Ok, enough... Everytime someone gives out another suggest/answer/clue...
It is 7MP with ballad. Ballad 1 = 1MP. +2 From horn. <3> Ballad 2 = 2MP. +2 From horn. <4> 4+3 = 7. Soul voice = x2. 7x2 = 14.
So whoever says it doesn't double and it just makes ballad last longer is wrong.
It is 14MP with Soul voice, it does double the 7MP Ballad by Gjallarhorn. Whoever said it just adds +2 which would make 9MP not 14 is wrong. 100% Sure.
-Mijrin the bard. Edit: Thanks Twade, did a silly mistake. =3
But.. but.. but.. to whom do i talk to start upgrading it?! Can't find that info anywhere.. And about level? I'm 72 atm, can i start the upgrade now or must i wait till i'm 75 and can equip it?
I'd appreciate any help you guys could give me!
Happy hollidays!
all right!! found it! If you're sharing my curiosity, here's a link that may interest you! ^^
I believe it has now been confirmed that the Gjallarhorn does indeed give 7MP/tick with 2xBallad. I'm not sure if this was the result of an update or not. The effect seems to be the same for the Ebony Harp +1 with HP.
So we got a person who is bring Gilsellers into Dynamis on Cait sith named Ryudo. They are trying to sell currency for 50k per single unit and 5mil per 100 unit. Well I guess Relic weapons will become harder to get if you plan on buying currency from these FOOLS.
by the way...
Considering if your going to sell them for that much why buy it when EVERY ONE ELSE sells for 15k??????????????????? Really its pretty stupid
Jump on the band wagon if your on cait sith!
chances are they are being sold by gilseller mules and/or Ryudo's henchmen.
Sources say a Gjallarhorn (fully upgraded) has appeared on a server (I just know it's not kujata), and, mind-bubblingly disappointing as it is, ballad effect is not increased by it (so no 7 mp refresh >_<), just duration. It's still a ton of CHR and music skill, not to mention inventory space +13 or so, depending on how many instruments you normally carry. With it, you'd really just need it and a sorrowful harp.
+2 to every song. that's +2 to ballad. ballad II & I = 3 MP as II gives you 2 MP and I gives you 1 MP per tick, with that horn ballad II (plus 2, which is 4 MP) and I (plus 2, which is 3MP) equals 7MP pertick plus a RDM in your group with refresh 10MP per tick, and if a SMN in your group has it, 11MP per tick, and food, most likley juice 13MP per tick, and it all begins with that SHIZZZNIIIITE horn. wow that's really cool
Heh a BRD could really out fresh a RDM with that horn ^^. I can't wait to hit level 75 and do my Dynamis and get that horn 10 MP a tick > 3 MP a tick! ; ; my bard is 15 levels from being able to get and equip that thing. Once farming stops for me then I can get to leveling my way to obtain that hunka Ballad(s) booster.
As noted by a few on the Gjallarhorn page, +1, +2, or +100 for any matter DOES NOT increase the MP count per tick. CHeck with any +something instrument, it only increases the length of the song, not the overall effect. Calm down everyone, if SE added an effect bonus to Ballad, it would probably be more clear, saying "Ballad +1 MP" or "Ballad potency +50%" (so Balad II would THEN give 3MP or something).
songs that boost party atributes all last 2min period. +1 +2 or nothing. i have yet to do a test that doesnt come out this way. +2 to (specific song here) gives more! i.e. Minuet +2 = more att up doesnt make it last longer. Again 2min PERIOD! offensive songs to the mobs is a different story.
im tired of non bard players posting messages they know nothing about geesh.