Walked into Gusgen after just reaching 67RDM/33WHM to help out my 55RDM friend get access to Aht Urhgan. Got his skull easily enough a few Ghouls after I zoned in. Then was met up by yet another RDM. Kalabos, a RDM21/6BLM. He asked me and my buddy for some help on this NM's mission. Went to the spawn point, spawned, and thew out a Stone III with Earth Staff on and +22INT even before the others could engage. Down to 10% health after a 410dmg spell. Threw a Stone II out, and he was gone. A total of about 500dmg done in total. I'd say about 450 HP. Good luck, just get a 30+ person to help you and he'll fall easy.
My wife and I went out on our rank mission and wasted this thing. We were a bit worried because it was one of our first fights against a NM but WOW it was easy. We dropped the hare meat and pounded this thing like there was no tomorrow. She was using her monk and I was using my rdm at the time. Easy fight, no fear going into this for anyone else.
PS: Testimonies do help, lets you know around the lowest lvl somebody solo'd it. So they dont go there and get thier *** handed to them saying "Who knew he was that hard! I wonder if anyone beats him at this lvl!"
looking at the drops and killin him myself id say this guy is a "Named Monster" rather than a notorious monster...similar to bubbly bernie named monsters are used in various missions from different towns and tend to be less of a fight than their notorious monster counterparts of similar level
Ok I went there as a RDM32/BLM16. Sneak + Invisible to the ???? spot, killed the dog nearby but not the worms (they dont aggro), Soloed the fish easy (had full HP and half MP left after the fight).
Now comes the funny part. I think to myself "ok, {let's rest for a while}, then sneak + invis. again and off to bastok... So I turn my char to the west (to see if a new wolf spawns), rest... and get aggro by Smothered Schmidt that had spawned behind me !! Bloodport to Bastok ^^
Ok, if you're fighting this, and you hear an eerie siren, GET AWAY FROM THE WATER! Lol. The siren means that either Pulverized Pfeffir or Smothered Schmidt are spawning. Smothered Schmidt spawns in the same spot as Blind Moby, and he's a ghost NM that'll be tough for anyone below lvl 50, and some people above. He spawned while I was helping a friend kill Blind Moby and I was like, "Ooo.. An NM!" Being level 40 or so at the time, I realized I wasn't gonna beat him, so we finished Moby off quickly and ran. Gotta love helping a THF. "See ya! <Flee>!" *******. Lol. I lived though. :p
The sirens go off almost every night at 1 in Gusgen, it doesn't mean that a NM is spawning. I think it's supposed to be like the ghosts of the miners sending off the siren or something creepy like that.
Not sure if this is true or not, never really looked at the time(lvl 18 WHM is not fun down at the lower lvls, I got aggroed from 2 rooms over while my PL was fighting some guys in the room between me and the wight that aggroed me). But it seemed that whenever someone pulled the lever down there to open the door, a siren would sound.
What about the Glocite that should be listed in the drop list... its used to complete a Bastok MISSION? just thought that the ore should be listed as a drop due to the fact that Moby drops it... Also... if you ever plan on going to the mines... you can sell this ore to an NPC, but if you go there for fun, its probably fot mining purposes or RSE, so occupying the extran Inv. slot for a 200+gil item isn't really worth it, but every little bit helps.
I soloed this easily as WHM36/BLM18 for those mages wondering, since WHM's are comparatively weak. It barely got past Blink and Stoneskin, while I whacked it with my Maul, used Thunder and Banish II on it. I also had Aquaveil on.
Confirmation if anyone needs it, I just took it on as well with my lvl 36whm/18blm, It got in like 5 hits past stoneskin before I killed him. I didn't even waste half my mp(I buffed then healed =P)
This Asirae's husband. I needed to do mission 3/2, I just went for it with my lv 27 mnk/13 war. I had no problem with him, using a meat kabob. The only problem was getting by the decent bandersnatchers. I got cursed twice, other than that it went down fast.
Im putting this up so noone else suffers the same fate I did. There is a lvl 38 ghost NM that spawns in the same room as Moby. If you are under 40 and alone, it WILL kill you if you try to fight it. Also, it spawns often (twice in the hour that I was in there). so play careful ^^
Soloed this fish last night as a 35rdm/17blm. Honestly, he being an NM, I thought he would put up more of a fight. By the time he broke through my stoneskin he was almost dead. Even after that, he was only causing 17-30 dmg. I didn't even need to heal. Anyone wondering when it's safe to solo this guy. I would say 30+ depending on job.
now, i realize that NM's are harder than a reagular, and that is cause for some concern, but to be honest, 5 levels is the difference between Easy Prey; High Defence and Tough (low end)...
pick a good sub (mnk for HP, whm for cure II, rdm for cureII + enfeebles) and you should have no problems at all.