campaign union  

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Overview: what are Unions?

Unions are special groups that players can join when participating in campaign battles. Players who have enlisted in a union may be eligible to receive treasures at the end of the battles depending on how much they contribute during battle.

Unions are purely optional. Players are not placed into parties with other adventurers upon joining unions.

Registering for a Union

Players must register for unions by speaking to the campaign arbiter after obtaining allied tags to participate in the battle. Adventurers can choose which union they would like to join, regardless of their nation of allegiance.

Once you have joined your union, you must remain in that union until the end of the battle to reap the full reward from your contributions. If you leave your union to join another union, your contributions during that battle will be reset.

The five unions are:

  • Adder Union
  • Bison Union
  • Coyote Union
  • Dhole Union
  • Eland Union

Disbanding from a Union

There are several ways to disband from your union:

  • Speak to the campaign arbiter and request to disband
  • Log out
  • Get a campaign evaluation
  • Leave the zone

Union Rewards

To be eligible to lot for Union treasure, a player's contributions to the battle must be evaluated at a certain level or higher.

When campaign battles end, a coffer will appear for each union. Any member of a union can open his or her group's specific coffer, and all union members who have met the contribution requirement can lot on the coffer's contents. Items not lotted will be randomly distributed to union members. Union members who are KO'd in battle cannot lot on the spoils of their coffers until they are raised.

Union Members in Non-Union Parties

Players who join unions can also be in parties and alliances with non-union players. However, union members cannot lot on items in the regular treasure pool of their non-union parties and alliances. Also, party and alliance members who are not in unions will be unable to receive items from standard battles and non-union activities if they're in the same area as union registrants in their parties.

Final Fantasy XI

This page last modified 2009-07-21 16:54:37.