The Version Update Has Arrived!

The highly anticipated version update for the Wings of the Goddess expansion is here at last! All of the exciting content you've seen announced on this site, plus a host of all-new features awaits you!

The content (including the new jobs and areas) in the Wings of the Goddess expansion disc will not be available for play until November 22, even in the case where the required software has been installed and expansion contents registered.


New menu headings have been added in conjunction with the Wings of the Goddess expansion contents.

image â—‹Missions
- Wings of the Goddess
- Campaign
- Crystal War
â—‹Region Info
- Campaign

Many new quests are available in the areas added with the Wings of the Goddess.

The following new regions have been added.
The Ronfaure Front
The Norvallen Front
The Gustaberg Front
The Derfland Front
The Sarutabaruta Front
The Aragoneu Front
*Maps for areas that exist in present Vana’diel will be usable in the same area in the past.
**Past Vana’diel time will not be displayed when selecting “Current Time” from the main menu.

A new, large-scale battle system known as “Campaign” has been introduced.
Related Information>>

The icon that represents beastman-controlled regions on the Conquest map has been changed.

It is no longer necessary to speak with an NPC to move to a Rent-a-Room.

The “Residence” heading on the Profile window has been deleted.

- Party members can now be invited into your Mog House.
- You can open your Mog House to all party and alliance members by selecting the new “Open Mog” option added to the Mog House menu.
- Visit a party member’s open Mog House by speaking to the NPC located near the Residential Area entrance and selecting that character’s name from the list displayed. You will be led to your friend’s Mog House automatically.

*Disbanding or leaving a party will not expel party members that are already in your Mog House. Selecting “Close Mog” from the Mog House menu will, however, expel all characters besides the owner.

The following changes have taken place in the quests “An Understanding Overlord?”, “An Affable Adamantking?”, “A Moral Manifest?”, and “A Generous General?”:

  • It is now possible to begin the remaining three quests even after completing one of the quests mentioned above and receiving the reward. However, the quests will not become available to characters that have the previous quest reward currently equipped.
  • It is now possible to voluntarily abandon an accepted quest by speaking with the respective guildmaster.

The following changes have been made to the Chocobo Circuit:

  • By speaking with an NPC in the Chocobet Center or the grandstand, it is now possible to see a list detailing the information of chocobos that will appear in the race overseen by that NPC.
  • You can now see the results of previous races at the General Information Center.
  • You can now choose whether or not to return a chocobet ticket to a Chocobet Center NPC after a race.
  • The length of time a chocobo will be required to wait between entering races has been reduced from one week to one day (Earth time).

â—‹The following changes have been made to C3 Chocobo Races:
Signup fee reduced from 5,000 gil to 1,000 gil
Signup fee reduced from 30 chocobucks to 20 chocobucks
Winnings reduced from 50,000 gil to 10,000 gil
â—‹The following changes have been made to C4 Chocobo Races:<
Signup fee reduced from 2,000 gil to 500 gil
Winnings reduced from 10,000 gil to 5,000gil
â—‹C1 and C2 Chocobo Races have been introduced.
â—‹Certain NPC dialogs can now be canceled partway through.

Gobbiebag quests Part VII and Part VIII have been added.

These quests will become available after fulfilling certain conditions, and allow players to carry even more items in their all-new gobbiebags!

Players must complete all previous gobbiebag quests before the new gobbiebag quests will become available.

Toraimaral Canal Gate → Gingerberry Grove
- The label “Toraimarai Canal Gate” on the Windurst Waters map has been changed to “Gingerberry Grove”.

The following labels have been added to the Davoi map:
Bellenorque Abbey
Maison de Beaulaurand
Devil's Finger
The Pechune
The Rofeule


Two new jobs, dancer and scholar, are now available.
Specific quests must be completed in order to obtain each job.
*The limit break quest “Shattering Stars” will be implemented for dancer and scholar in the next version update.
In order to raise the dancer or scholar job above level 71 before the next version update, it will be necessary to first complete “Shattering Stars” with a different job.
Related Information>>

Many new monsters have been introduced along with the Wings of the Goddess areas.
Some of these creatures will react aggressively to the use of job abilities and weapon skills.

The following changes have been made to two-handed weapons:<

  • Bonuses from attributes have been reduced.
  • The method for calculating damage has been readjusted.

The effects of the following weapon skills have been adjusted:
Tachi: Yukikaze
Tachi: Gekko
Tachi: Kasha

A new white magic spell “Repose” has been added.
â—‹Repose (Level 48)
Puts an enemy to sleep.

A new thief job ability “Accomplice” has been added.
â—‹Accomplice (Level 65)
Steals half of the target party member's enmity and redirects it to the thief.

The following changes have been made to beastmaster pet commands:
â—‹”Heel,” “Stay,” and “Leave” now share the same recast time.
â—‹The recast time for ”Heel,” “Stay,” and “Leave” has been reduced from 10 seconds to 5 seconds.
â—‹The amount of health recovered when a beastmaster uses the “Stay” command on a pet out of combat has been greatly increased.

A new beastmaster pet command “Snarl” has been added.
â—‹Snarl (Level 45)
Transfer enmity to a pet invoked with the "Call Beast" ability.

A new ranger job ability “Velocity Shot” has been added.
â—‹Velocity Shot (Level 45)
Increases attack power and speed of ranged attacks, while reducing attack power and speed of melee attacks.

Several issues concerning the Gigas race have been addressed. This has resulted in a change of graphics and jobs for a section of the Gigas population.

The strength of the Fomor notorious monster “Lobias” who inhabits the Sacrarium area of the Tavnazian Archipelago has been adjusted.

A character’s 2-hour ability will now wear off when changing areas.

The following changes have been made to Pankration:
â—‹New feral skills have been added.
STR +50/DEX +50/VIT +50/AGI +50/INT +50/MND +50/CHR +50/Max HP +30%/Max MP +30%/Attack +30%/Defense +30%/Magic Attack +30%/Magic Defense +30%/Accuracy +30%/Magic Accuracy +30%/Evasion +30%/ Interruption Rate -50%
â—‹It is now possible to capture elementals on soul plates for use in creating a soul reflector.
â—‹It is now possible to confirm your match time by speaking with the NPC after making a match application.
â—‹Investigating the fence surrounding the battle cages will now allow you to choose among several camera angles from which to observe the current match.


New items purchasable with guild points have been added to the trading contract quests.

New “food” category items have been added.

Many new types of equipment have been added.

The following items have been added to the equipment/furniture accepted by the storage NPC:
Moogle Cap
Nomad Cap

The icon graphics for the following items have been changed:
Thief's Tools/Bast Parchment/Insect Fletchings/Southern Pearl/Eastern Paper/Unicorn Horn/Ultima's Cerebrum/Ultima's Heart/Ultima's Claw/Ultima's Leg/Ultima's Tail/Omega's Eye/Omega's Heart/Omega's Foreleg/Omega's Hind Leg/Omega's Tail/Plaited Cord/Vanilla/Marid Hide/Marid Leather/Orobon Lure/Cerberus Hide/Cerberus Leather/Puk Fletching/Plasma Oil/Soulflayer Tentacle/Khimaira Horn/Khimaira Tail/Giant Donko/Hermes Quencher/Scapegoat/Apkallu Egg/Lufaise Fly/Bronze Bullet/Morion Tathlum/Phantom Tathlum/Arctic Wind/East Wind/Zephyr/Antarctic Wind/Nazar Bonjuk

The attributes for the “ebisu fishing rod” have been adjusted.

The names of the following items have been changed:

Neutralizing Plt. -> Neutralizing Slv.
Rogue's Plt. -> Rogue's Silver


image The “Macros” option in the main menu has been expanded to contain 20 macro “books.”
It is possible to register up to ten “sets” of macros within each book. Each macro book can be labeled with any name the player chooses.

New text commands have been added:

Individual macro books or sets can be selected by combining the “/macro“ command with the “book” and “set” subcommands.<>

To select Book 15
/macro book 15

To select Set 3
/macro set 3

â—‹/campaignmap, /cmap
This command opens the “Campaign” map under “Region Info” in the main menu.

An issue with the arrival and departure animations of the airships and ferries has been addressed.

An issue wherein the travel time for the following ferry routes was shorter than intended has been addressed:
Open sea route to Mhaura<
Silver Sea route to Nashmau

Many new terms have been added to the auto-translate dictionary.

Category Term
Game Terms Campaign
Game Terms Allied Notes
Game Terms Morale
Game Terms Prosperity
Game Terms Reconnaissance
Game Terms Fortifications
Game Terms Resources
Game Terms Influence
Game Terms Controlled Areas
Game Terms Heroism Gauge
Game Terms In Conflict
Game Terms Confederate Icon
Game Terms Layer Area
Game Terms Campaign Evaluation
Game Terms Allied Tags
Game Terms Sigil
Game Terms Temporary Item
Game Terms Campaign Ops
Game Terms campaign battle
Game Terms checkpoint garrison
Game Terms medal
Game Terms opinion poll
Game Terms audience
Game Terms war climate details
Game Terms battle strategies
Game Terms internal policy
Game Terms skill
Game Terms production
Game Terms Op Credits
Text Commands /macro
Text Commands /campaignmap
Groups Allied Forces of Altana
Groups Royal Army of San d'Oria
Groups Republican Army of Bastok
Groups Federal Forces of Windurst
Groups Orcish Hosts
Groups Quadav Shieldwarriors
Groups Yagudo Theomilitary
Groups Dark Kindred
Jobs Dancer
Jobs Scholar
Spells Repose
Spells Pyrohelix
Spells Hydrohelix
Spells Ionohelix
Spells Cryohelix
Spells Geohelix
Spells Anemohelix
Spells Luminohelix
Spells Noctohelix
Spells Firestorm
Spells Rainstorm
Spells Thunderstorm
Spells Hailstorm
Spells Sandstorm
Spells Windstorm
Spells Aurorastorm
Spells Voidstorm
Job Abilities Trance
Job Abilities Sambas
Job Abilities Drain Samba
Job Abilities Aspir Samba
Job Abilities Haste Samba
Job Abilities Waltzes
Job Abilities Curing Waltz
Job Abilities Healing Waltz
Job Abilities Divine Waltz
Job Abilities Jigs
Job Abilities Spectral Jig
Job Abilities Chocobo Jig
Job Abilities Steps
Job Abilities Quickstep
Job Abilities Box Step
Job Abilities Stutter Step
Job Abilities Flourishes
Job Abilities Wild Flourish
Job Abilities Desperate Flourish
Job Abilities Animated Flourish
Job Abilities Violent Flourish
Job Abilities Reverse Flourish
Job Abilities Building Flourish
Job Abilities Tabula Rasa
Job Abilities Light Arts
Job Abilities Dark Arts
Job Abilities Modus Veritas
Job Abilities Strategems
Job Abilities Penury
Job Abilities Celerity
Job Abilities Rapture
Job Abilities Accession
Job Abilities Parsimony
Job Abilities Alacrity
Job Abilities Ebullience
Job Abilities Manifestation
Job Abilities Accomplice
Job Abilities Velocity Shot
Pet Commands Snarl
Place Names 2 Southern San d'Oria [S]
Place Names 2 East Ronfaure [S]
Place Names 2 Jugner Forest [S]
Place Names 2 Batallia Downs [S]
Place Names 2 Everbloom Hollow
Place Names 2 The Eldieme Necropolis [S]
Place Names 2 Bastok Markets [S]
Place Names 2 North Gustaberg [S]
Place Names 2 Grauberg [S]
Place Names 2 Ruhotz Silvermines
Place Names 2 Vunkerl Inlet [S]
Place Names 2 Pashhow Marshlands [S]
Place Names 2 Rolanberry Fields [S]
Place Names 2 Crawlers' Nest [S]
Place Names 2 Windurst Waters [S]
Place Names 2 West Sarutabaruta [S]
Place Names 2 Fort Karugo-Narugo [S]
Place Names 2 Ghoyu's Reverie
Place Names 2 Meriphataud Mountains [S]
Place Names 2 Sauromugue Champaign [S]
Place Names 2 Garlaige Citadel [S]
Place Names 2 The Ronfaure Front
Place Names 2 The Norvallen Front
Place Names 2 The Gustaberg Front
Place Names 2 The Derfland Front
Place Names 2 The Sarutabaruta Front
Place Names 2 The Aragoneu Front
Game Terms 2 Smokescreen
Game Terms 2 Pit Spider
Game Terms 2 Aegis Scream
Game Terms 2 Granite Rose
Game Terms 2 Hawk Eye
Game Terms 2 Slaughterhouse
Game Terms 2 Brave Dawn
Game Terms 2 Stock and Awe
Game Terms 2 Materiel Storm
Game Terms 2 Vanguard-X
Game Terms 2 Crimson Domino
Game Terms 2 Crystal Fist
Game Terms 2 Iron Anvil
Game Terms 2 Streetsweeper
Game Terms 2 Delta Strike

[Windows Only]

The option “Run in Windowed Mode” has been added to the “General” tab of the FINAL FANTASY XI Config Tool. Checking this box and saving the new settings will run the game in windowed mode the next time you start FINAL FANTASY XI.

image*When checking this box, the message “You may experience lower frame rates or other problems depending on your computer's specifications. Uncheck the box and use full screen mode to improve performance.” will be displayed. To switch to windowed mode, you will be required to select “Yes” from the subsequent options provided.

**Using the default settings while in windowed mode may cause problems with the game screen.
The following settings are suggested if any problems are encountered in windowed mode.

These settings are a general example, and the optimal values may differ depending on the graphic card, etc. being employed.


Warnings for Windowed Mode

After changing the settings, the size of the window will be displayed under “Overlay Graphics Resolution” on the “Screen Size” tab. While in windowed mode, it is possible to alter the window size by clicking and dragging on the edge of the window with the mouse. Press and hold the Shift key to maintain the same vertical and horizontal proportions. Right-click on the title bar and select “Default Size” to return the window to the default window size setting.

Even in the case where the maximum value for the “Overlay Graphics Resolution” is set to the same value as the full screen display, the window will be slightly smaller than the full screen.

It is not possible to take screenshots in windowed mode by pressing the Alt key and the Print Screen key.

The brightness, contrast, sharpness, etc. of windowed mode will differ slightly from full screen mode.

You may lose your connection and be returned to PlayOnline when performing the following actions while FINAL FANTASY XI is running:
Activating certain screen savers
Starting other applications

[Known Issues]

The terms “Burrow” and “Bore” are reversed in the display shown by the Chocobet NPCs when asked for race chocobo information.

Xbox 360 Only

After installing the expansion disc Wings of the Goddess, or the Final Fantasy XI: Vana'diel Collection, and attempting to download the version update, the error code "POL-12313" will be displayed. Retrying the download will allow the version update to proceed normally.


Post Comment
still not fixed :(
# Nov 20 2007 at 12:20 PM Rating: Decent
I run a P4 3.2 ghz, ATI 9800xt 256 graphics card, 4 gigs memory, Logitech G15 Gaming keyboard(USB), Microsoft laser/wireless mouse(USB), Windows Vista Home Premium...

I just tried to play again and every issue is still there... If you are running a USB keboard try unplugging it and plugging in a regular port keyboard and u will notice your text issue will be fine...

Regaurdless of this my in game FPS is still 4 FPS... I have been playing on the same system since I started and It has always been super fast so whatever the issue it is an FF-11 coding error. For some reason it isn't effecting every system but then again when we were having the DC issues it wasnt either(after update some time back, DC'n after entering certain area's).

Wether its a text/typing problem experienced or in Game FPS, there is an issue with the update and i hope they find it soon :).

glitched text in windowed mode
# Nov 20 2007 at 12:00 PM Rating: Decent
I didn't experience the significant drop in FPS as described by some other posters (if you use vista, make sure you turn off desktop overlay), but one thing that kind of bothers me is that the text in game is glitched, which makes it somewhat hard to read.

My OS: Windows Vista Home Premium
Graphic Card: Nvidia 7600 x 2
Keyboard + Mouse: Razor Tarantula + Deathadder
Issue being fixed ^^
# Nov 20 2007 at 11:10 AM Rating: Decent
I had the same FPS issue as many here have stated... I asked some folks in Jueno who were having the same issue what OS they were running and 6/6 were in fact running Windows Vista. I assumed this most likely played a role in the FPS issues but wasn't 100% convinced. I did some test's and found that glitch was to do with the usb port and not a Vista problem at all. I reported my findings to S/E last night and upon log-on today they are doing emergency maintenance.

It can be an annoying thing when you spend an hour updating and then you can't play the game the way your use to. In saying that we have to realize the size of the game, the amount of code involved, and the idea there are human's behind it all, lol. I think S/E does their best to stay on top of things.

The addition of the "windowed mode" in my opinion was a way to give the users the chance to view information and maps on the web while playing. On lower end computers as they did mention, FPS can deteriorate and therefore should be used with caution. I saw some posting about how "S/E messed it up", I disagree with this. The all to famous Windower program is not an intergrated program, and yet a 3rd party stand alone. The amount of resources your computer uses therefore will be far less then an intergrated utitility/program. Increasing your RAM memory will help this issue. Making sure your processor and video card are up to par wouldnt be a bad idea either. :D

In closing, I certainly wouldn't be quiting a game I have so much time invested in because of a mistake... :)
Windowed Mode Runs Great!
# Nov 20 2007 at 12:55 AM Rating: Decent
43 posts
Windowed mode runs great for me! I've noticed my compy running a touch more slowly (i.e., like if I backspace while typing this post), but the game runs at the same framerate as it always does. So far, I notice no problems at all.

I have a Dell Dimension 3000 running Windows XP, 1GB of ram and an NVIDIA GeForce FX 5500 graphics card. I've got a wired Dell USB keyboard and mouse.

I'm now bouncing back and forth between looking stuff up on Firefox and playing FFXI. I've been wishing for a windowed mode forever. No longer do I have to use my ancient laptop to do my game research while I play.

Thanks SE! :D
FFXI: Selyne, White Mage
Hume - San d'Oria - Rank 8 - Siren World

FFXIV: Rowyne Moonsong, Conjurer
Wildwood Elezen - Gridania - Balmung World

Free Company & Linkshell: Kindred
wireless keyboard...
# Nov 19 2007 at 11:47 PM Rating: Decent
my keyboard is wireless, the hub connects by USB, in game, 4 fps, if I disconnect the usb plug all is fine, I just cant play the game
about waiting a week or 2...
# Nov 19 2007 at 11:12 PM Rating: Decent
I am not paying real money to play a game so I can sit around and wait for them to fix a problem. I can do NOTHING in the game. Chatting in LS is even a problem now. My time to play this game is limited as is, and being restricted even more by their mistakes should NOT be my problem.
about waiting a week or 2...
# Nov 19 2007 at 11:31 PM Rating: Decent
95 posts
I have wireless mouse and keyboard with windowed mode and I'm not having any trouble at all when it comes too FFXI. Only thing taking a hit is my internet. It's slow to type in this comment, and search internet, but I rather have that, than deal with not being able to look at maps I don't have or something when I need to. All-in-all, I think SE did a great job with this. I know they have bugs to fix and a lot of things to hash out, but that's expected from SE, nothing new.

As far as not getting a lot of time, I understand. I work second shift(full time 45 hours/week) and I go to college(part time 6 credit hours) as well. I'm married with a baby on the way and on top of that, my dad just had surgery for cancer. My time for FFXI, or anything else is VERY limited and yes, it stinks when I can't get on and play and have everything go smoothly. But I enjoy the time I have to play and do what I can to make it a better experience. Seems like most people need to upgrade their keyboards to wireless. ^^


I'm using a logitec wireless keyyboard and router. My PC is a DELL Dimension 9100. It's a year old, if not more and it's running fine. Not sure what's everyones deal is, beside PC configs and/or type of keyboards/mouses. My game is fine, but my internet is messed up like what you are describng your game is. Wierd!!!!

Edited, Nov 20th 2007 2:39am by babbott

Edited, Nov 20th 2007 2:55am by babbott
Another Melee job beat down with the nerf bat.
# Nov 19 2007 at 10:38 PM Rating: Decent
OI WTF was square thinking, Sam. took a rather large hit in the damage department. Its a sad day.......moment of silence please. //( . Y . )\\

Why do we need another support/mage job? eh.....
Give um time
# Nov 19 2007 at 10:10 PM Rating: Decent
It's just the initial update problems. Give it a week or two, and alot of these problems will be smoothed out. Square Enix will take care of its fans, give them time to work some things out.
FPS problem
# Nov 19 2007 at 10:02 PM Rating: Decent
NOT in windower mode, taking 5 minutes to log into game, 4 FPS, can only type 1 keystroke every 2 seconds, this is horrible
FPS comment
# Nov 19 2007 at 9:59 PM Rating: Decent
yes, NOT in windoer mode, taking 5 minutes to log iNTO game, getting like 4FPS, can't type a message with more that one keystroke every 2 seconds, this is utterly horrible
FPS comment
# Nov 19 2007 at 10:32 PM Rating: Decent
That was my problem exactly. Its the Keyboard. If you unplug it, it works great! ( except now you don't have a means of playing).. I don't know why it does it, but it just does. so weird.
SE's Windower
# Nov 19 2007 at 9:44 PM Rating: Decent
If you don't like their windower, don't use it. Plain & Simple. Move on and quit crying about it. To that other person that said "If they don't fix it, I'm leaving the game. I am so mad." That's some funny S#@T! Doubt you'd do it, but more power to ya! It's their first attempt, ya gotta give them props for even givin it to us, they didn't have to ya know. I just feel bad for all of those ppl that got banned for using the 3rd party....well, no...they did it to themselves. Don't play by the rules, BAMN!

Seriously, give them time, I'm sure they'll have all the bugs worked out soon. Too many specs on various computers out there. Wha'd ya expect, it to work flawlessly for everyone first shot? Yea, right... Go back to the full screen mode till next patch, or like someone else said, check your vid card or computer specs before crying... That's my 99 cents...go buy a burger with that on me:D
SE's Windower
# Nov 19 2007 at 10:04 PM Rating: Decent
24 posts
I'm not in windowed mode. I don't plan on using it anyway because games always look better in native resolutions. The bug has to do with USB keyboards. It affects users weather or not they use windowed mode. My FPS drop to 4 or 5 and I can't do anything. When I unplug the keyboard it goes away, but how am I supposed to play...
# Nov 19 2007 at 9:16 PM Rating: Decent
Anyone else have there FPS changed even in full screen mode?
cant get wotg
# Nov 19 2007 at 9:10 PM Rating: Decent
I haven't been on ffxi or anything about it for a while school work sucks but i know for a fact that I'm not going to be able to get the new expansion how will that affect gameplay? I was hopeing it just wouldn't let me into the new territories, but what about the new jobs and quests are you able to do those or are you out of luck and thanks for the help in advance ^^
# Nov 19 2007 at 8:34 PM Rating: Default
Thats because they don't make money off the #\3rd person programs. If they did make money off them then there would be no problem at all. and I hate to break it to all of you but FFxi sucks in normal mode too.
# Nov 19 2007 at 7:58 PM Rating: Decent
55 posts
All I have to say, wow SE's Windower sucks. I tried it out and 10min later I couldn't stand it anymore and shut the program down. They did a poor application of this.
New summons
# Nov 19 2007 at 7:23 PM Rating: Default
They said at the fan festival that SMN will get new summons next year but what they will be is top secret.
# Nov 19 2007 at 7:06 PM Rating: Decent
lol they act like making a game in windowed mode is so difficult. ff11 is the only game that i know of where the windowed mode is so messed up that youre better off not using it.
SE, why do you punish us so?
# Nov 19 2007 at 6:38 PM Rating: Default
125 posts
Why would they include a windowed option (Finally) if they were going to prevent us from using other applications? That makes no sense. -_- Furthermore, why would they reduce FPS? Windower did this job for years, without a reduction in gameplayability....and it wasn't made by square!

This boggles my mind, making my brain hurt. -_-;
Windower problems...
# Nov 19 2007 at 6:20 PM Rating: Decent
Kinda pointless to rant about it why not state some specs of you graphics card and pc maybe that would be more useful?
FPS problems
# Nov 19 2007 at 5:45 PM Rating: Decent
THIS UPDATE SUCKS! been reading on killing ifrit.. hundreds of ppl are lossing alot of FPS. i can bearly move ingame. all console users are fine. and iw ould say 30% pc users are experiencing these diffculties. i cannot play for ****.. i talked 2 a GM. and he said he had heard nothing of this.. which is clearly BS. ive hand counted 47 ppl with this problem. and thats in my 3 ls's. and even more on killing. the old windower 3.3 still works if you just remove the recast.dll in the init file. waiting in line for Lice support help ATM. but i guess they will prolly tell me 2 Foff aswell. and with the new EXP comming out in two days? juuust great -.- if anyone knows how 2 fix this please reply to my post here or PM thanks.
FPS problems
# Nov 19 2007 at 7:26 PM Rating: Decent
24 posts
I agree, just tried logging in. The FPS is unbelievably low. I've been running the game at 4x antialiasing and 16x aniostropic filtering along with triple buffering and 24-bit z buffer. My only problems have been sandstorms in Valkurm, but now??!?!?!?! I CAN"T EVEN TYPE AN LS MESSAGE. This is bull****. If they don't fix it, I'm leaving the game. I am so mad.
FPS problems
# Nov 19 2007 at 9:42 PM Rating: Default
I talked to the GM, He said Square is aware of this problem and currently working on a solution - blahblahblah.

This is a full screen mode error as well as a window'd error. All lower end PC's are getting screwed for a bit it looks like.
FPS problems
# Nov 19 2007 at 7:42 PM Rating: Default
lets see.. everyone getting home from school/work and downloading a 3 hour update.. honestly this happens every update so best bet is to try again another day. hehe

although i logged in to whitegate (most laggy for me) and seemed just as normal as always. i even browsed the AH..
FPS problems
# Nov 19 2007 at 9:30 PM Rating: Decent
24 posts
OK, it is definately a problem with a USB keyboard setup. When I unplug my keyboard, my framerate goes back up(maybe better than it did before the update). And everything runs very smoothly. Just reverts back to all ffrigged up<not a typo> when I plug it back in. I'm going to try some other hardware settings and I'll repost.
FPS problems - Temp Fix
# Nov 20 2007 at 11:06 AM Rating: Decent
24 posts
I found a temporary fix for the FPS problems people have been having after this update. I haven't had a chance to log in to verify that this fix works, but from reading posts on another site it sounds like a viable temporary workaround. The problem lies in a conflict between HID compliant devices and any game that uses the FEAR graphics engine.

right click My Computer > Properties > click Hardware tab > Device Manager

> right click HID compiant devices > disable.

I would suggest waiting for the emergency maintenence to finish before trying this as SE might have a permanent solution in the works. It's too bad they treat us like mushrooms and keep us in the dark only to feed us sh*t.
This will disable any of the "special" keys on your keyboard, but it's better than playing the game when it looks like a DVD in slow motion.
As always me=not responsible and I'm going to take a wild guess and say neither is the almighty Alla. (experience points) (party) (do you need it?).
FPS problems
# Nov 19 2007 at 8:02 PM Rating: Decent
24 posts
It's not a matter of server lag, It's definitely a graphics software problem client side. There are currently 1243 people logged into the server I use (Unicorn) which is about 1/4 of the usual amount..7 FPS is unbelievably low. I can't even auto-run for 10 ft before it stops me. I also doubt that the actual game server itself is responsible for distributing client software updates. That would be just plain stupid. I am ready for SE to address the problem at least. Even if a temporary workaround won't be implemented for another week or so, they need to let it be known that they are addressing the problem.
# Nov 19 2007 at 5:42 PM Rating: Decent
While I'm optimistic about the introduction of the windower option, I'm worried about the little caveat that if you decide to run other applications, the game will disconnect. I don't see the point of a windower if I can't run another application. I hope we can bypass this by starting AIM and Internet Explore prior to loading ffxi...
All the info?
# Nov 19 2007 at 5:34 PM Rating: Default
Is this all the information about WoTG? Was all of the stuff about new avatars for Smn and Reflect for Pld ect just a rumor?
All the info?
# Nov 19 2007 at 6:19 PM Rating: Decent
463 posts
No, it's not a rumor. All that information was straight from SE's (collective) mouth. This is all they're currently updating; there will be more updates to come. Expect PLD to get their changes in another update, maybe even soon, but any new Avatars (SE never said they would be summonable, btw, but they might be) will probably come in with the expansion, not an update.
# Nov 19 2007 at 5:29 PM Rating: Decent
i'm worried about them changing
Tachi: Yukikaze
Tachi: Gekko
Tachi: Kasha
don't gimp sam :(
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