Ever the reliable source of information, Alexei Mayakov has revealed that suspicious individuals donning distinct purple livery have been sighted out in Valdeaunia. Keen to allay her anxiety over recent occurrences, Lilisette has resolved to pursue this new lead.
Zone into Beaucedine Glacier {S} from E-4 in Batallia Downs {S}. You can also warp to the campaign arbiter if you've already visited the zone.
A cutscene will begin as soon as you zone in. You will receive a Shadow Bug key item at the end of the cutscene.
To read the transcripts for this quest, see the Northland Exposure Spoilers page.
This mission is part of the Wings of the Goddess mission series. Check the Wings of the Goddess Mission and Quest Progression page for details. Other missions in the series include:
This page last modified 2010-03-15 15:50:12.