ok ok ok ... let me get this straight... 1 double attack is 2 swings per round right? So if AN attack could be 3 hits with a ridill AND you double attack does that open the possiblity of 6 swings in a round? and if that applies and you sub joy toy does that mean you could have 10 swings in a round? and if those apply and its not a joy but a krak could you get 22 swings in one round? What if you got a triple attack piece and its 33 swings in one round...
NOW. if you miss a round cuz yer still swinging from the prior round you end up not getten as many opportunities for the weapon to attack which in turn limits total attacks because you missed an round entirely. Wouldnt you rather have 2 attacks like joy toy so that you get fresh rounds on time with more opportunities to "Occassionally attack twice?" Is ridill better than kraken because of this?
Or is it all just about getten tp asap and unloading a SWORD or CLUB ws?? lol which means too weak in the first place doesnt it? im pretty sure a good war/thf with a Gaxe can deal out twice as much dmg as those ws in half the time. making them about the same. one being entirely possible for everyone and the other being VERY HARD for most to accomplish...
right ok its all clear now.
PS im not in school anymore and dont care about whats capitilized and where a period goes. so save yerself the replies... and while yer at it, save yer replys too cuz i wont be readin this again, just saw the crap on this item so far and had to add to it lol have a nice day