PM 5-3 Three Paths Spoilers  

The following are transcripts and video from the Chains of Promathia mission PM 5-3 Three Paths.

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Southern Legend

This cutscene can be viewed in game by talking to Bozack at (J-10) in Windurst Woods. Select the option Promathia Missions > Southern Legend.

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Perih Vashai : You wish to hear of Al'Taieu, adventurer?
Louverance : A moment.
To ask questions in such a blunt manner does not befit a lady.
Louverance : My most humble apologies for the intrusion, Chieftainnes Perih Vashai.
Louverance : My name is Louverance N Mistalle.
To save the people of vana'diel, I seek the truth that hides behind the veil of history.
Louverance : A time of apocalypse is at hand.
I beg you for the guiding knowledge of ages, passed down through the Mithran race...
Perih Vashai : I understand your situation.
However, I know nothing of the city painted in that picture.
Perih Vashai : Even if you were to ask the Mithran Trrrackers, I doubt they would have an answer for you.
They are on a journey to fulfill an important duty.
Louverance : ...?
If I may be so bold, are the Mithran Trackers following the scent of some grave crime?
Perih Vashai : Yes. They came to demand atonement for the sins of the Tavnazian cardinal.
Louverance : The cardinal?
What crime could she have committed?
Perih Vashai : Strrrangely enough, her sins are related to the picture you speak of.
Perih Vashai : That picture was stolen from the Temple of Uggalepih.
Perih Vashai : A Mithran Trrracker traveled to Tavnazia to recover it, but was instead presented with a deal by the cardinal.
Louverance : A deal?
Perih Vashai : The cardinal apparently knew everything about the legend rrrecited by the Mithra, and the duty that it entails.
Perih Vashai : She also stated that the means to carry out that duty had been prepared in Tavnazia.
Perih Vashai : The trrracker had no choice but to accept the deal.
The fate of Vana'diel's people was placed in the hands of the cardinal.
Louverance : Chieftainness, indulge me if you will.
Louverance : What is this legend, and what of the duty it reveals?
What had your people intended to do?
Perih Vashai : That duty was given to the Mithra by the ancient race depicted in the picture.
A duty to awaken the sleeping gods...
Louverance : The sleeping gods...!?
Perih Vashai : Surely you have heard the tale of the ancient rrrace that wounded Vana'diel by opening the Gates of Paradise?
Perih Vashai : The Emptiness that poured from that wound tried to swallow everything in its path: the mountains, the seas, the skies, the forests, even life itself.
Perih Vashai : The living beings of Vana'diel decided to use the tears that Altana had shed to cleanse the world.
Perih Vashai : However, a battle erupted between the king of people and the king of dragons over the fifth tear. A conflict that knew no end...
Perih Vashai : The people that survived used the power of the sleeping gods to heal the wounded land.
Louverance : And that is the legend told by the Mithra?
Perih Vashai : Adventurer.
In your trrravels you would have seen the giant, glowing crystals that lie hidden far away from civilization.
Perih Vashai : Those crystals are the rrresting places of the gods.
Perih Vashai : Slumbering within are the immortal beings who were called forth to heal the land in the age of legend.
Perih Vashai : The wounded land of Vana'diel bleeds forth dreaded Emptiness...
Perih Vashai : It is now time for us to awaken the sleeping deities, and mend our sufferrring world.
Louverance : And this is the role that the cardinal attempted to fill?
But how...?
Perih Vashai : That has not yet been rrrevealed to me.
Perih Vashai : But if you must learn the answer to that question, you should ask the Tavnazian theologian who was a survivor of the Great War.
Perih Vashai : Before she is punished for that crrrime...
Louverance : ...!
Perih Vashai : Do you need further explanation?
The Mithran sin hunters never forgive a crime.
The sin does not die with the sinner.
Perih Vashai : Be careful with your actions.
It is not our place to judge your sins, but in time, your sins may come to judge you.

Louverance : What do you make of her words, PLAYERNAME?
Louverance : The theology of the Mithra veers quite dramatically from that of the San d'Orian Cathedral in several respects.
Louverance : The legend concerning the five tears of Altana is especially at odds with what the Elvaan believe...
Louverance : That is why I warn you not to swallow her tale without question.
Louverance : Talk of legends aside, the chieftainness's description of the Emptiness that has appeared in every corner of Vana'diel is an indisputable truth.
Louverance : However, the Mithran Trackers are now chasing after the theologian, Prishe, and not Cardinal Mildaurion.
Louverance : Which would mean that even the trackers were unable to locate the whereabouts of the cardinal.
Louverance : Does this mean that the cardinal has already bid farewell to this world?
Louverance : Has my astonishing luck finally failed me...?
Honoi-Gomoi : It is nice to see you after so long, sir.
I wonder if you remember old Honoi-Gomoi?
Honoi-Gomoi : I thought you might have informed me of your presence.
I was mightaruly surprised to hear that you were in town.
Honoi-Gomoi : As always, your visits cause quite a stir...
Louverance : ...
Honoi-Gomoi : But I do so babble-wabble on.
Your subordinates bode me to pass this on to you.
Honoi-Gomoi : It is an item that should help tremendously in your task.
Louverance : But this is...!
Honoi-Gomoi : Yes, indeed.
It was broken when you crossed swords with that detestable Vukki.
Honoi-Gomoi : I went to greataru lengths to have this repaired for you...
Honoi-Gomoi : What's more, I finally made progress on that task you entrusted to me so long ago.
Honoi-Gomoi : That despicable bounty hunter that caused you so much trouble, "Goldmane"...
Louverance : You have information?
Honoi-Gomoi : Yes.
According to some Mithran pirates, the rascal has purchased a small, desertarued island south of Mhaura...
Louverance : I see.
My luck has not forsaken me after all...
Louverance : PLAYERNAME.
I ask that you leave the rest of this task to me, alone.
Louverance : My incredible luck does not extend to those around me.
It may prove to be more of a hindrance than a help.
Until next we meet.

Final Fantasy XI

This page last modified 2009-11-15 13:40:10.