i solo this all the time on my blm kill it in 4 Thunder 4's, and it gives 300xp when u kill it, and by the way it only has massive regen in day, u fight it at night.
camped this with 4 lvl 73-75 blm and a 65 rdm and me, a 73 pld. we camped for about 1hr and on 2nd or 3rd repop of saplings, it poped... we took it like the rest of the saplings... nuke the hell out of it... it went down like nothing at all (less hp than the reg sapling)never had a chance to regen. i think drop rate is 100% cause it was about 11% moon no TH and we still god drop. i tryed to get it HQed by a 100+3 woodcrafter, but got a NQ wich is fine with me. oh well, mayb next time.
I am really wanting this bulb. I went with 10 of my linkshell buds (all70+) and we camped at G-9 and killed the sapplings there. After 3+HRs, no pop and we eveb had a ranger widescan every 10 minutes to check for it but it never spawned. Does anyone have any real information about this NM? It seems like Boyodha sapplings spawn in many locations on the way to Dragon's Aery and I'm wondering if it is possible that it could be a lottery from a different location. Any information would be great thanks^^
OK found out that you just have to kill the 4 sappling that spawn in the G-9 area. It can take anywhere from 15mins to a few hours. Also make sure to bring BLM. I would suggest 3 and have them use manafront and just nuke the heck out of it when it is at half health. THis thing will regen its HP back so fast it will make you laugh. Gather 300%TP before you fight it and then just go all out on it. GL... seriously lol. But its a fun fight and i think its 100% drop cuz my ls is 2/2
This mob has a killer HP regen. We had a party of 6 level 74-75s and we would do a light skillchain + magic burst for over 2.5k damage and it would regen all it's HPs within 15 seconds, no joke. We basically had to hold it until reinforcements came because we didn't realize the HP regen was so intense and didn't have enough MP at that point to go for the kill. Even with 12 people beating on this thing, we only *almost* killed it because we didn't time our damage right. When you try this mob, you have to go all out on it with everything you've got to try to kill it, otherwise, if you get it redlined but don't have the extra oompf to finish it off, it'll just regen ALL it's HPs and beat/sleep you to death.
Our BLM manafonted at one point and just went all out on it and that almost killed it, so I would imagine a few BLMs dumping on it would do the trick. Just make sure you have enough fast damage otherwise you won't be able to kill this NM.
Edit: Also, it very much links with the saplings that pop all around it, so make sure you clean up the extra mobs before even attempting.
And I forgot to mention... this fugger despawned on us. We were regrouping and about to take it on again and then suddenly he was gone. Not even on widescan. We *think* maybe he despawned at nightfall (it was around 22:00 when we noticed he was gone), but that's just a theory. But nevertheless, he despawned and it really ticked us off, so don't let it happen to you ;)
Bst might be able to solo this,or in a duo lol.Considering the normal boyahda saplings and decent challnge~tough for 75,it could be charmed by a bst 75 and used against the NM.Only bad thing that thing is that the repops are 15 min at least. Not sure about the tarantula's...or those black mandragoras lol
This can very easily be solo'd by a BST. Last night while EXPing/Farming my BST partner and I duo'd it with no problems. We started the fight at 12:00 afraid of a despawn and just let pets tank it, then at 18:00 it's health started dropping rapidly. I think we each used two pets, but only because the pets were tanking while it was still regening. While we did this in a duo, I guarantee that a level 74 or 75 BST can solo this with no problems.
What kind of party do you need to take this one down? or is it soloable by something.
When I get 70 Pld I want the Rosenbogen bow and I am thinking of crafting it. Getting the drop will be better than spending 350-400k for the bulb since the rest of the items needed cost under 20k combined.
Mysterytour recommended a party of low 70s to take him. I'd say thats about right, though you can probably get away with fewer. Nothing all that special about this NM - he hits harder and has more HP than the normal saplings, but nothing special outside of that. Of course saplings have some annoying moves: AE sleep and an pretty powerful AE damage/knockback.
I did this tonight with 2 friends. Our party was PLD/WAR (me), MNK/WAR, and BRD/WHM, all 75. We each used our 2hrs, since we needed more healing power and a big sprout spin took me down pretty far. The MNK used his 2hr at the end to finish it off quickly. Drops were 2 bags of fruit seeds, a bag of cactus stems, and a leshonki bulb. Also 2000 gil each for our trouble. Considering he was nice enough to pop after cleaing the placeholders only once, I'd say it was a very enjoyable time.
To get to the spawn point, go through the lower level area of boyahda (basically head northwest from Aquarius spawn area). Once you travel up the tunnel into the open area with the elder goobs and steelshells, hug the right hand wall and fall down the first waterfall. Continue to hug the right hand wall and enter a tunnel with Boyahda Saplings (if you're familiar, this is just the route to get to Dragon's Aery). Leshonki is a lottery pop with a sapling in the first room you come to that has a Demonic Rose (morbol) in it. You can camp in the tunnel just before the room at a bend. Clear the saplings (they link but don't aggro), and then pull from the room (avoiding the morbol and spiders). Then once it pops, pull and kill like the other saplings you've been killing.