I got these last night and they have NO noticeable effect on the amount of gil dropped. Infact I get less with these gloves equipped. This was testing as a NIN/THF. What a waste of time... I've wanted these for ages -_-..
Gil Finder activates when a beastman or NM (that drops gil)is killed.
The passive trait (lv5) will double your gil, the +1 will double it again, meaning you can posibly get 4x the gil from beastmen, NM's, and coffers than w/o gil finder.
Posted:Dec 29 2004 at 8:19 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) higehr int means better chance of stealing + opning coffers this is like a curse hands for thifes they get +1 gilfinder ( more gil when they kill mobs ) but they suck @ stealin and muggin maybe and opning treasuer boxes / coffers
Because everyone knows once you put on a pair of gloves they secrete super glue and get stuf to your hands forever, and you can't switch them until you mug 100 mobs and open 100 chests/coffers...
Ok, any of our Thiefs out there are aware that "Gilfinder" is yea, a passive ability. And as such is constantly active on your main or when your sub is at an appopriate level.
With that said, as far as I have seen, Thieves CAN infact equip this item. And just like the +'s that you recieve for activated abilities (Ie: +1 to Steal), they stack ontop of your already existing abilites.
This leaves one question, just like other items the gove "+1 to Counter", how would this come into play with no "Gilfinder" ability (Ie: a Blm/Whm). As such, I PERSONALLY have done no research, and would like to hear from someone who has tried it on another job. I could only guess that it would simply ADD plain "Gilfinder" to that job. ----------------------------- Deathdealer http://ffxi.allakhazam.com/profile.xml?54214
I can tell you that I've used a few things on jobs that don't have the skills, like +Counter on Rdm/Blm. I went to solo Dark Spark on my Rdm (I was [Too weak]). Needless to say I had 2 Avenger's Earrings on at the time and I was able to counter attacks with my Rdm. So if this item gives Gilfinder +1, it would give you just the basic "Gilfinder" ability.
It makes sense if you know the mythology behind it. Andvaranaut was the name of a ring found in the Andvari, the treasure guarded by Fafnir. The Andvaranaut was cursed with greed and tragedy, any mortal who wore the Andvaranaut would be consumed by greed. It made Fafnir, a giant originally, kill his father, drive away his brother, and turned him into a dragon so that he could protect the treasure day and night.
[/Red][Red]a person who has thf as main job wouldn't be able to use it yes...but if you subbed thf then you would get the "gil steal:1" from it. i also think that maybe it has nothing to do with the thf ability to steal gil from mobs...maybe it is just might for other job classes to be able to steal more gil then normal from mobs....who knows?[/Red]
Is it just me or does this not make any sense? This armor gives -7 int... but two of the classes that can use it are blm and drk. Don't they need int? And what is the trade off for the lost int? None other than the fabulous gill steal: 1. I assume they mean the thf ability mug, which allows you to steal gil from the mobs... but thf can't use the gloves! Isn't that a little bit backwards???
I think the Effect pretty much gives you more gil when you kill mobs that drops gil (since this is a passive skill by thieves) that's why the thieves can't wear em cause they already have the skill. But I do agree with your point of having a -7int on the gloves and drk's and blm's can wear em. The thing is, if the Drk and Blm has enough to cover that -7 int, i wouldn't think it's usefull for them unless they're gil farming, but then again, imo it's still useless.