On Garuda, this guy's never alive by the end of besieged. In fact, the last general to fall, almost every single time (though I've only witnessed all generals dying once and it was the one time I've seen the AC taken) is Rughadjeen, that impossible to gauge Elvaan.
Though I was next to Zazarg one time and his damage is unbelievable...
Why are people wondering why this guy never dies? He's a Galkan Monk. He's got to have at least 654651698435 HP. Also, I was just in a besieged where that RNG you're all calling breakable was the only one standing at the end (Zazarg wasn't in it to begin with, though).
There is only one reason that this general die less then others... Its because everyone run where he is because its the only place where you dont need to wait till the mobs get throught the gates. You know what guys? Its the worst place to be unless you want to protect the warp taru or the AH manager.
The best place to be to make sure you win a Beseige, is in the main hall near the hall of bindings. Even if all the generals die, if most ppl were at this possition, most mobs close to hall of bindings should be dead. Meaning they wont have a chance to get to the hall of bindings even tho they killed all the generals. You just need to wait a little 5 mins so the mobs get throught.
Note: This general is wearing Adargas :D he is the pimp I tell you!
Oddly, one besieged, when I was standing near the RNG general (Who is usually the first or second casualty), near the start of the Besieged, General Zazarg actually fell! No other generals died, and I'd never seen Zazarg die, and not have the RNG or Elvaan one go with him.
As other people have pointed out, this guy never seems to die. He also always seems to have 10+ mobs on him, and rather than fight them, he's looking for more!
Heh, that is true MOST of the time.I just had Mamool Ja lvl 5 today(with all NMs including Gugool Ja Ja) and he was the first and only General to die; the others didnt even get close to die even when Rughadgeen decided to tank Ja Ja.
point all galka haters here, one badass galka monk
Theytak, Siren Server, FFXI [Retired] Amerida Baker, Balmung Server, FFXIV LOLGAXE IS MY ETERNAL RIVAL!
Reiterpallasch wrote:
Glitterhands wrote:
Am I the only one who clicked on this thread expecting actual baby photos [of Jinte]? o.O
Except if it were baby photos, it would be like looking at before and afters of Michael Jackson. Only instead of turning into a white guy, he changes into a chick!