Exclusive: Murgleis, The Red Mage Supersword

Written by Thayos

Until now, the joyeuse has been the sword of choice for many red mages.

Key words: until now.

Red mages, meet your dream sword.

The Murgleis.


As designed, the Nyzul Isle relic sword is stronger than the joyeuse. It's just as fast, and attacks twice.

The convert-enhancing effect is absolutely amazing. When you convert with the sword equipped, you automatically get back half of your hit points, plus whatever hit points were just converted from your mana pool. In other words, no more sudden deaths from converting just before a mob's AoE attack. No more cure bombs after converting. No need to stop nuking if you're in the middle of a chainspell. Simply put, it's made of win.

The aftermath effect of increased magic accuracy and magic attack is also something to behold. The effect kicks in after using the new weaponskill, Death Blossom, with the sword equipped. And, the potency of the aftermath effect is boosted when the weaponskill is used at 200 or 300 TP. From what I was told, the boost to the aftermath effect when used at higher TP levels is intended to be extremely generous.

Because these weapons have not yet been officially tested, the total damage capabilities of these weapons and their weaponskills remains unknown. Also unknown is whether the Murgleis or the new weaponskills have any hidden effects.

As you can see from the photos, the weaponskill itself is stunning, like a giant, exploding rose. We reported earlier that the weaponskills will be obtainable separately from getting the relic weapon. The nature and difficulty of these weaponskill quests remain a mystery, but a member of the FFXI community relations team told me "most" players will be able to learn these new moves.

I nearly fell out of my chair on Friday when it was announced that Pikko and I would be the first to test these weapons. We sat side-by-side in the Alexandria conference room at SE headquarters, playing on Xbox 360s hooked up to giant flat-screen monitors. Our characters were brunette Hume females, decked out in full Morrigan's gear with the relic weapons. We entered a special assault area of the Mamool Ja Training Grounds on the Atomos server, aided by a massive TP regen (added solely for our enjoyment) and a member of the FFXI community relations team who served as our Tarutaru white mage.

We swung our swords and spammed Death Blossom. The rose animation grew and shattered as mobs fell dead left and right.

It was beautiful.

Information on other Nyzul Isle relic weapons can be found at:

FFXIclopedia: Dragoon
FFXI Vault: Thief
Warcry: Dancer
Stratics: Puppetmaster
Onlinewelten (German): Corsair
JeuxOnline (French): White Mage

Discuss this with other Allakhazam community members on our forums!



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easy to do??? lol
# Aug 30 2008 at 5:58 AM Rating: Default
>.> after year of playing i haven t end COP yet still stuck un athurgan mission i want the ws .. morrre than the relic ( because reallly toooooooooooooo long i need to study ( and other need to work) so hard to found a ls to done those thing .... + those relic are say to be weaker than the dynamis one and dynamis relic are in a way more easy to get, u jsute need dynamis ls, drop the relic delay 999, lot of money and some NMs and u fine
# Aug 04 2008 at 11:39 AM Rating: Decent
think that means*
# Aug 04 2008 at 11:38 AM Rating: Default
I thank means I might be the only RDM to ever Tank (RDM/WHM)in thhe game this sword and WS will make me the God of Tanks. And yes a goodwhm in party and oou can get a rdm to work like a pld. Besides that Death blossom makes me think of The Last Startfighter.
# Jul 31 2008 at 8:11 PM Rating: Decent




*reraises self and breathes*

...I want this....dual weild rdm/nin Murgleis/Joytoy...oh god...I think I'll die before I get this lovely piece of smex. *GASM*
Exclusive: Murgleis, The Red Mage
# Jul 30 2008 at 8:17 PM Rating: Default
...SE must forget people can't devote all of their time to FF plus, the team effort that these weapons take really doesn't exist in the game. Let;s hope the requirements for the new WS aren't as ridiculous as the weapons at least that's some.
from what i have read
# Jul 30 2008 at 5:59 AM Rating: Decent
With this weapon skill, after you get it you dont need the weapon anymore to use it, so basically if you have excal you can Main hand that and off hand murgleis. So basically you can use this WS with Excalibur O.O, Is it multi hit? who knows but atleast now we get to look at a new and sexier Joyeuse. IMO untill i got an Excal i would use this and Joy toy 4 attacks around baby go go go. And for those ppl that think rdm is over powered dont think for a minute that PPL would let rdms fight still, so in other words more soloing for me and another reason to pull out my rdm
j/k kinda
# Jul 29 2008 at 3:17 PM Rating: Decent
double post srry, damn work computers.

Edited, Jul 29th 2008 7:17pm by Ryh
j/k kinda
# Jul 29 2008 at 3:16 PM Rating: Decent
OMG RDM IS OVERPOWERED NOW!! /nin with joy/new relic + en spells!! SE FIX THIS NOW!!! /rant
j/k kinda
# Jul 31 2008 at 10:56 AM Rating: Decent
Rdm has always and will always be the most overpowered class in final fantasy online... get over it. lol (Of course ninja is a close second, gotta give them their love.)
yay overpowered RDM gets yet another boost.
# Jul 29 2008 at 2:54 PM Rating: Decent
the only good thing about this extra for rdm is that atl east sam didnt get another powerup, they could use the weapon skill i suppose but kinda seems pointless, personally i think whm would have been better off getting a weapon that amplifies Holy and dia etc, but onebuilt for melee, all they got so far is clubs for hexa strike (ftw) but i would love to see a video of whm/nin using a sword and shield soling leviathan, just to make whm more valuable, kinda made into asupport healer when its a whitemage wth, its supposed tobe the main haler in game but is made tolook retarded by rdm superpower convert and refresh, tghey shouldhave given whm a new superspell ie: "terro", make monsters to scared to hit them lol, just my 2 cent's tho, its one of those unattainable items i gues thats so hard to get its retarded, kinda a letdown.
yay overpowered RDM gets yet another boost.
# Jul 29 2008 at 6:56 PM Rating: Decent
558 posts
SAM gets a new relic too.

Giving WHM a sword wouldn't work well since they have no sword skill.

WHM's club aftermath has mag atk/mag acc according to wiki, so it would enhance holy.

Also it gives you permanent Divine Veil, which sounds pretty nice.
Hope you had fun!
# Jul 29 2008 at 12:59 PM Rating: Default
Congratulations Pikko! Hope testing everything out in that l337 gear was fun!
# Jul 29 2008 at 11:21 AM Rating: Default
63 posts
couple points.... a lot of those relic wielding players are no longer playing, and most of them used hax or bought gil in ways that are no longer available to normal players... also they were farming the items back when there werent all these other other endgame events to participate in.... and seriously.... i dont give a damn what anyone says any weapon that takes 3 years to get is *********
# Jul 29 2008 at 6:44 AM Rating: Decent
I'm like droooling right now! I've done Nyzul a few times, probably don't meet requirements for this yet but dammit I will. I want the sword but I'm gonna aim for death blossom first :D
# Jul 29 2008 at 6:39 AM Rating: Decent
Not only can you get the new relic weapon, dont forget about the weaponskill you can quest once you obtain the un-upgraded relic weapon. From what all the preveiews say, you will be able to quest the weaponskill and use it with ANY weapon once you get the initial relic weapon.
# Jul 29 2008 at 7:02 AM Rating: Decent
rmbbkr wrote:
Not only can you get the new relic weapon, dont forget about the weaponskill you can quest once you obtain the un-upgraded relic weapon.

uh? is that the prerequisite for the new WS? o_O
I thought its gonna be by going through some sort of quests like the trail ones
Nice stats but...
# Jul 28 2008 at 9:36 AM Rating: Decent
The real question for me is, will it beat Excalibur in a face-off? Excal has the incredible 3x damage proc as well as access to Knights of the Round weaponskill which can add an extra chain onto Light/Dark. As mentioned before, you do not NEED this weapon to use the Death Blossom ability as it is acquired separately, even if was clearly designed to work in tandem with this sword, meaning you could happily use Death Blossom with Excal equipped and perhaps get a 3x damage proc on it.

The magic accuracy is an interesting touch, but with all the accuracy gear and merits available I wonder if it will be as greatly noticeable as it might have been a few years back. That being said, when RDM chooses to melee they usually leave their magic gear at home.

At any rate I'll be checking on this sword's progress with great interest...
Nice stats but...
# Jul 28 2008 at 5:58 PM Rating: Default
Crystan wrote:

The magic accuracy is an interesting touch, but with all the accuracy gear and merits available I wonder if it will be as greatly noticeable as it might have been a few years back. That being said, when RDM chooses to melee they usually leave their magic gear at home.

At any rate I'll be checking on this sword's progress with great interest...

Well, they expanded the size of player's backpack few patches before, which means RDM could carry a bit more gears. I always carry one set for ACC/ATK, one STR/MND boost set for spamming KOR, one for enhacing boost and the rest for enfeebles whenever i go out.

In fact, Excalibur's 3x dmg effect isn't that astonding for rdms since our base atk is low. and Exclibur's extra dmg effect gets overwritten whenever i offhand Kclubs with my own en-spells.

so, in many ways, Excalibur doesn't fully match rdm's need.

on the other hand, this sword has less delay, double attack and mag acc which has an effect on en-spells, i'd say it suit rdm more than excablibur does.

whoppi freaking dew
# Jul 27 2008 at 4:46 PM Rating: Decent
whoppie freakin dew another weapon where you have to have no life to obtain
whoppi freaking dew
# Jul 28 2008 at 3:25 AM Rating: Good
1,204 posts
I'd have to agree, its another thing I would like, but will never obtain due to the fact I dont want to put all of my time into this game. I'm still struggling to catch up on other gear ><:
whoppi freaking dew
# Jul 27 2008 at 6:23 PM Rating: Decent
Drakenv wrote:
whoppie freakin dew another weapon where you have to have no life to obtain

that's what MMORPG meant to be :p
One can have only one life at the time, either in reality or in Vana diel.

Anyways, if you start off from nothing, the requirement looks nasty; however keep this in mind:
Aht Urhgan expansion has been out for almost 2 and half years.
For those hardcore players who participated in Nyzul, Salvage, Assult missions and Enherjar on their regular basis, they have probably reached those requirements even before this was announced.

So, for those people, the only thing left really is just
defeating ToAU Beastman Kings(some HNM LS may have done this already, even though, yeah, its really rare), Repeat all 50 assaults trading a book to each rune of release.
and collecting those points, tokens and Alexandrites.

the numbers of Alexandrites needed looked ridiculous before, but since SE said its gonna be lowered, we'll have wait to see that.
Weapon requirements
# Jul 27 2008 at 11:31 AM Rating: Good
135 posts
Here are the requirements for people that don't know

Have Captain Rank
Have the Runic Disc Key item which you get from clearing floor 100 Nyzul Isle
Get the weapon you are upgrading to drop from floor 100 Nyzul
Kill 4 Salvage Chariots
Kill 3 ToAU Beastman Kings in their strongholds
Kill Odin in Einherjar
Get 100k Einherjar points
Get 150k Nyzul Isle Tokens
Repeat all 50 assaults trading a book to each rune of release
50k Alexandrite (SE said they would lower this)
Win a BCNM (unknown what you fight its next patch)
Weapon requirements
# Jul 29 2008 at 8:50 AM Rating: Decent
1,145 posts
ZumiPhoenix wrote:
Here are the requirements for people that don't know

Have Captain Rank
Have the Runic Disc Key item which you get from clearing floor 100 Nyzul Isle
Get the weapon you are upgrading to drop from floor 100 Nyzul
Kill 4 Salvage Chariots
Kill 3 ToAU Beastman Kings in their strongholds
Kill Odin in Einherjar
Get 100k Einherjar points
Get 150k Nyzul Isle Tokens
Repeat all 50 assaults trading a book to each rune of release
50k Alexandrite (SE said they would lower this)
Win a BCNM (unknown what you fight its next patch)

So in other words, it'll take about three years to get it. No problem.
# Jul 27 2008 at 10:57 AM Rating: Default
lol I think all the excitement about new relic weapons are just to funny. Relic weapons have been out for years now and maybe only 20 people have one out of the millions of registered players. SE makes these thing way to difficult to obtain.
# Jul 27 2008 at 11:15 AM Rating: Decent
Obiar wrote:
lol I think all the excitement about new relic weapons are just to funny. Relic weapons have been out for years now and maybe only 20 people have one out of the millions of registered players. SE makes these thing way to difficult to obtain.

you just proved yourself of being both impudent and ignorant


Total Fourth Stage 558
Final Stage 1869

this was by May

by now there are probably over 2000 relics in their final shape

# Jul 27 2008 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
twenty or two thousand out of a million. Still long odds against ever having one.

Edited, Jul 27th 2008 6:23pm by Obiar
# Jul 27 2008 at 1:06 PM Rating: Decent
2,825 posts
wasn't the last census saying 500k player subscription? Lets say half that is 75 to be generous.

Thats 2000/250,000

Or rather, 1 for every 125 people, which are reasonable odds for something damn strong.

Thats just saying final. Lets say we round up to 2500 when we add in fourth stages since that still gets WS in with a reasonable weapon and is not THAT far off from final...

Thats basically 1 for every 100.

These strong weapons are NOT ment for everyone.
# Jul 28 2008 at 6:30 AM Rating: Decent
1,339 posts
PyroElf wrote:
These strong weapons are NOT ment for everyone.


Flawed logic. First of all, you presume that gathering all the mats for the relics will take skill (as the previous relics were *all* about the mats gathering). Clearly gathering mats takes SKILLED hands. After all, not just anyone can go out and gather materials, can they, no matter where they reside!

I can't wait to hear the 5,273,739 complaints a year from now where people are crying that their weapon refuses to drop so they can work on their relic weapon (or worse, a relic simply just doesn't DROP at all every week) simply because Square-Enix believes that the playerbase doesn't have fun unless it is punished by the RNG. After all, everyone loves their 'upgrades' being dictated by the RNG and completely out of their control.

Maintaining that the developers created content so that only a very, very small percentage their playerbase is supposed to see/obtain/achieve is an incredibly short-sighted and stupid stance. Square-Enix developers are stupid, but that doesn't mean the players should parrot their moronic outlook.
# Jul 29 2008 at 1:11 AM Rating: Good
StrijderVechter wrote:
PyroElf wrote:
These strong weapons are NOT ment for everyone.

Maintaining that the developers created content so that only a very, very small percentage their playerbase is supposed to see/obtain/achieve is an incredibly short-sighted and stupid stance. Square-Enix developers are stupid, but that doesn't mean the players should parrot their moronic outlook.

Well, obataining and keeping updated contents for everyone is indeed one of the most important jobs for them to be done; however, being unique and rare is also what players pursuit in game, else you can just play offline FF12.

There is only one King Arthur and one Genghis Khan, if everyone can be King Arthur, then hes no longer speical

# Jul 27 2008 at 8:34 AM Rating: Default
I like how you guys think SE will be handing these out for an event or something. Its a relic weapon. Have you read the requirements for it? lol, good luck
# Jul 27 2008 at 10:36 AM Rating: Decent
subzeroTFA wrote:
I like how you guys think SE will be handing these out for an event or something. Its a relic weapon. Have you read the requirements for it? lol, good luck

uh? yeah?

it is a relic weapon, so?

if its worth to get, then people will just devote their time and money for it.

so far Murgleis looks awesome, if its ensured its aftermath will have an effect on the en-magics

then I'm willing to spend my time for it.
after spending almost 2 years to get my excalibur
# Jul 27 2008 at 8:00 AM Rating: Good
I wish i can throw my excalibur back to the pond and ask for refunds <.<
Excuse me...
# Jul 27 2008 at 6:53 AM Rating: Decent
can i get a new pair of pants... This is a RDM's wet dream come true...

no longer shall we RDM be ostrasized and treated as the PLD's B***h. with this Sword, I dub the Pwnasaurus....
Excuse me...
# Jul 27 2008 at 7:23 AM Rating: Decent
with this Sword, I dub the Pwnasaurus....

Lmao, that's a good one.
# Jul 27 2008 at 6:13 AM Rating: Good
This sounds awesome. I can't wait to get this baby and go to town with my RDM.
A question
# Jul 27 2008 at 5:43 AM Rating: Excellent
74 posts
*edit out*

NVM. I should check the General forum first next time.

Edited, Jul 27th 2008 8:43am by Sanah
Not a RDM But...
# Jul 27 2008 at 5:26 AM Rating: Good
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