i need to know what this +1 thing is i need to know how u can get your wepon +1. such as i have a wax sword and i want it to be wax sword +1 and i dont know how to make it plus 1. so somone tell me plz
you have to have a decent amount of higher skill in the craft than what the cap for it is so since this caps at lvl 9 alechemy if you were lvl 30+ Alechemy you could make this pretty much all the time i believe.
Some of this info is wrong. Refer to the sticky thread in the crafting forum for more info.
Crafting on darksday would only increase +1 probability if the recipe uses a light crystal. To increase +1 probability, use the crystal on the day of the crystal is strong against, i.e use lightning crystals on watersday.
Hehehe.. I love that sticky, it misleads so many people and that means more $$$ for the people that know the *real* way to get +1's
Edited, Thu Apr 8 04:10:03 2004
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This is the best lvl 1 sword you can get!I used it with my pld to lvl 9.Then got the spatha.It isnt a cheap sword but after ur done with it dont forget you can sell it right back for the same price. Havefun lvling with it.
Technically you can make it at any level, but its just really hard to get. I have read other forums about +1 results and I can some up what I got out of them: It helps if you are twenty levels above synth xp cap. It helps if you synth on Darksday or the day oposite the crystal you are using. (In this case that would be Firesday because you use a water crystal.) But, when you do this you have a greater chance of the synthesis failing. Someone said they simply desynthesise the item and then make it again over and over untill it becomes+1. I can't veryify that any of this works because I haven't tried it yet, but no one was argueing with it. It may help if you get Dark or Desynthesis Moghancement so that you lose less supplies in this process.
Crafting on darksday would only increase +1 probability if the recipe uses a light crystal. To increase +1 probability, use the crystal on the day of the crystal is strong against, i.e use lightning crystals on watersday.
There's a rumor that using the crystal on the day it's weak against (i.e. Lightning on Earth day) increases your chance of skill gain, but it sure as hell doesn't help for getting +1 items.