this, b/c i'm not trying to convince myself, do the work yourself and decide if it's worthwhile) and you get the benefit of some down-time during battle while the aerial armor tanks for a little while

also, i understand that for the good of my party, i should sometimes use sub blm for escape. i also use sub blm for warp for teleporting and solo'ing, but as far as solo'ing is concerned that's mostly because i plan on being too lazy to teleport-altep and run to rabao.

to sum up: i like the earring but it's not for everyone in every situation. i bought it when it was new and relatively cheap (less than 100k, b/c i was poor back then)
# Aug 24 2005 at 10:11 AM Rating: Decent
2,447 posts
1.5 million on Fairy :(

Guess that's one earring I won't be getting :( /cry
A wondering
# Aug 09 2005 at 7:09 AM Rating: Decent
Ok, so what I'm wondering is does anyone have any recommendations as to which of these BCNMs has a better chance of dropping this earring? Or should I just do both and hope for the best?

Thanks! ^^
# Apr 15 2005 at 10:04 PM Rating: Decent
So sorry for all the duplicate posts...the server was acting up and I didn't think my posts were being saved....hence the multiple entries =(
Latent Effect Subjob Combos
# Apr 14 2005 at 7:34 PM Rating: Decent
Okay I just spent 450k for this on the Alexander server. I have a 42whm/21blm. Is there a place where it says what "latent effect" armor needs what subjob for the effects to activate? Cuz atm I get no mp boost with my current job. P.S. Yes I realize now that you need a SMN sub...cry, just wish I knew that before I sunk 450k into one...
Latent Effect Subjob Combos
# Apr 14 2005 at 7:33 PM Rating: Decent
Okay I just spent 450k for this on the Alexander server. I have a 42whm/21blm. Is there a place where it says what "latent effect" armor needs what subjob for the effects to activate? Cuz atm I get no mp boost with my current job. P.S. Yes I realize now that you need a SMN sub...cry, just wish I knew that before I sunk 450k into one...
Latent Effect/Subjob Combos
# Apr 14 2005 at 7:32 PM Rating: Decent
Okay I just spent 450k for this on the Alexander server. I have a 42whm/21blm. Is there a place where it says what "latent effect" armor needs what subjob for the effects to activate? Cuz atm I get no mp boost with my current job. P.S. Yes I realize now that you need a SMN sub...cry, just wish I knew that before I sunk 450k into one...[quote][/quote]
Latent Effect/Subjob Combos
# Apr 14 2005 at 7:32 PM Rating: Decent
Okay I just spent 450k for this on the Alexander server. I have a 42whm/21blm. Is there a place where it says what "latent effect" armor needs what subjob for the effects to activate? Cuz atm I get no mp boost with my current job. P.S. Yes I realize now that you need a SMN sub...cry, just wish I knew that before I sunk 450k into one...[quote][/quote]
Latent Effect/Subjob Combos
# Apr 14 2005 at 7:31 PM Rating: Decent
Okay I just spent 450k for this on the Alexander server. I have a 42whm/21blm. Is there a place where it says what "latent effect" armor needs what subjob for the effects to activate? Cuz atm I get no mp boost with my current job. P.S. Yes I realize now that you need a SMN sub...cry, just wish I knew that before I sunk 450k into one...
Latent Effect/Subjob combos
# Apr 14 2005 at 7:31 PM Rating: Decent
Okay I just spent 450k for this on the Alexander server. I have a 42whm/21blm. Is there a place where it says what "latent effect" armor needs what subjob for the effects to activate? Cuz atm I get no mp boost with my current job. P.S. Yes I realize now that you need a SMN sub...cry, just wish I knew that before I sunk 450k into one...
Latent Effect/Subjob combos
# Apr 14 2005 at 7:31 PM Rating: Decent
Okay I just spent 450k for this on the Alexander server. I have a 42whm/21blm. Is there a place where it says what "latent effect" armor needs what subjob for the effects to activate? Cuz atm I get no mp boost with my current job. P.S. Yes I realize now that you need a SMN sub...cry, just wish I knew that before I sunk 450k into one...
Latent Effect/Subjob combos
# Apr 14 2005 at 7:30 PM Rating: Default
Okay I just spent 450k for this on the Alexander server. I have a 42whm/21blm. Is there a place where it says what "latent effect" armor needs what subjob for the effects to activate? Cuz atm I get no mp boost with my current job. P.S. Yes I realize now that you need a SMN sub...cry, just wish I knew that before I sunk 450k into one...
# Mar 18 2005 at 2:04 PM Rating: Decent
I want this earring bad.... Trouble is all my friends don't caree to help me do a BCNM 30... They want me to save the seals for a 40... More money to be made I guess.... I still want it... Anyone on Asura up for doing a 30 to help get it send me a tell when you're on... The name is the same.... lol...
# Jan 28 2005 at 3:21 PM Rating: Excellent
89 posts
I got one now 350k. I think it's worth it.
# Jan 03 2005 at 6:50 PM Rating: Decent
1,431 posts
I'm sure its posted all over here, the Laten effect is "XXX/SMN" just confirmed

RE: Confirmed
# Apr 13 2005 at 7:09 AM Rating: Decent
18 posts
Double confermation, just bought it and equiped it, inmediatly +30 MP with my WHM/SMN, XD me likey
RE: Confirmed
# Apr 27 2006 at 12:24 PM Rating: Decent
I bought this item in jueno ah just the other day and it is latent effect which means its works when you are in the yellow. not immediatelly like this other guy said.... if it was so instant +30 i would not have sold it for 1.8 and took a 100k loss. its not all thats its cracked up to be.... Maiar Hades Lv 34 whm...
RE: Confirmed
# May 21 2006 at 6:46 PM Rating: Decent
You my friend are wrong, this item here only activates if you have summoner as your sub job doesnt matter what your main job is as long as the main job is lvl 30 you could be a war/smn equip this and you will get that 30 mp added to your MP pool. You should have read a bit more carefully.
RE: Confirmed
# Sep 15 2005 at 1:05 AM Rating: Decent
Honestly, it's along in the lines of all the other subjob-activated items. You just look at the effect, and what job's effect or description matches that. Like wrestler's earring is +30 HP, and Monk gets the most +HP.
1 or 2
# Dec 26 2004 at 9:14 PM Rating: Default
Can you equip 2 of these, or just 1 only?
RE: 1 or 2
# Jan 17 2005 at 8:15 PM Rating: Decent
please look at the top right corrner of the pic and that will answer your question. thank you.
smn as sub.
# Nov 16 2004 at 5:44 AM Rating: Good
i just recently got onto this site and i was reading the posts on this page.... anyone who says a smn sub is pointless is retarded. smn is a great sub for many reasons the biggest being that a whm, blm, or rdm can pull apart a link. i don't know how life is on other servers but on Sylph people looooove to train in many areas. well when the train returns a smn main or subbed, can pull one to us in safety. also if you think this way then you have never had a whm/smn in your party. also with this earring my level 30 whm/smn can have just as much mp as a tarutaru..... well atleast one around level 20 anyways ^^
RE: smn as sub.
# Nov 19 2004 at 5:48 PM Rating: Default
I agree with you 100%! I am a WHM51/SMN27 and SMN as my sub as been wonderfull...it healp a lot w/ the MP problem...lol
# Oct 13 2004 at 8:12 PM Rating: Good
Lets be obvious and say RDM/SMN.

Refresh = teh great :D
# Sep 21 2004 at 7:21 PM Rating: Decent
Why would you not sub smn? Smn sub is by far the most common sub for whm, as you get a lot more mp, and later on party blink/haste/etc. No subjob, for the most part, is utilized for anything other than stat bonuses etc, just like a whm subbing blm isnt going to nuke.
RE: Why???
# Dec 30 2004 at 10:55 PM Rating: Decent
70 posts
A lot of misapprehensions are made when choosing summoner as a sub.

As a white mage, the main beneficial attributes of a summoner sub are more mp and and auto-refresh. By the time the main job will be high enough to use the avatar abilities, they simply aren't as effective and will not be used as much.

As for the mp benefits, most people tend to forget that black mage gets Conserve MP at level 20. Auto-Refresh will refresh 25 mp a minute. When spells like Haste (40 mp), Regen II (36 mp), Dia II (30 mp), and just Cure II (25 mp) and Cure III (46 mp) start being used more frequently, Conserve MP saves more mp than auto-Refresh possibly can. And topped with Dark Staff at 51, which restores 10 mp more per tick while healing, restoring mp between battles becomes a non-issue.

Add to the repetoir the BLM-only spells like Warp, Tractor, and Escape.

Subbing summoner does have its benefits, especially for races like Galka and Elvaan with less mp, but it's definitely not as great or as beneficial as people make it out to be.
RE: Why???
# Jun 13 2005 at 8:53 AM Rating: Decent
I'm going to reply to these statements.
I don't make judgements about other people and their job choices or views very often.
This is my opinion. Flame or no flame it remains just that. My opinion.
I have summoner subbed to my whm to give me a decent MP boost. When I hit 50 on whm I'll have auto regen. It also as stated before gives me the ability to use avatars for group buffs pulling or even an odd every now and then escape plan... Carbie can hold anyone busy to give the party a chance to run like the wind.
I'll sub blm to my whm if I need to have escape or warp.. I don't see myself in a pt situation using any nukes or blm enfeebling.. remember it's half lvl and doesnt stick very often against exp giving mobs.
When I start playing tele-taxi, I'll sub blm obviously for warp.
There are benefits, and there are disadvantages.
RE: Why???
# Jun 30 2005 at 3:11 AM Rating: Decent
70 posts
I agree that there are pros and cons to both BLM and SMN as sub job choices, and any other sub for that matter.

I'm simply stressing the fact that the extra mp gained from SMN in addition to Auto Refresh does not come close to making up for the mp saved from Conserve MP. I'm currently a 58WHM with both BLM and SMN leveled to 30 (with all avatars but Fenrir), and I will level them both to 37 as I progress. I speak from experience.

The most beneficial avatar ability through 37 is Aerial Armor, which casts Blink on the entire party. This ability costs 92 mp, which as a 58WHM Taru, with good equipment (seperate MP and MND equipment in conjunction with macros) and +1 food, is over 10% of my total MP. Add to this the fact that simply the tanks take the majority of the hits and many DD jobs sub NIN, the benefits of the avatars aren't as beneficial as Warp, Tractor, and Escape in particular.

If, for some reason, a larger base pool of mp is needed (which at higher levels shouldn't be), a SMN sub may be for you. If you simply enjoy your job more when subbing SMN, that's fine too. I just want to make it clear that MP can be stretched out much further with a BLM sub and BLM has more practical spells to be used.

And for the recotd, as far as enfeebling: The level of the sub does not effect the enfeebles of that sub. Only INT (for BLM enfeebles), MND (for WHM enfeebles), Enfeebling skill, and elements (ie. Wind Staff for Silence, Ice Staff for Paralyze, etc.) do.
RE: Why???
# Oct 04 2004 at 5:14 PM Rating: Decent
I would be careful before saying that, if I were you.

If you take a look at the recent vana'diel census taken by square, (you can find it in the "developer's corner" section of ffxi in the pol client i think) BLM/WHM and WHM/BLM are the two most common job combinations in the game, though I forget in which order. Interestingly, WHM/SMN doesn't even show up on the top-10 list.

So, reglardless of which is a better subjob for WHM, BLM is much more common according to the official census. And even then, it is arguable, at best, whether or not SMN is better than BLM; it is ultimately only a matter of perseonal preference. I don't mean to recreate the whole argument here, but I think that we can learn at least that much from the arguments we have seen.

This following part is from my own personal experience and discoveries, so please don't turn it into an argument, and don't even think about trying to reprimand me or "guide" me on how to play -- I'm just saying this stuff for what it's worth, as my own experience:

I'm no high level player, but I've seen some good tarutaru WHM/BLM's nuke some pretty powerful black spells in the 20's and 30's. I also like using my black nukes when soloing on my white mage. I just like to play that way. In addition, it's nice to have some black enfeebles when you need to improvise in a group without a red or black caster.

I, personally, am planning on having very specific +INT gear for my WHM throughout the different stages of his life. I may be a pioneer in doing this, and sure, it might suck later on, but so far I feel that it suits my style and satisfies the best how I want to play. (lvl 30's)

Edited, Mon Oct 4 18:34:34 2004
RE: Why???
# Nov 09 2004 at 4:42 PM Rating: Decent
of course it didn't make the top ten, it's an advanced job so it's not nearly as common. people who use melee classes have whm a lot of times but no summoner,or people will level blm for warp. just because it is the most common does not make it the best combo. if you are in a group auto refresh, aerial armor, max mp boost, clear mind bonus,...... all kick *** and make your MAIN job stronger. in other words blm/smn= best DD combo, whm/smn= best healing combo, rdm/smn=best mp and magic bonus a rdm can get.in a PT with a rdm and a brd with your autorefresh smn sub your mp refreshes at a ridicolous rate. there is ZERO downtime. ^^
RE: Why???
# Oct 07 2004 at 5:59 AM Rating: Decent
81 posts
Sub SMN in parties, BLM when you solo.
Only time i see BLM being a usefull sub is when you're fighting mobs with MP.
#REDACTED, Posted: Oct 08 2004 at 4:10 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Edited, Wed Nov 3 16:16:16 2004
RE: Why???
# Oct 12 2004 at 11:59 AM Rating: Excellent
Something you all fail to recognize is that one good reason to sub blm 58+ is for escape, this + tractor. Smn has it's place as does blm. It's not about which is "best" so much as which is best for the given situation. if you're in a pld, drk, rng, rng, brd, whm pt and are in a dungeon I would damn hope the whm would be subbing blm just in case escape is needed. Having access to switch between the two as subs is a definate plus.
RE: Why???
# Oct 13 2004 at 2:49 PM Rating: Excellent
uh .... why have only one subjob? why not lvl both and add in your search message "SJ: BLM or SMN". also ... having a RDM/BLM to use escape would be better (fast cast), and yes .. i know ... not all PTs have a RDM/BLM though i think they should seeing as i can't get a PT as RDM even with all my MP. anyway ...keep in mind that having both lvled for SJ will help you more then just having one ^^
RE: Why???
# Apr 16 2005 at 5:40 PM Rating: Default
144 posts
Uhg its chainspell, why does everyone say fast cast? and if you actually mean the fast cast JA< that reduces recast times on spells, not the actual spell casting speed.
RE: Why???
# Jul 21 2005 at 1:15 PM Rating: Decent
GRRRR... don't spread info when you don't know what you're talking about. Fast Cast does indeed lower the casting time of spells. Have a level 58+ red mage and a blm start casting Escape at the same time.... I can tell you right now the red mage will win that by a mile.

Also.... wasn't this a forum about the Magician's earring? You people need to learn to stay on topic. Anyway, that's my two cents.
RE: Why???
# Oct 16 2004 at 12:52 PM Rating: Decent
That's an interesting point, but not all of us are full-time players. I only get to play for an hour or two per week. Sure, you can say that I'm not dedicated enough, and point and laugh, but I have a real life too. I really don't have the time it takes to level up three jobs, as I barely have enough time to play FFXI in the first place.

To swamps: I think that's an interesting point you have too, but I find two problems with it. First of all, it's pretty presumtuous to say that everyone who plays WHM/BLM is a noob. I'd say that 85% of people who play FFXI are noobs too, but I don't think it has anything to do with who plays WHM/BLM. Some know what they're doing. Same goes for every job. Secondly, I don't think that the survey necessarily proves your point, as you say. If you can show me how it supports your point, that's cool. But I am skeptical that the survey really proves your point. You really haven't done enough to show the proof. So far all I can see is a hypothesis.

Edited, Sat Oct 16 14:07:31 2004
RE: Why???
# Dec 08 2004 at 2:03 PM Rating: Decent
your twisting my words, i never said everyone who plays whm/blm is a noob. you haven't really played this game enough to have an opinion on this matter, and your post is helpful to noone.
RE: Why???
# Dec 14 2004 at 10:11 AM Rating: Decent
The survey has flawed logic.
Think about this, people get all excited about getting summoner... get it, and can use carbuncle only. They go around shouting how to get the other summons, oh need to get a level 60+ party, or solo them at 20, but have to buy ethers, which are not cheap.

A lot of people will get smn, and look at what it takes to use it well, and go back to a different job. Take me, I know what needs to be done for it, so I figure when I get ready to go hunting ifrit and shiva, (which requires fame that I would say %70 of people don't or will never have) I will go and fight them. Until then I am sticking with what I know and like.

Number of people doesn't mean it is a bad job, or good job combo, it means more people are doing it for one reason or another.
RE: Why???
# Oct 12 2004 at 6:31 PM Rating: Decent
Not to mention Aspir, Drain and Warp.
# Sep 21 2004 at 2:00 PM Rating: Default
Why would anyone want to sub summoner? That doesn't make any sense to me. If you're a level twenty red mage, your summoned avatar would only be level ten... not the most effective job to sub.
RE: why...?
# Oct 04 2004 at 11:11 AM Rating: Excellent
520 posts
for autorefresh , max mp boost, mind boost , and some bloodpacts like aerial armor perhaps ^^
# Aug 18 2004 at 10:33 PM Rating: Decent
....ok you guys are weird, fighting over how the latent effect kicks in. Its very simple and u have to have summone as sub for it to work. Anyways i thought ppl would be talking about the price of this baby. On Finrir they were 300k for some time then 400k then now 500k, the last 2 sold were 500k anyways, and 1 of them was mine :) also have another one up for sale but so far no luck. just think that 1mil for me well woulda been but i did a BCNM for them and we split one up throught the 3 of us, still thats a lot of money for a being poor for so long, and they are rare i guess i have only seen 4 sold at once in AH at Jeuno...well about 4BCNMs we got 2 og them so not to sure..got a wizard earringas well :)

Now talk about the price ppl want to hear more!!
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