Vana'diel Time: 08/11/1470 (Windsday) 04:15 93% (Full Moon)

Vana'diel Bestiary: Bloodlapper  

Found in:Meriphataud Mountains (S)
Found at Location:L - 11
Spawned using:Gnat Pellets
Job:Dark Knight
  • Aggro
  • Not Linking
  • Detects by Sound
  • Based on Dark
Updated: Sun Jun 1 21:25:59 2008

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best camp
# Dec 28 2008 at 9:35 PM Rating: Decent
near the west theres a Tunnel that leads Fort K~L~S near that Tunnel theres like no mobs and its a short distance away from spawn point. Fighting it near the Spawn point is dangerous cuz of others Flys that argo to magic and gobs and i heard about elementals poping there. Melee'ing it is just to hard for this nm so its Recommended to use the Sleep Gravity nuke method. its good to Duo it with a Blm and rdm (rdm does sleep and grav and refresh blm) and blms nukes and backup sleep. And the more Blms there are the Easier and Faster the nm dies. and also its good to have thf cuz its not a 100% drop.

Bloodlepper has 12000 hp and its a hard and fast
Just a word of advice...
# Oct 03 2008 at 8:14 PM Rating: Decent
592 posts
Keep shadows up at all times. The moment shadows are down and he casts drain on you, you're likely not going to live. If you have a fully buffed stoneskin effect/a lot of HP, you may live, but even to that, he's still gonna gain a **** load of HP.

Also, soloers beware of Emetic Discharge. Do NOT, and I mean NEVER corner yourself with this bugger. He can use Emetic Discharge regardless of TP, and for those of you who are a little unsure about what it does, it basically wipes 2-3 (maybe 1-3, not sure) shadows, while erasing all enfeebles on it and transferring them onto you. If you have it bound and gravitied and it successfully lands Emetic Discharge on you, you're pretty much screwed. For this reason, I normally use gravity when kiting on RDM, and save bind for those ***** moments (especially when he manages to hit me with gravity). Thankfully, he spends a lot of time casting useless spells, so it's not terribly hard to kite, even without gravity.

For those of you wondering what a good kiting path for a soloer is, the one I used worked very well. Basically, from the pop point, you pull it along the west wall of the crater, avoiding aggro, to the small mountains at K-10 to J-9 or so. Since there are raptors around the north-west part of K-10, you have to think fast and plan your route on the spot. Go north around the mountain if possible, but if you have to, go west, then go north, trying to stick close to the mountain. Eventually, around the mid-west part of J-9, you'll find a ramp that leads down. Be careful of the cockatrice nearby and proceed down the ramp. At this point you need to be careful, because it is easy for it to hit you with Emetic Discharge.

Once down the ramp, proceed WNW to I-8 or so, avoiding cockatrice and scorpion aggro, and take the ramp going up (leads past the telecrystal). He can also hit you with Emetic Discharge while going up this ramp too, so be careful. Once up the ramp, you're clear of aggro, but I find that moving back and forth between I-7 and J-7 is easiest. Be careful of a wandering yagudo.

While pulling the NM, the only debuffs I used were poison and bio, but gravity/bind were not necessary, so often times Emetic Discharge is just a waste of time. Once I got up the ramp, I slapped on a gravity, reapplied DoTs and got to work on this sucker. Hope this info helps!
# Jun 02 2008 at 5:04 AM Rating: Decent
146 posts
This bugger's Drain can do over 1000 points of damage.
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